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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,221 - 132,240건 출력
  • 132221
    Book Info
    The mystery of godliness: a sermon preached before Her Majesty, at St. James's Chapel, on Sunday, Dec. 9th. 1705. By Lancelot Blackburne, ...
    Blackburne, Lancelot
  • 132222
    Book Info
    The nature and necessity of a Christian conversation. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, at Her Royal Chappel at St. James's, on Sunday Nov. 19. 1704. By Sir William Dawes, Baronet, D.D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Special Command
    Dawes, William
  • 132223
    Book Info
    The nature and necessity of religious resolution, in the defence and support of a good cause, in times of danger and trial. A sermon preach'd at the assizes, and before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Thursday, July 19th. 1705. By William Tilly ...
    Tilly, William
  • 132224
    Book Info
    The nature and necessity of religious resolution, in the defence and support of a good cause, in times of danger and trial. A sermon preach'd at the assizes, and before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Thursday, July 19th. 1705. By William Tilly M. A. Fellow of C. C. C. Oxon.
    Tilly, William
  • 132225
    Book Info
    The nature, causes, and consequences of divisions for the sake of greater edification. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford May 6. 1705. By Thomas Rennell, M. A. Fellow of Exeter Coll. Printed at the Request of Mr Vice-Chancellor
    Rennell, Thomas
  • 132226
    Book Info
    The new association of those called, moderate-church-men, with the modern-whigs and fanaticks, to under-mine and blow-up the present church and government. Occasion'd, by a late pamphlet, entituled, The danger of priest-craft, &c. With a supplement, on occasion of the new Scotch Presbyterian Covenant. By a true-church-man.
    Leslie, Charles
  • 132227
    Book Info
    The new association. Part. II. With farther improvements. ... An answer to some objections in the pretended D. Foe's explication, in the reflections upon the shortest way. ...
    Leslie, Charles
  • 132228
    Book Info
    The new practice of piety: writ in imitation of Dr. Browne's Religio medici: or, the Christian virtuoso: discovering the right way to heaven, between all extreams. Together with I. The Character of a Moderate (or Right) Christian, in all the Degrees of Perfection attainable in this World. II. A Specimen of Holy Living and Dying; copied from the Lives of the Primitive Christians. III. The Secret Di
    Dunton, John
  • 132229
    Book Info
    The northamptonshire witches. Being a true and faithful account of the births, educations, lives, and conversations, of Elinor Shaw, and Mary Phillips, (the two notorious witches) that were executed at Northampton on Saturday, March the 17th 1705, for bewitching a Woman and two Children to Death. &c. Containing, The manner and occasion of their turning Witches, the League they made with the Devil,
    Davis, Ralph
  • 132230
    Book Info
    The obligations of a justice of the peace, to be diligent in the execution of the penal-laws against prophaneness and debauchery, for the effecting of a national reformation. In a letter to a friend
  • 132231
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    The occasion of Scotland's decay in trade, with a proper expedient for recovery thereof, and the increase of our wealth
    Paterson, William
  • 132232
    Book Info
    The occasional conformist exhorted to constant communion with the Church of England: or, an abstract of His grace the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's treatise entituled An argument for union, taken from the true Interest of those Dissenters in England, who profess and call themselves Protestants. Printed, 1683
    Tenison, Thomas
  • 132233
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    The oculist. A poem Address'd To Sir William Read, Knt. Her Majesties Oculist in Ordinary
  • 132234
    Book Info
    The orphan: or, the unhappy-marriage. A tragedy. As it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by Tho. Otway.
    Otway, Thomas
  • 132235
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    The oxford treatment of their Cambridge friends, At the Act. In a dialogue between Eugenius and Crites
  • 132236
    Book Info
    The parson's jewel: or, Morgan's qualify'd incumbent. Wherein are contain'd all the niceties a clergy-man is to observe from a presentation to his benefice, to his qualifying himself at the next Quarter-Sessions after his induction. By Walter Morgan, Vicar de Jure of Llhan-Tri-Sanct in Com' Glamorgan, Clerk, and Chaplain to the Countess-Dowager of Peterborough, late Deceas'd
    Morgan, Walter
  • 132237
    Book Info
    The pastry-Cook's vade-mecum: or, a pocket-companion for Cooks, House-Keepers, Country Gentlewomen, &c. Containing, Choice and Excellent Directions, and Receipts for making all Sorts of Pastry-Work; Dressing the most Dainty Dishes; Candying, Preserving and Drying all manner of Fruit. As also, the Art of Distilling and Surgery
  • 132238
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    The patriot's proposal to the people of England concerning the ballot, the best way of choosing their representatives in Parliament
  • 132239
    Book Info
    The peculiar use and signification of certain words in the Latin tongue: or, a collection of observations, ... By William Willymott, ...
    Willymott, William
  • 132240
    Book Info
    The pen's dexterity: or, the art of short-writing improved, by incomparable contractions, whereby a sentence is writ as soon as a word. Allow'd by Authority, and past the two Universities with great Applause. Invented and taught by Jeremiah Rich
    Rich, Jeremiah