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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,241 - 132,260건 출력
  • 132241
    Book Info
    The penman's magazine: or, a new copy-book, of the English, French and Italian hands, after the best mode; ... after the originals of ... John Seddon. Perform'd by George Shelley ... Supervis'd and publish'd by Thomas Read, ...
    Seddon, John
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 132242
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    The philosophical transactions and collections, to the end of the year 1700. abridg'd and dispos'd under general heads. In three volumes. By John Lowthorp, M. A. and F. R. S.
    Royal Society (Great Britain)
  • 132243
    Book Info
    The picture of the first occasional conformist (Job 1.6.) drawn in little. Which being hang'd in a convenient place. Some may, as in a glass, see their own face: and also all the turncoat trimming train, that can, and will do any thing for gain.
  • 132244
    Book Info
    The pleasant and delightful history of Dorastus Prince of Sicily, and Fawnia, only daughter and heir to Pandosto King of Bohemia. Pleasant for age to shun drowzy thoughts; ... By R. Green, ...
    Greene, Robert
  • 132245
    Book Info
    The pleasant and delightful history of Montelion, the most valiant and renowned Knight of the Oracle, Son to Persicles, the Valiant King of Assyria, and fair Constantia Daughter to the Emperour of Persia; containing the many strange and wonderful Adventures of his Parents, relating to their Love and Misfortunes, &c. his miraculous Preservation when an Infant, the Wonders he did in the first Battle
    Ford, Emanuel
  • 132246
    Book Info
    The pleasant and delightful history of the renowned Northern worthy, Johnny Armstrong, of Westmoreland: Shewing His many noble Deeds, in his Youth in divers Countries, in Arms against the Turks and Sarazens in the Holy Land; and how, settling at Guiltnock-Hall in Westmoreland, he by his Industry, without any Estate in Lands or Rents, kept Eightscore Men to attend him, richly apparell'd, well-mount
  • 132247
    Book Info
    The pleasures of a single life, or the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament
    Ward, Edward
  • 132248
    Book Info
    The poetical works of Mr. John Milton. In two volumes
    Milton, John
  • 132249
    Book Info
    The political quack's advice; with Merry Andrew's pacquet. Design'd For the Entertainment of the Grave and Merry, the Politick and Impertinent, the Scholar and Critick, the Witty and Dull, the Old and Young; in short, for every Body that can Read, and no Body that cannot
  • 132250
    Book Info
    The politicks of high-church: or, a system of their principles about government. Faithfully extracted from their own writers. By which it plainly appears, that they are Calculated for a Popish Prince and a French Government. Recommended to the Consideration of the Electors against the Choice of Members for next Parliament. Let there be no other Distinction heard of among us for the future, but of
  • 132251
    Book Info
    The poll for Knights of the Shire for the county of Surrey. Taken at Guildford in the said County, the 30th Day of May, 1705. And by the Desire of some of the Eminent Freeholders, Published by Order of Sir William Scawen, Kt. Note, That there are Six Hundred Twenty Six Persons mark'd in the Margin with a Star, which Poll'd not at the Election before, but Poll'd at this Election for Mr. Harvey. Lik
    Surrey (England)
  • 132252
    Book Info
    The poor and doubting Christians guide to everlasting life: Being an Invitation to every poor Sinner to lay hold on Christ Jesus, and be happy for ever, whilst Grace and Salvation is freely offered to all that will come in, and accept of it, before the Day of Grace is past. Or, a seasonable Warning to all Impenitent Sinners: plainly shewing the danger every Man is in, whilst without God and Christ
    Allis, John
  • 132253
    Book Info
    The poor man's help, and young man's guide: ... By William Burkitt, ...
    Burkitt, William
  • 132254
    Book Info
    The poor vicar's complaint, in a letter to a member of Parliament
  • 132255
    Book Info
    The posthumous works of Robert Hooke, M.D. S.R.S. Geom. Prof. Gresh. &c. containing his Cutlerian lectures, and other discourses, read at the meetings of the illustrious Royal Society. In which I. The present Deficiency of Natural Philosophy is discoursed of, with the Methods of rendering it more certain and beneficial. II. The Nature, Motion and Effects of Light are treated of, particularly that
    Hooke, Robert
  • 132256
    Book Info
    The power and prerogative of the inexpressible I know not what: or, a brief essay upon the unknown and unintelligible something, exemplified in variety of modern instances, in private transactions, and publick affairs
  • 132257
    Book Info
    The practice of discipline, or some directions for the right managing of ecclesiastick discipline. In way of essay: designed more specially for the information and use of ruling elders. By an elder of the Church of Scotland
    Clerk, James
  • 132258
    Book Info
    The practice of purging and vomiting medicines, according to Dr. Cockburn's solution of his problem; with tables shewing their doses in particular ages and constitutions. Inscrib'd to the learned Dr. Garth, F.R.S. by W. Cockburn, M.D:
    Cockburn, W
  • 132259
    Book Info
    The preacher. A discourse, shewing, what are the particular offices and employments of those of that character in the Church. ... By John Edwards, D.D.
    Edwards, John
  • 132260
    Book Info
    The presbyterians plea: setting forth their great services done to the Church of England, and good correspondence between them, from the reign of King Charles I. to this present time. Humbly address'd to the Right Honourable the P-s of England, with their Dutiful Acknowledgments, for their late Goodness towards them in rejecting the Bill against Occasional Conformity