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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,281 - 132,300건 출력
  • 132281
    Book Info
    The rights of the Church of England asserted and prov'd: in an answer to a late pamphlet, intitl'd, The rights of the Protestant dissenters, in a review of their case
    Perks, John
  • 132282
    Book Info
    The roman history from the removal of the imperial seat by Constantine the Great, to the taking of Rome by Odoacerk, of the Heruli. And the ruin of the empire in the west: And from the Ruin of the Western Empire, to its restitution by Charlemagne. Containing in all the Space of 474 Years. Vol. III. Being a continuation of Mr. Echard's history
    Echard, Laurence
  • 132283
    Book Info
    The royal diary: containing I. King William's secret devotion. ... VI. Table-talk. VII. Occasional speeches. VIII. The private minutes relating to his last sickness. Part of this diary was written by King William, and found amongst his papers ...
  • 132284
    Book Info
    The royal martyr, K. Charles I. An opera
    Fyfe, Alexander
  • 132285
    Book Info
    The scotch patriot unmask'd, in animadversions upon a seditious pamphlet, intituled, The reducing Scotland by arms, and annexing it to England as a province, considered. By William Atwood, Esq;
    Atwood, William
  • 132286
    Book Info
    The seaman's monitor: wherein particular advice is given to sea-faring men, with reference to their behaviour, I. Before their [voyage.] II. In their voyage. III. After their [Voyage.] With an address to the officers and seamen in Her Majesty's Royal Navy. And some prayers for their use. By Josiah Woodward, D. D. Minister of Popler. Published and Distributed by Her Majesty's Special Command
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 132287
    Book Info
    The second part of the pretensions of the church, and its enemies stated in respect to their pretended interest in the present P--rl-m-nt: to which is added, the joint attestation of several bishops and learned divines of the Ch-- of England, avowing that her doctrin [sic] was confirm'd, and that her disciplin [sic] was not impeach'd by the Synod of Dort
  • 132288
    Book Info
    The second volume of miscellaneons [sic] works, written by George, late Duke of Buckingham. Containing a key to The rehearsal, and several pieces in prose and verse; never before printed: with a collection of poems, satyrs, letters, dialogues, essays, characters, maxims of state valuable speeches, in both Houses of Parliament, by several lords and
    Buckingham, George Villiers
  • 132289
    Book Info
    The second volume of the works of Monsieur Voiture, containing his familiar letters to gentlemen and ladies. Made English by, J. Savil, Esq; Mr. Dennis, Tho. Seymour, Esq; Mr. Atkins, Capt. Barker, and Mr. Tho. Brown. To which is added, A pacquet from Will's: Or, a new Collection of Original Letters on several Subjects
  • 132290
    Book Info
    The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, complt. or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn, the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their Anniversary Thansgiving-Songs on the Thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems; for the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, &c. With Reflections thereupon. Now Published to demonstrate the restless, implacable Spirit of a certain P
    Ward, Edward
  • 132291
    Book Info
    The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, or, the republican unmasqu'd: wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving songs on the Thirity of January, by them called anthems; For the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697. Now published, To demonstrate the Restless, Implacable Spirit of a certain Party still among us, who are never to be satisfied t
    Ward, Edward
  • 132292
    Book Info
    The secret history of the Calves-Head-Club, complt. Or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn the religion of the Calves-Head heroes, in their anniversary thanksgiving-songs ...
    Ward, Edward
  • 132293
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    The secret history, of Queen Zarah, and the Zarazians; being a looking-glass for ------- ---------------- in the kingdom of Albigion. ...
    Browne, Joseph
  • 132294
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    The secret intrigues of the Duke of Savoy. With a faithful relation of of [sic] the ill treatments which Monsieur de Phelippeaux, Ambassador of France, receiv'd from His Royal Highness, against the law and right of nations. Done into English, from the original in French Printed at Venice, and at the Hague
    Freschot, Casimir
  • 132295
    Book Info
    The secretary's guide: in four parts. Part I. Containing Variety of Forms for Inditing Letters upon any Subject whatsoever, in the most elegant and refined Stile now made use of: With Directions for giving the most proper Titles and Epithets to Persons of all Ranks and Qualities. Part II. Choice Forms and Precedents for writing Acquirtances, Bills, Bonds, Judgments, Descasances, Letters of Attorne
    G. F
  • 132296
    Book Info
    The sequel: or moderation further display'd, a poem. By the author of Faction display'd
    Shippen, William
  • 132297
    Book Info
    The sinner convicted: or, the vanity of practical atheism display'd; from the most plain and popular arguments; suited to the meanest Capacities and Understanding. Together, With a short, but plain and practical, Discourse upon Repentance: And an Exposition upon the Creed. Wherein is shewn, the Necessity of Faith, and what every Christian ought to believe, in order to be Sav'd. All being useful In
    Groome, John
  • 132298
    Book Info
    The splendid shilling. A poem, in imitation of Milton. By the author of Bleinheim
    Philips, John
  • 132299
    Book Info
    The splendid shilling. An imitation of Milton. Now first correctly publish'd
    Philips, John
  • 132300
    Book Info
    The stage-Coach a comedy: as it was acted at the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By Her Majesties servants
    Farquhar, George