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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,321 - 132,340건 출력
  • 132321
    Book Info
    The vindication of the character of priest-craft. By Edmund Hickeringill, Rector of All-Saints in Colchester
    Hickeringill, Edmund
  • 132322
    Book Info
    The vintner's mystery display'd: or, the whole art of the wine trade laid open. In which are the necessary directions for rightly managing all sorts of wines, so as to render them bright and good; or to restore them when they prove defective in any way whatsoever. A treatis absolutely necessary for private families; for by this alone, any gentleman, or other person, may manage, preserve, or cur...
  • 132323
    Book Info
    The voyages and travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight: Wherein is set down the way to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the Great Caan, and of Prestor John; to India, and divers other countries: together with many and strange marvels therein.
    Mandeville, John
  • 132324
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    The way to be wiser: or, a lecture for a libertine. With other choice letters, by the same hand
  • 132325
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    The whole art of dying. In two parts. The first being an experimental discovery of all the most useful secrets in dying silk, wool, linnen and the Manufactures thereof, as Practised in England, France, Spain, Holland and Germany. To which is Added, A Discourse of Pot and Weyd Ashes, as well as several other Foreign Ingredients used in Dying. Written originally in the German language. The second pa
  • 132326
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    The whole book of Psalms, collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. ...
  • 132327
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    The whole duty of man according to the law of nature by that famous civilian Samuel Puffendorf ... ; now made english.
    Pufendorf, Samuel
  • 132328
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    The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, ...
    Allestree, Richard
  • 132329
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    The whole tryal and defence of William Lord Russel, who dyed a martyr to the Romish fury, in the year 1683. With the learned arguments of the council on both sides. Together with his behaviour and speech upon the scaffold: his character and vindication
    Russell, William Russell
  • 132330
    Book Info
    The whole works of that excellent practical physician, Dr. Thomas Sydenham : Wherein not only the history and cures of acute diseases are treated of, after a new and accurate method; but also the shortest and safest way of curing most chronical diseases.
    Sydenham, Thomas
  • 132331
    Book Info
    The wicked husband, and unnatural father: being a sad and deplorable relation of one William Gilbert, a farmer of Toddington near Lynn in Norfolk, who coming home drunk late in the evening, on Tuesday the 7th of August, did in a most barbarous and inhumane manner, cut his own wife's throat from Ear to Ear (being big with Child) without any Provocation, and Murthered his young Daughter of 12 Years
  • 132332
    Book Info
    The wit of a woman. As it is now acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By Her Majesty's sworn servants
    Walker, T
  • 132333
    Book Info
    The works of Monsieur Voiture, A Member of the Royal Academy at Paris, compleat: containing his Familiar letters to gentlemen and ladies. Made English by John Dryden, Esq; Thomas Cheek, Esq; Henry Cromwell, Esq; Mr. Dennis. Thomas Seymour, Esq; John Savil, Esq; Captain Barker, Mr Raphson, Mr. Thomas Brown, with three collections of Letters on friendship, and several other occasions: Written by, Jo
  • 132334
    Book Info
    The works of that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Richard Hooker, in eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, compleated out of his own manuscripts. ... To which are added, several other treatises by the same author. All revised and corrected ... There is also prefix'd before the book, The life of the author, sometime written by Isaac Walton.
    Hooker, Richard
  • 132335
    Book Info
    The young clerk's tutor enlarged: being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, ... To which is annexed, several of the best copies both of Court and Chancery hand now extant. By Edward Cocker.
    Hawkins, John
  • 132336
    Book Info
    Theo-Politica: or, a body of divinity, containing rules of the special government of God, According to which He orders the immortal and intellectual Creatures, Angels, and Men, to their Final and Eternal State. Being a method of those saving truths, which are contained in the canon of the Holy Scripture, and abridged in those words of our Saviour Jesus Christ; (go and teach all Nations, Baptizing
    Lawson, George
  • 132337
    Book Info
    Theses philosophicæ, quas Favente Numine, Generosi aliquot & ingenui juvenes, Universitatis Jacobi Regis Edinburgenæ alumni, hac vice cum laurea emittendi, eruditorum examini subjicient; ad 27 diem Aprilis, H. Lq. S. Præside Gulielmo Law
    University of Edinburgh
  • 132338
    Book Info
    Thom{aelig} Sydenham, M.D. Opera universa : In quibus non solummod{grave}o Morborum Acutorum Historiae & Curationes nov{circ}a & exquisit{circ}a methodo diligentissim{grave}e traduntur, ver{grave}um etiam Morborum fer{grave}e omnium Chronicorum Curatio brevissima, pariter ac fidelissima in Publici commodum exhibetur.
    Sydenham, Thomas
  • 132339
    Book Info
    Three discourses; one on the parable of Dives and Lazarus, the second on that of the unjust steward, and the third, on that of the ten virgins. By ... Clement Ellis, ... With a preface, giving some account of the author's writings and life
    Ellis, Clement
  • 132340
    Book Info
    To the Honourable the Commons of England assembled in Parliament. The humble proposals of John Legg, engineer, relating to his new invention of fire-shot and fire-arrows, which being shot out of a piece of ordinance, paterrero, or musket, infallibly sets the enemies ships sides, sails, and rigging, &c. in a flame.
    Legg, John