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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,341 - 132,360건 출력
  • 132341
    Book Info
    To the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, is humbly offered, an account of some few of the many severe sufferings of the people call'd Quakers, for tythes, &c. By the old and rigorous methods, notwithstanding the late act 1695. for the more easie recovery of small tythes by justices warrants
  • 132342
    Book Info
    To the Queen and Parliament. A seasonable remedy to prevent for ever the several frauds that have been lately discovered, relating to the fleet-beer, and other provisions, by the proposal of a wholesomer, cheaper, stronger, unchangeable beer, brewed after a more succinct and less cumbersome way, and drawn from a clear malt-extract.
    Lammas, John
  • 132343
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    Tom-Tell-Truth's letter to a dissenter, in vindication of the L---s against the tackers
  • 132344
    Book Info
    Transubstantiation discuss'd, in two parts. The first, considering the pleas for it: the second, the arguments against it. In several papers that have pass'd between T. B. a popish priest, and Henry Newcome, Rector of Middleton, in the County Palatine of Lancaster. To which is prefixed an introduction in several Papers, about the education of children by the same Hands
    Newcome, Henry
  • 132345
    Book Info
    Trifertes Sagani, or immortal dissolvent. Being a brief but candid discourse of the matter and manner of preparing the liquor alkahest of Helmont, the great Hilech of Paracelsus, the Sal Circulatum Minus of Ludovicus de Comit: or our Fiery Spirit of the Four Elements. Together with its use in Preparing Magisteries, Arcana's Quintessences, and other secret Medicines of the Adepts from the Animal, V
    Cleidophorus Mystagogus
  • 132346
    Book Info
    Tripatriarchicon; or, the lives of the three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. Extracted forth of the sacred story, and digested into English verse, by Andrew Symson M. A. and then Minister of Kirkinner
    Symson, Andrew
  • 132347
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    Truth vindicated by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, deceased.
    Bathurst, Elizabeth
  • 132348
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    Tunbridgialia: or, the pleasures of Tunbridge. A poem. In Latin and English heroic verse. Written by Peter Causton Merc. Lond
    Causton, Peter
  • 132349
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    Two funeral sermons preached by Henry Phillipps, M. A. of both Universities, and sometime Fellow of Magdalen-College, Oxon.
    Phillipps, Henry
  • 132350
    Book Info
    Unum necessarium: or, the doctrine and practice of repentance. Describing the necessities and measures of a strict, a holy, and a Christian life. ... To which is added, two treatises of original sin. By Jer. Taylor, ...
    Taylor, Jeremy
  • 132351
    Book Info
    Utrum horum? Tyranny, or liberty; oppression, or moderation. In answer to Dr. Chamberlayn's High-Church principles, and the late fallacious preface of Mr. Chamberlayn, his son, to The present state of England. By G. M. With a short and genuine account of himself, his Birth-Place, Education, Travels, and Useful Works in England for the Publick
    Mi{grave}ege, Guy
  • 132352
    Book Info
    Vertue betray'd or, Anna Bullen a tragedy. Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. The second edition: written by John Banks, ...
    Banks, John
  • 132353
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    Vox stellarum; eing an almanack for the year of human redemption 1705, ... By Francis Moore, ...
    Moore, Francis
  • 132354
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    Voyages and descriptions vol.II. In three parts, viz. I. A supplement of the voyage round the world, describing the Countries of Tonquin, Achin, Malacca, &c. their Product, Inhabitants, Manners, Trade, Policy, &c. 2. Two voyages to Campeachy; with a Description of the Coasts, Product, Inhabitants, Logwood-Cutting, Trade. &c. of Jucatan, Campeachy, New-Spain, 3. A discourse of trade-winds, breezes,
    Dampier, William
  • 132355
    Book Info
    War betwixt the two British kingdoms consider'd, and the dangerous circumstances of each with regard thereto lay'd open; by a Full View of the Consequences of it on Both sides. Being Design'd As a Perpetual Standard, for Judging aright of that Event: and For Promoting Peace, and Friendly Agreement betwixt Them, by Reasonable Concessions from Each to Each, for the Mutual Interest and Good of Both.
    Hodges, James
  • 132356
    Book Info
    Warning for England or divine cautions from Heaven: Sent in a letter from Churchil in Oxfordshire, to Mr Anthony Rawlins, fishmonger in Bear-Yard in Clare-Market, London, being attested by several credible persons ...
  • 132357
    Book Info
    Western Martyrology; or, Bloody Assizes. Containing the Lives, Trials, and Dying Speeches of All Those Eminent Protestants
    Tutchin, John
  • 132358
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    Whether the dissenters from the Church of England, ought to be admitted to the Holy Communion before they renounce their schism? Consider'd in an appeal to the Catholick church, &c.
    Higden, William
  • 132359
    Book Info
    William Sheppard and Thomas Stevens appellants. John Smith, Steven Smith and Anne Smith ... respondents. The respondent's case.
    Smith, John
  • 132360
    Book Info
    Winter-evening conference between neighbours. In three parts. The ninth edition, corrected. By J. Goodman, D.D.
    Goodman, John