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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,421 - 132,440건 출력
  • 132421
    Book Info
    A fair way with the dissenters and their patrons. Not Writ by Mr. L-----y, or any other Furious Jacobite, whether Clergyman or Layman; but by a very Moderate Person and Dutiful Subject to the Queen
    Astell, Mary
  • 132422
    Book Info
    A family jewel, or the womans councellor: containing, I. An exact method of preventing or curing all diseases, and grievances incident to children, ... V. The art of japanning and painting in oil
    W. S
  • 132423
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God: to be used on Thursday the seventh of September next, throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed; for the late glorious victory obtained over the French and Bavarians at Bleinheim near Hochstet, on Wednesday the second of August, ...
    Church of England
  • 132424
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God: to be used on Thursday the seventh of September next, throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed; for the late glorious victory obtained over the French and Bavarians at Bleinheim, near Hochstet, on Wednesday the second of August, ...
    Church of England
  • 132425
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used, after the general thanksgiving, throughout the cities of London and Westminster, and elsewhere within the weekly bills of mortality, on Sunday the ninth day of this instant July, for the late great success vouchsafed to the forces of Her Majesty and Her Allies, ... near Donawert.
    Church of England
  • 132426
    Book Info
    A form of prayer with thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used in all churches and chapels within this realm, every year, upon the eighth day of March; being the day on which Her Majesty began her happy reign. By Her Majesties Special Command
    Church of England
  • 132427
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, used by His late Majesty, K. William III. When he received the Holy Sacrament, and on other occasions. With a preface by the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of Norwich
    Tillotson, John
  • 132428
    Book Info
    A form of prayers, used by his late Majesty K. William III. When he receiv'd the Holy Sacrament, and on other occasions. With a preface by the Rt. Reverend John Lord Bishop of Norwich. The fourth edition. To which is added, A prayer his Majesty made use of after his fall from his horse
    Tillotson, John
  • 132429
    Book Info
    A form of prayers, used by his late Majesty K. William III. When he received the Holy Sacrament
    Tillotson, John
  • 132430
    Book Info
    A form of prayers, used by his late Majesty K. William III. when he receiv'd the Holy Sacrament, and on other occasions. With a preface by the Rt. Reverend John Lord Bishop of Norwich. The third edition. To which is added, A prayer his Majesty made use of after his fall from his horse
    Tillotson, John
  • 132431
    Book Info
    A form of prayers, used by his late Majesty K. William III. when he received the Holy Sacrament.
    Tillotson, John
  • 132432
    Book Info
    A full and impartial history of the expedition into Spain; in the year 1702. Extracted from the journals and memoirs of the generals; and from which it will be easie to draw Rational Conjectures, about the present Enterprize, to settle the Most Serene Charles III, on the Spanish Throne. To which is added, an account of Monsieur Chateaurenault's expedition, from his first sailing from Brest, in Sep
  • 132433
    Book Info
    A full and impartial relation of the battle fought on the 13th of August, 1704. n.s. in the plain of Hochstette, between the villages of Pleintheim, Overklauw and Lutzingen. Wherein, The Army of the High Allies, under the Command of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, and Prince Eugine of Savoy, obtained a most Compleat and most Glorious Victory over the Combin'd Forces of the Elector of Bavaria, a
    Officer who was in the engagement
  • 132434
    Book Info
    A full view of popery, in a satyrical account of the lives of the popes, &c. From the Pretended Succession of St. Peter, To the Present Pope Clement XI. Wherein All the Impostures and Innovations of the Church of Rome appear in their true Colours, and all their Objections, Cavils, &c. are fully Answer'd and Confuted. The whole being Interspers'd with several Pasquils. To this is added, A confutati
    Valera, Cipriano de
  • 132435
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. John Hind, who deceased Nov. 6. 1704. By Christopher Taylor
    Taylor, Christopher
  • 132436
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon preach'd at Crosby-Square, June 4. 1704. on the death Of that Reverend and Excellent Servant in Christ Mr. Samuel Slater. Who Deceas'd May 24. 1704. By Daniel Alexander
    Alexander, Daniel
  • 132437
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon; occasion'd by the death of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Slater, ... By W. Tong.
    Tong, William
  • 132438
    Book Info
    A funeral tear, to the memory of the Right Honourable Charles, Earl of Burlington. By E. Settle
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 132439
    Book Info
    A gentleman instructed in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life. Written for the instruction of a young nobleman.
    W. D
  • 132440
    Book Info
    A golden chain to link the penitent sinner unto God. Whereunto is added, A treatise of the immortality of the soul. By J. Taylor, D.D.
    Taylor, James