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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,501 - 132,520건 출력
  • 132501
    Book Info
    A representation made by the Lower House of Convocation to the Archbishop and Bishops, Anno 1703
    Church of England
  • 132502
    Book Info
    A representation of the impiety & immorality of the English stage, with reasons for putting a stop thereto: and some questions addrest to those who frequent the play-houses
  • 132503
    Book Info
    A representation of the impiety and immorality of the English stage. With reasons for putting a stop thereto: and some questions addrest to those who frequent the play-house
  • 132504
    Book Info
    A review of the late engagement at sea, being a Collection of Private Letters, never before printed, (one of them from Sir Cloudesly Shovell.) Containing, The Truest and most Authentick Accounts: With some Remarks on the Conduct of our Admirals, particularly Sir G. R.
  • 132505
    Book Info
    A rich cabinet of modern curiosities. Containing, 1. Many natural and artificial conclusions. ... With a multitude of other curiosities, the whole adorned with above forty curious cuts. By John White, ...
    White, John
  • 132506
    Book Info
    A scheme shewing in two proposals, How the next Campaign 1705. the King of France may be reduc'd, and the troubles in Hungary and Poland appeased this winter. Humbly offered to the consideration of Her Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council. By J. C. Mayer. The Author of the Letter concerning the Siege of Landaw
    Mayer, J. C
  • 132507
    Book Info
    A seasonable remark upon the new book of Dr. Davenant, respecting only one of its sections. Wherein his judgement is intimated concerning the Occasional Bill
  • 132508
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    A second century of meditations, with short prayers annexed, on various subjects. To which is added a postscript, By way of Meditation, on the Spoils and Ruines made by the Dreadful Tempest, Nov. 27. 1703. By Benjamin Jenks, Rector of Harley in Shropshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Bradford
    Jenks, Benjamin
  • 132509
    Book Info
    A second letter from a clergy man in Norfolk to his parishioners. Directing their behaviour in sickness, and their preparation for death. By the author of the first letter
    Minister in Norfolk
  • 132510
    Book Info
    A serious and tender exhortation (in the spirit of meekness and love) unto all sober and tender-hearted people, who are sincerely seeking after salvation (but more particularly unto my Relations according to the Flesh) to turn their Minds Inward, unto the Manifestation of the Light and Spirit of Jesus Christ, in their own Hearts and Consciences; and to wait to know it's Teachings, that they may be
    Burnett, John
  • 132511
    Book Info
    A serious answer paragraph by paragraph, to the Bishop of Salisbury's speech in the House of Lords, upon the Bill against occasional conformity
  • 132512
    Book Info
    A serious inquiry into this grand question; whether a law to prevent the occasional conformity of dissenters, would not be inconsistent with the Act of toleration, And a Breach of the Queen's Promise
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 132513
    Book Info
    A sermon concerning the natural immortality of the soul; preach'd before the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries, in the parish-church of St. Andrew's-Wardrobe, in Black-Friers, on Friday the 22d of September, 1704. Printed at the Request of the Company. By William Reeves, A. M. Rector of Craneford in Middlesex
    Reeves, William
  • 132514
    Book Info
    A sermon concerning the right management of friendly visits. Published at the Request of many that heard it preach'd in London, Apr. 14. 1704. By Matthew Henry, Minister of the Gospel in Chester
    Henry, Matthew
  • 132515
    Book Info
    A sermon on the occasion of the late storm. Preach'd in Spanish, before the Worshipful Society of Merchants trading to Spain; in the parish-church of St. Bartholomew, near the Royal-Exchange, London; on the 7th of January, 1703/4. By the Reverend Ferdinand Fina. Rendred into English from the original Spanish; and Dedicated to Her Sacred Majesty Queen Anne, Queen of Great Britain, &c.
    Fina, Fernando
  • 132516
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd January the 31st. 1703/4. Being the Day on which the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of K. Charles the First, was then kept. By Richard Fiddes, Rector of Halmsham in Holderness
    Fiddes, Richard
  • 132517
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd at Brentwood in Essex, October the 7th. 1693. at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry Lord Bishop of London. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 132518
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd at Chester and Wrexam [sic]. Septemb. 7th. 1704. Being the day of publick thanksgiving for the glorious victory at Bleinheim. By John Evans
    Evans, John
  • 132519
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd at St. James's Church, upon the reading the brief for the persecuted exiles, of the principality of Orange. By the Right Reverend father in God, Gilbert Lord Bishop of Sarum.
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 132520
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd at Steyning in Sussex, on Sunday, January 23. 1703/4. Before the Right Honourable Thomas Viscount Windsor, and Samuel Sambrook, Esq; Then Candidates for the Burrough of Brambar in Sussex. By William Brownsword, Curate of Steyning
    Brownsword, William