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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,581 - 132,600건 출력
  • 132581
    Book Info
    A step to Oxford: in which is comprehended an impartial account of the University: With a Pleasant Relation of such Passages as befel the Author in his Journey
  • 132582
    Book Info
    A supplement to Dr. Hammond's Paraphrase and annotations on the New Testament. In which his interpretation ... is ... examin'd: and ... further explain'd by new remarks upon every chapter. By Monsieur Le Clerc. To which is prefix'd, a letter ... Likewise his paraphrase, ... on the beginning of St. John's Gospel, ...
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 132583
    Book Info
    A supplement to the New version of Psalms by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate; Containing The usual Hymns, Creed, Lords Prayer, Ten Commandments, Hymns for the Holy Sacrament, &c. Psalms of Particular Metre's (with their Tunes and Gloria Patri's) and all other Psalm-Tunes both Proper and Common. The whole being A Compleat Psalmody
  • 132584
    Book Info
    A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, an account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James's library.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 132585
    Book Info
    A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, an account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James's library.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 132586
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    A timely caveat of the inferiour clergy of Ireland, against a bill entituled, An act for purchasing glebes, &c
  • 132587
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning providence: By way of Dialogue. By Sir Humphry Mackworth
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 132588
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning the divine authority of the scriptures, the divinity of our blessed Saviour, and the divine personality of the Holy Ghost: by way of dialogue. By Sir Humphry Mackworth
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 132589
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning the internal word and spirit of God; Being the way to Attain to the True and Divine knowledge In the mysteries of His Eternal Kingdom
    Rigge, Ambrose
  • 132590
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning trespasses vi et armis. Wherein the nature of trespass is clearly explicated, and the Gift of the Action stated, and by whom such Actions may be brought, and against whom and how to be laid. Together with the Forms and Learning of Writs, Declarations and Pleadings, in reference to all sorts of Torts or Wrongs done to a Man's Person, Estate or Interest. And also wherein is con
    S. C
  • 132591
    Book Info
    A treatise of fluxions: or, an introduction to mathematical philosophy. Containing a full explication of that method by which the Most Celebrated geometers of the present Age have made such vast advances in mechanical philosophy. A Work very Useful for those that would know how to apply Mathematicks to Nature. By Charles Hayes, Gent.
    Hayes, Charles
  • 132592
    Book Info
    A treatise of the parts of a humane body. With their respective uses; In Which Their particular Functions are clearly and fully Explain'd. Deduced from practical Observations, and the late Discoveries of the Modern, and most Accurate Anatomists. Also A curious Account of the Organs of Sensation, Explaining their Faculties. By John Baptist Verduc, Doctor in Physick, Now made English by J. Davis, M.
    Verduc, Jean-Baptiste
  • 132593
    Book Info
    A trip to Portugal. Or, a view of their strength by sea and land; an exact list of their forces, with the names of their regimental officers, the scituation of their frontier towns, and the true prospect of their fortifications. To which, is Added, A Catalogue of their Kings; Of the Places they were Born in; The Length of their several Reigns; And the Days of their Deaths. Also The manner of their
    C. S
  • 132594
    Book Info
    A trip to Spain: or, a true description of the comical humours, ridiculous customs, and foolish laws, of that lazy improvident people the Spaniards. In a letter to a person of quality from an officer in the Royal Navy
    Officer in the Royal Navy
  • 132595
    Book Info
    A true account of the burning of the city of London, and by wohm [sic]. Extracted from the Gazette of April the 26. to 30. 1666. Mentioned in the Rehearsal of the Observator of Saturday last
  • 132596
    Book Info
    A true and exact list of the members of the Lower House of Convocation which Met together the 11th of January, 1703/4. In the Chapter-House at St. Patrick's, Dublin, and from thence Adjourn'd to St. Mary's Chappel in Christ-Church, Dublin
    Church of Ireland
  • 132597
    Book Info
    A true and faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mohammetans. In which is a particular relation of their pilgrimage to Mecca, The Place of Mohammet's Birth; And a Description of Medina, and of his Tomb there. As likewise of Algier, and the Country adjacent: And of Alexandria, Grand-Cairo, &c. With an Account of the Author's being taken Captive, the Turks Cruelty to him, and of his Es
    Pitts, Joseph
  • 132598
    Book Info
    A true and faithful representation of the miserable state of the church of Christ in the country of the Grisons; and the imminent Dangers to which they are expos'd from Rome. Humbly Address'd To all Persons (of whatsoever State, Dignity and Authority) who sincerely seek and promote the Glory of God, the Preservation and Edification of his Church, and are true Lovers of Christ in his Members: Toget
    Leonhard, Johann
  • 132599
    Book Info
    A true and full relation of the witches at Pittenweem. To which is added by way of preface, an essay for proving the existence of good and evil spirits, relating to the Witches at Pittenweem, now in Custody, with Arguments against the Sadducism of the Present Age
  • 132600
    Book Info
    A view of the cruelty and ignorance of the Romish church: in a sermon preached on the fifth of November, 1704. Being the Anniversary of the Gunpowder-Plot, As also of The Happy Arrival of his late Majesty King William III. By Benj. Gatton, Vicar of Stone
    Gatton, Benjamin