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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,601 - 132,620건 출력
  • 132601
    Book Info
    A view of the reign of King Charles the first. Wherein the true causes of the civil war are impartially delineated, By Strokes borrow'd from Lord Clarendon, Sir Philip Warwick, H. L'Estrange, and other most Authentick and Approved Historians. In answer to the libels lately publish'd against a sermon preach'd by the reverend White Kennet, D. D. Archdeacon of Huntingdon, &c.
  • 132602
    Book Info
    A vindication of Magna Charta, as the summary of English rights and liberties. In which its antiquity, and the confirmations procur'd to it are set forth. ... To which is prefix'd, a copy of Magna Charta, ...
  • 132603
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Royal Martyr King Charles I. from the Irish massacre in the year 1641, cast upon him in the life of Richard Baxter, wrote by himself. And since in the abridgment by E. Calamy. Being a case of present concern. In a letter to a member of the House of Commons
    Leslie, Charles
  • 132604
    Book Info
    A warning from the winds. A sermon preach'd upon Wednesday, January XIX. 1703/4. being the day of publick humiliation, for the late terrible, and awakning storm of wind, ... November xxvi, xxvii. 1703. ... To which is subnected a laborious exercitation upon Eph. 2. 2. ... B Joseph Hussey, ...
    Hussey, Joseph
  • 132605
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    Abra-mule: or, love and empire. A tragedy. As it is acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by Her Majesty's Servants.
    Trapp, Joseph
  • 132606
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    Act against molosses. Edinburgh, 9th August 1704
  • 132607
    Book Info
    Act for security of the Kingdom. As it was voted and approved by the Right Honourable the Estates of Parliament, at Edinburgh the 13th day of August, one thousand seven hundred and three
  • 132608
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    Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth never before printed
    Chillingworth, William
  • 132609
    Book Info
    Admodum reverendi & doctissimi viri, D. Roberti Huntingtoni, Episcopi Rapotensis, Epistolae: et Veterum mathematicorum, graecorum, latinorum, & arabum, synopsis: collectore viro clarissimo & doctissimo, D. Edwardo Bernardo, astronomiae in academia Oxoniensi professore Saviliano. Praemittuntur D. Huntingtoni & D. Bernardi vitae. / Scriptore Thoma Sm
    Huntington, Robert
  • 132610
    Book Info
    Advertisement. Whereas some Persons have maliciously Reported, That the famous Bookseller was on Thursday the 4th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1704. infamously expelled a certain Society call'd the K-t C-t Club: And that the said Bookseller for his ill-timed freedom with some of the Principal Members, at the Reading of a Late Satyr upon his Parts and Person, was beaten to an Ungentleman
  • 132611
    Book Info
    Advice to parents; or, rules for the education of children
    Mortimer, J
  • 132612
    Book Info
    After-Consideration for some members of the Parliament, upon the Occasional Bill Dismiss'd. Being a proposal By Another, To do that business better. With a colloquy Tending thereunto. By One that Holds Communion with that Church, which is, and will let no Other be called, the Church of England
    Humfrey, John
  • 132613
    Book Info
    All men mad: or, England a great bedlam. A poem
    Ward, Edward
  • 132614
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing duties upon low-wines, and upon coffee, tea, chocolate, spices and pictures, and upon hawkers, pedlars and petty-chapmen, and upon muslins; and for granting new duties upon several of the said commodities, and also upon calicoes, china-ware, and drugs
    England | Wales
  • 132615
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    An Act for continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry for one year
    England | Wales
  • 132616
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    An Act for encouraging the importation of naval-stores from Her Majesties plantations in America
    England | Wales
  • 132617
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    An Act for enlarging the term of years granted by an Act passed in the session of Parliament, held in the eleventh and twelfth years of King William the Third, for the repair of Dover-Harbour
    England | Wales
  • 132618
    Book Info
    An Act for erecting a work-house in the city of Worcester, and for setting the poor on work there
    England | Wales
  • 132619
    Book Info
    An Act for giving like remedy upon promissory notes, as is now used upon bills of exchange, and for the better payment of inland-bills of exchange
    England | Wales
  • 132620
    Book Info
    An Act for granting an aid to Her Majesty, by continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry for one year
    England | Wales