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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,661 - 132,680건 출력
  • 132661
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    An answer to a late pamphlet, entitl'd A vindication of marriage, as solemniz'd by Presbyterians in the north of Ireland
    Lambert, Ralph
  • 132662
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    An answer to a letter of Mr. John England's of the parish of Sherborne, Dorset. Sent to Mr. F. B. upon the occasion of his leaving the meeting-house, and joyning himself in communion with the establish'd church. With a reply to so much of the preface written in vindication of that letter, as concerns the aforesaid answer. By James Lacy, Vicar of Sherborne
    Lacy, James
  • 132663
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    An antidote against rebellion: or, the principles of the modern politician, examin'd and compar'd with the description of the last age by the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon. To which is added A letter to the nonjuring party. And a postscript to Mr. Sacheverel ...
  • 132664
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    An appendix to The devout communicant: containing more particular directions and meditations for the time of receiving the Holy Communion; with a prayer before and after
  • 132665
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    An argument of a learned judge in the Exchequer-Chamber upon a writ of error out of the King's-Bench, in a cause, wherein Sir Samuel Barnadiston was plaintiff against Sir William Soame, Sheriff of the County of Suffolk, Defendant, Wherein the Privilege of the House of Commons, in Determining Matters relating to the Right of Elections of their own Members, is justified. Necessary for all Persons th
    Guilford, Francis North
  • 132666
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    An earnest perswasive to the serious observance of the Lord's day. By a minister of the Church of England.
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 132667
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    An earnest perswasive to the serious observance of the Lord's-day. By a minister of the Church of England.
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 132668
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    An enquiry after happiness, in several parts. By the author of Practical Christianity. ...
    Lucas, Richard
  • 132669
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    An essay concerning the necessity of equal taxes; and the dangerous consequences of the encouragement given to usury among us of late years. With Some Proposals to Promote the Former, and give a Check to the Latter. By the author of The history of the last Parliament. To which is added some considerations on the present posture of affairs a home and abroad
    Drake, James
  • 132670
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    An essay on the Lord's prayer; by Sir Hugh Campbell of Calder
    Campbell, Hugh
  • 132671
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    An essay on the character of Sir Willoughby Aston, late of Aston in Cheshire. A poem
    Yalden, Thomas
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 132672
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    An essay towards a proposal for catholick communion. Wherein Above Sixty of the Principal Controverted Points, which have hitherto divided Christendom, being call'd over, 'tis examin'd, how many of them may, and ought to be laid aside, and how few remain to be accommodated, for the effecting a General Peace. By a minister of the Church of England
    Basset, Joshua
  • 132673
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    An essay upon an union of Ireland with England: most humbly offered to the consideration of the Queen's most excellent majesty, and both Houses of Parliament.
    Maxwell, Henry
  • 132674
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    An essay upon friendship, from the ingenious Monsieur de Sacy's, lately publish'd. In three parts. The First Directs us in the Choice of our Friends. The Second in our Behaviour towards 'em. The Third in our Conduct, when the Union is Dissolv'd by Death or Otherwise. With some alterations
    Sacy, Louis-Silvestre de
  • 132675
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    An essay upon marriage in a letter adress'd to a friend
    Forbes, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 132676
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    An essay, shewing, that there is no probability of there being so much French interest, as it's certain there's English influence in our present Parliament of Scotland
  • 132677
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    An evangelical epistle to the people of God, In Derision call'd Quakers. By their Antient Friend and Brother in Christ, George Whitehead
    Whitehead, George
  • 132678
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    An exact abridgment of all the statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna Charta. Begun by Edmund Wingate of Grays Inn, Esq; and since continued under their proper Titles alphabetically down to the year 1689. In this Impression the Statutes which are Expired or Repealed are left out, and an exact Account taken of Statutes Revived, Continued or Altered by any Statute made since the begin
    England | Wales
  • 132679
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    An exact abridgment of all the statutes of King William and Queen Mary, and of King William III. and Queen Anne, in force and use. Begun by Joseph Washington of the Middle-Temple, Esq; and since his Death, revised, and continued to the end of the last Session of Parliament, April the 3d, 1704. With Two New Tables
    England | Wales
  • 132680
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    An exact journal of the campaign in Germany, for the year 1704. Under the conduct of his excellency John Duke of Marlborough, Captain-General of all Her Majesties forces. Giving An Impartial Account of the two Famous Battels of Schellenberg and Bleinheim; with Compleat Lists of the Numbers Killed, Wounded and taken Prisoners on both Sides: and several Letters from the Emperor, States-General and t
    Hare, Francis