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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,681 - 132,700건 출력
  • 132681
    Book Info
    An exact relation of the late dreadful tempest: or, a faithful account of the most remarkable disasters which hapned [sic] on that occasion: the places where, and persons names who suffer'd by the same, ... Faithfully collected by an ingenious hand, ...
    Ingenious hand
  • 132682
    Book Info
    An exhortation sent to the clergy of the diocese of Ely. By Symon Lord Bishop of Ely. Before his Fifth Triennial Visitation, MDCCIV
    Patrick, Simon
  • 132683
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    An exposition of the Apostle's Creed, from the Holy Scriptures and Bishop Pearson
    R. T
  • 132684
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    An exposition of the creed. By John, Lord Bishop of Chester.
    Pearson, John
  • 132685
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    An historical account of the principles of the high-flyers in all ages. Shewing how destructive they have been, and daily are, to the peace and union both of church and state in every government. Together, With such Modest and Impartial Reflections as are proper to be made at this time, in order to procure Tranquility in the State, and quell the Exorbitant Productions of some Turbulent and Seditio
    No zealot, nor a lukewarm Christian
  • 132686
    Book Info
    An historical account of the sufferings and death of the Faithful Confessor and Martyr, M. Isaac le Fevre, an advocate of Parliament. Who after 18 Years Imprisonment, Died a Slave in the French King's Gallies. Together with a particular Relation of the Condition of the other Miserable Prisoners there. Extracted out of his own and other confessors letters and authentick memoirs. Done into English f
    Le Fevre, Isaac
  • 132687
    Book Info
    An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving An Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happen'd to the All thor in his Travels; particularly his Conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several Parts of Europe. Also the History and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity w
    Psalmanazar, George
  • 132688
    Book Info
    An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving An Account of the Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happen'd to the Author in his Travels; particularly his Conferences with the Jesuits, and others, in several Parts of Europe. Also the History and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity, wi
    Psalmanazar, George
  • 132689
    Book Info
    An historical treatise of cities, and burghs or boroughs. Shewing their original, and whence, and from whom they received their liberties, privileges, and immunities; What-They were, and what Made and Constituted a Free Burgh, & Free Burgesses. As also shewing When they first sent their Representatives to Parliament. With A Concurrent Discourse Of most Matters, and Things Incident, or Relating the
    Brady, Robert
  • 132690
    Book Info
    An historical-Didactical treatise of the two covenants. Wherein are briefly laid down the life of Christ, and that of Moses; And several obscure Passages of Holy Scripture Opened, Many common Mistakes about this Matter corrected, and a good Life seriously pressed. By John Parker, Now Rector of Colne-Engayne, in the County of Essex, and formerly Fellow of Emanuel College in Cambridge
    Parker, John
  • 132691
    Book Info
    An imitation of the sixth ode of Horace, apply'd to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. With a prologue design'd for the first day of Mr. Estcourt's acting, but forbid to be spoke by Mr. Rich, who thought himself reflected on in one of the verses, which seems to compare his present circumstances with those of the King of France
    Steele, Richard
  • 132692
    Book Info
    An impartial enquiry into the causes of rebellion and civil war in this kingdom: In an examination of Dr. Kennett's sermon, Jan. 31. 1703/4. And Vindication of the Royal Martyr
    Astell, Mary
  • 132693
    Book Info
    An introductory discourse to catechetical instruction shewing how the same may be made both practicable and easie, by being digested into such a method as will render it as well agreeable, as profitable, both to the Catechist and Catechumen. In a pastoral letter to the clergy of Maryland. With a preface. To the reverend the parochial clergy and school-masters in this kingdom. By Thomas Bray, D.D.
    Bray, Thomas
  • 132694
    Book Info
    An theater of mortality: or, the illustrious inscriptions extant upon the several monuments, erected over the dead bodies, (of the sometime Honourable Persons) buried within the Gray-Friars church-yard; and other churches and burial-places within the city of Edinburgh and suburbs: collected and Englishe by R. Monteith, M. A.
    Monteith, Robert
  • 132695
    Book Info
    Angliæ notitia: or the present state of England, With divers remarks upon The Ancient State thereof. By Edw. Chamberlayne, LL.D. and continued by his son, John Chamberlayne, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. In Three Parts
    Chamberlayne, John
  • 132696
    Book Info
    Animadversions on other passages of Mr. Edmund Calamy's abridgment of Mr. Richard Baxter's History of his life and times. Part II. In a dialogue betwixt a Church-Man and a Peaceable Dissenter; In a Third Hampsted-Conference. With an answer to Mr. Calamy's (unprinted) defence. To which is added, an account of the plot of burning the city, in 1666. By the same hand
    Sharpe, Isaac
  • 132697
    Book Info
    Animadversions on some passages of Mr. Edmund Calamy's abridgment of Mr. Richard Baxter's History of his life and times; in a dialogue betwixt a church-man and a peaceable dissenter. In which are shewn, The Affection of Him, and his Worthies, to the Establishment in Church and State, and the Tendency of their Principles. By a lover of his country, and a friend to peace
    Sharpe, Isaac
  • 132698
    Book Info
    Anne Hassel administratrix with the will of Roger West, Esq; & al' appellts. Sir Thomas Knatchbull bart. executor of his brother Sir John Knatchbull, respondt. The appellants case. The appeal is against a decree of dismission of a bill in Chancery brought by Mr. West for recovery of 500 l. and interest being part of the fortune of his wife Elianor, one of the three daughters and coheirs of Sir Joh
    Hassel, Anne
  • 132699
    Book Info
    Anne Hassell, widow and administratrix of Roger West, Esq; ... and Sir Charles Lodowick Cotterell, Knt. appelts. Sir Thomas Knatchbull, Bar. ... respondt The respondent's case
    Knatchbull, Thomas
  • 132700
    Book Info
    Anne, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Queen, defender of the faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: As the welfare and support of the Church of England, as by Law Established, have been always our greatest care, so We have since Our Accession to the Crown frequently reflected on the miserable Condition of Her Majesty reflecting on the mean Con
    England | Wales