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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,741 - 132,760건 출력
  • 132741
    Book Info
    Concio laici:or, the layman's sermon. In order to an inward and sincere, as well as An Outward and Formal, keeping of the solemn fast; appointed to be kept on January 19, 1703/4. Shewing that Hypocrisie, more than open Lewdness, is the crying Sin of the Nation; that it brought us into Danger of the Calamity now Impending over us; and that it keeps us from getting out of it
  • 132742
    Book Info
    Confession of sins, and The Power of Absolution. In a sermon Preach'd to the University of Cambridge In the Year, 1637. By Anth. Sparrow, D. D. some time Master of Queens-College, Cambridge, and afterwards Bishop of Norwich
    Sparrow, Anthony
  • 132743
    Book Info
    Constitutions of the benevolent society for the improvement of chyrurgery, &c.
    Benevolent Society for the improvement of chyrurgery
  • 132744
    Book Info
    Corn. Nepotis quæ extant
    Nepos, Cornelius
  • 132745
    Book Info
    Cosmotheoros: or, conjectures concerning the inhabitants of the planets. Translated from the Latin of Christian Huygens
    Huygens, Christiaan
  • 132746
    Book Info
    Courage and sincerity the main proof of a faithful shepherd: a sermon Preached at the Triennial Visitation of the Dean of Sarum, Holden at Hungerford in the County of Berks, May 12. 1704. By Rob. Wake, M. A. Vicar of Ogborn St. Andrew in the County of Wilts, and sometime Fellow of Trinity-College, Oxon.
    Wake, Robert
  • 132747
    Book Info
    Cymorth i'r Cristion a chyfarwddiad i'r gwr ieuauge: yn cynnwys. I. Hyfforddiadau athrawiaethol er iawn hyfforddi ei farnedigaeth. II. Cyfarwyddiadau buddiol yn dangos pa fodd i dreulio ei holl fywyd. III. Cynghorion neullduol yn dangos pa fodd i dreulio pob diwrnod. Mewn Perthynas, i'w 1. Weithredoedd Naturiol. 2. Gorchwylion Moesol. 3. Difyrrwch anghenreidiol. 4. Dyledswyddau Crefyddol. yn fwy N
    Burkitt, William
  • 132748
    Book Info
    D. F. A.'s vindication of the Bp. of Sarum, from being the author of a late printed speech. In a letter to a friend
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 132749
    Book Info
    De Laune's plea for the non-conformists: shewing the true state of their case, and how far the conformists separation from the Church of Rome for their Popish Superstitions, &c. introduced into the Service of God, justifies the non-conformist's separation from them for the same. In a Letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, upon his Sermon, called Scrupulous Conscience, inviting hereto. To which is added, a
    De Laune, Thomas
  • 132750
    Book Info
    De Laune's plea for the non-conformists: shewing the true state of their case, and how for the conformist's separation from the Church of Rome for their Popish Superstitions, &c. introduced into the Service of God, justifies the non-conformist's separation from them for the same. In a Letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, upon his Sermon, called, Scrupulous Conscience, inviting hereto. To which is added,
    De Laune, Thomas
  • 132751
    Book Info
    De imperio solis ac lun{aelig} in corpora humana : et morbis inde oriundis. Authore Richardo Mead, M.D. S.R.S. Et in Nosocomio Divi Thomae Lond. Medico.
    Mead, Richard
  • 132752
    Book Info
    De la divina providencia, o sea naturaleza universal, o natura naturante, tratado theologica. Dividado en dos dialogos. Enlos quales, se prueva la identidad destos Terminos, autenticada con Autoridades dela Sagrada Biblia, del Talmud, Zohar, y Medrassim, y confirmada con irrefragables razones, deduzidas delas mismas Autoridades
    Nieto, David
  • 132753
    Book Info
    De nupero schismate anglicano parænesis ad exteros tam reformatos quam etiam pontificios quâ, jura episcoporum vetera, eorundemque a magistratu seculari independentia omnibus asserenda commendantur. Ab Henrico Dodwello, A.M. Dubliniensi
    Dodwell, Henry
  • 132754
    Book Info
    Death to believers a passage to glory; or an elegie to the memory of that hopeful and religious youth James Curry, son to James Curry merchant in Pentland, who dyed [sic] the 19 of January 1701, and of his age the 13th year
  • 132755
    Book Info
    Deborah and Barak the glorious instruments of Israel's deliverance. A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of Rochester, on the seventh of September, 1704. Being the Thanksgiving - Day for The Glorious Victory obtained by the Duke of Marlborough, over the French and Bavarian Armies, at Bleinbeim near Hochstet, on the Banks of the Danube. Published at the Request of Some Gentlemen. By John Grant
    Grant, John
  • 132756
    Book Info
    Demonstrations that the Lord Chancellor of Ireland is bound by the statute and common-law and also by his commission and oath, ... to grant a Commission of Delegates to Archdeacon Mathews ... With replies to the objections ...
    Mathews, Lemuel
  • 132757
    Book Info
    Des. Erasmi Rot. Precationes: quibus accedunt Concio de puero Jesu, S. Chrysostomi De orando Deum, conciones II. Erasmo autore interprete
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 132758
    Book Info
    Diana Savage, the wife of Francis Savage, Esq; and her trustee, appellants. Sir William Humble, Bart. ... and others, respondents. The respondent's case.
    Humble, William
  • 132759
    Book Info
    Dictionarium rusticum & urbanicum : or, a dictionary of all sorts of country affairs, handicraft, trading, and merchandizing. Containing more particularly the whole art of gardening, viz. sowing, setting, grafting, transplanting, salleting, &c. with the names, descriptions, and uses, of all kinds of plants, flowers, and fruits. The raising and ordering of all manner of forest and fruit-trees, a...
  • 132760
    Book Info
    Dictionarium rusticum & urbanicum: or, a dictionary of all sorts of country affairs, handicraft, trading, and merchandizing. Containing more particularly The whole Art of Gardening, viz. Sowing, Setting, Grafting, Transplanting, Salleting, &c. with the Names, Descriptions, and Uses, of all kinds of Plants, Flowers, and Fruits. The Raising and Ordering of all manner of Forest and Fruit-Trees, and D