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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,801 - 132,820건 출력
  • 132801
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons on several subjects. Viz. Of the form and the power of godliness. Of the necessity of good works. Of doing all to the glory of God. Doing good, a security against injuries from men. Of diligence in our general and particular calling. Of the blessedness of giving, more than that of receiving. The evil of corrupt communication. The true remedy against the troubles of life. By the mo
    Tillotson, John
  • 132802
    Book Info
    Foedera, conventiones, literæ, et cujuscunque generis acta publica, inter reges Angliæ, et alios quosuis imperatores, reges, ... ab anno 11O1, ad nostra usque tempora, habita aut tractata; ... In lucem missa de mandato Reginæ. Accurante Thoma Rymer, ...
    Rymer, Thomas
  • 132803
    Book Info
    For God, or for Baal; or, no neutrality in religion. A sermon against occasional communion, preach'd on Sunday, Octob. 4th. 1702. ... By Philip Stubs, ...
    Stubs, Philip
  • 132804
    Book Info
    Forma precum in utràque domo convocationis, sive synodi Prælatorum, et cæteri cleri nationalis, In ipfo statim cujuslibet Sessionis initio solenniter recitanda
    Church of Ireland
  • 132805
    Book Info
    Forms of private devotion for every day in the week, in a method agreeable to the liturgy: with occasional prayers, and an office for the Holy Communion, and for the time of sickness. Humbly recommended to all the Pious and Devout members of the Church of England
  • 132806
    Book Info
    Four discourses sent to the clergy of the diocese of Ely. On four several visitations. By Symon Lord Bishop of Ely
    Patrick, Simon
  • 132807
    Book Info
    Fourteen sermons, preached on several occasions. Never before printed. By Nich. Brady, D. D. Minister of Richmond in Surry; and Chaplain in Ordinary to her Majesty
    Brady, Nicholas
  • 132808
    Book Info
    France and Spain naturally enemies. Or, several reasons to prove it impossible they should long be friends. Discovering the constant Contrariety that has ever been, and still is, between those two Rival Nations, in their Temper, Apparel, Fashions, &c. Written originally in Spanish, by Don Carlos Garcia. Englished with large additions and improvements. By Mr. Tho. Brown
    Garc{acute}ia, Carlos
  • 132809
    Book Info
    Frances Striblehill widow. Appellant. Henry Brett, Esq; Richard Brett Gent. Respondents
    Striblehill, Frances
  • 132810
    Book Info
    Free parliaments: or, a vindication of the fundamental right of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, to be sole judges of all those privileges of the electors and of the elected; which are absolutely necessary to preserve free Parliaments, and a free people. Being a justification of the proceedings of the Honourable House of Commons, in the case of Ashby against White. By Sir Humphrey M
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 132811
    Book Info
    Further considerations about mix'd dancing: to which is added, an answer to A. Cowley's verses, entitled, The frailty. By a lover of all truth, and vertue
    Lover of all truth | vertue
  • 132812
    Book Info
    Further considerations for encouraging the woollen manufactures of this kingdom, Humbly Offer'd to the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled
  • 132813
    Book Info
    Further correction of the Vicar of Banbury, in a reply to his third pamphlet intituled, The plain-dealing of the quakers, &c. By Richard Vivers
    Vivers, Richard
  • 132814
    Book Info
    Gazophylacii natur? & artis decas quarta: In qu? Animalia, Fossilia, Plantae, Omniaque Ratiora Arte producta descriptionibus brevib[us], & iconibus illustrantur. A Jacobo Petiver, Pharmacop. Londinensi, & Regiae Societatis Socio
    Petiver, James
  • 132815
    Book Info
    Gazophylacii natur? & artis decas tertia: In qu? Animalia, Fossilia, Plantae, Omniaque Rariora Arte products descriptionibus brevib[us], & iconibus illustrantur. A Jacobo Petiver, Pharmacop. Londinensi, & Regiae Societatis Socio
    Petiver, James
  • 132816
    Book Info
    Geography anatomiz'd: or, the geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography after a new and curious method. Comprehending, I. A general view of the terraqueous globe. ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe. ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The fourth edition corrected, and somewhat enlarg'd. By Pat. Go
    Gordon, Patrick
  • 132817
    Book Info
    Geoponika. Geoponicorum, sive de re rustica, libri XX. Cassiano Basso scholastico collectore. Antea Constantino Porphyrogenneto a quibusdam adscripti. Græce & Latine. Græca cum Mss. contulit, prolegomena, notulas, & indices adjecit Pet. Needham Coll. D. Joannis Cantabrig. Socius
  • 132818
    Book Info
    Giving alms no charity, And Employing the poor A Grievance to the nation, Being an essay Upon this Great Question, Whether Work-Houses, Corporations, and Houses of Correction for Employing the Poor, as now practis'd in England; or Parish-Stocks, as propos'd in a late Pamphlet, Entituled, A Bill for the better Relief, Imployment and Settlement of the Poor, &c. Are not mischievous to the Nation, ten
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 132819
    Book Info
    Glukopikra: or, miscellanies melancholly and diverting. Occasioned chiefly by the death of a late incomparable and truly noble lady. By way of pastoral
  • 132820
    Book Info
    God's empire over the wind, consider'd in a sermon on the fast-day, January 19, 1703/4. By Thomas Bradbury
    Bradbury, Thomas