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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,841 - 132,860건 출력
  • 132841
    Book Info
    Iniquity display'd: Or, the Settlement of Kingdom of Ireland, Commonly call'd, The Act of Settlement, made after the Restoration of King Charles II. laid open. Wherein, Against all the Rules of Christian Religion, common Justice, and true Policy; against the solid Security of the Crown, the Peace and Happiness of the English Monarchy; and against the Golden Rule of Doing as one wou'd be done by; P
    French, Nicholas
  • 132842
    Book Info
    Instructions for children
  • 132843
    Book Info
    Isaaci Barrow mathematic{aelig} Professoris Lucasiani lectiones habit{aelig} in scholis publicis Academi{aelig} Cantabrigiensis
    Barrow, Isaac
  • 132844
    Book Info
    Judas's younger brother manifested: or, The false charge of Francis Bugg, the apostate, with his sham-dialogue, discovered to be malice, in his preface to his, and B.L. Vicar of Banbury's late defaming book, entituled, Quakerism drooping. / By J.L.
    Love, John
  • 132845
    Book Info
    Justini ex Trogi Pompeii historiis externis libri Xliv. Omnia quàm diligentissimè ex variorum exemplarium collatione castigata
    Justinus, Marcus Junianus
  • 132846
    Book Info
    King William's ghost
  • 132847
    Book Info
    La liturgie, c'est à dire, le formulaire des prieres publiques, de l'administration des sacremens, et des autres ceremonies & coutumes de l'eglise, selon l'usage de l'Eglise d'Irlande: avec le psautier, ou les psaumes de David, ...
    Church of Ireland
  • 132848
    Book Info
    La theologie de St. Paul, ou le pur christianisme expliqué dans un sermon sur les paroles de St. Paul, I. Cor. Chap. 2. V. 2. Prononce dans L'Eglise Paroissiale de St. Patrick le 14. May, 1704. devant L'Assemblee de Messieurs les Officiers Francois Pensionnaires de sa Majeste, lorsqu'ils communierent pour prester les Sermens ordonnes par le Parlement. Par J. Abbadie D. en T. & Doyen de Killalow
    Abbadie, Jacques
  • 132849
    Book Info
    Letter. Mr. Ridpeth anent an pamphlet, entitled an account of the proceedings in Scotland against David Baillie; with relation to the plot ...
    Ridpath, George
  • 132850
    Book Info
    Letters to Serena: containing, I. The origin and force of prejudices. II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. III. The Origin of Idolatry, and Reasons of Heathenism. As also, IV. A letter to a gentleman in Holland, showing Spinosa's System of Philosophy to be without any Principle or Foundation. V. Motion essential to Matter; in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the
    Toland, John
  • 132851
    Book Info
    Lezekher 'olam yihyeh tsadik : to mnenosynon Aionion tou dikaiou. Or, the everlasting remembrance of the righteous. Set down in a funeral sermon, on the much lamented death of John Lee, Esq;. Who died at London the 16th of July; and was Buried at Wraisbury, (alias Wirardisbury) in the County of Bucks, Anno Dom. 1704. By J.C. Werndly, Vicar of Wraisbury and Langley
    Werndli, Johann Konrad
  • 132852
    Book Info
    Liberty asserted. A tragedy. As it is acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Dennis.
    Dennis, John
  • 132853
    Book Info
    Liberty asserted: A tragedy. As it is acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Dennis.
    Dennis, John
  • 132854
    Book Info
    Liberty of conscience, or religion a la mode. Fitted for the use of the occasional conformist. And dedicated to the most learned author of the Tale of a tub
  • 132855
    Book Info
    Lives, English and forein, [sic] viz. William Lord Burleigh. Sir Walter Raleigh. George Duke of Buckingham. Marquiss of Montross. Oliver Cromwell. Admiral Coligni. Don John of Austria, Son of Charles the Fifth. William the First, Prince of Orange. Alexand Farnese, Prince of Parma. Alb. Count Wallenstein. Including the history of England, and other nations of Europe, from the year 1550, to the year
  • 132856
    Book Info
    Love and truth in plainness manifested: being a collection of the several writings Faithful Testimonies, and Christian Spistles, of that Ancient Suffering Servant and Minister of Christ, Luke Howard, of Dover, Deceas'd. With an Account of his Convincement Labours and Sufferings for the Truth
    Howard, Luke
  • 132857
    Book Info
    Love at first sight. A comedy, acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Her Majesties servants. Written by David Craufurd, gent
    Craufurd, David
  • 132858
    Book Info
    Love the leveller: or, the pretty purchase. Acted at the Theatre Royal, in Bridges-Street, Covent-Garden. Written by G. B. Gent.
    G. B
  • 132859
    Book Info
    Mareschal Tallard's aid-de-camp: his account of the battle of Bleinheim. In a letter written by him from Strasburg, to Monsieur de Chamillard, a minister of State in France; and intercepted, and sent over to a foreign minister, residing in England. Wherein Some Passages of that Memorable Day, are more fully and impartially related, than in any Relation yet Made-Publick. Both in French and English
    Feuqui{grave}eres, Antoine de Pas
  • 132860
    Book Info
    Mareschal Tallard's aid-de-camp: his account of the battle of Blenheim. In a letter written by him from Strasburg, to Monsieur de Chamillard, a Minister of State in France; and intercepted, and sent over to a Foreign Minister, residing in England. Wherein Some Passages of that Memorable Day, are more fully and impartially related, than in any Relation yet made Publick. Both in French and English
    Feuqui{grave}eres, Antoine de Pas