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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,881 - 132,900건 출력
  • 132881
    Book Info
    Moderation truly stated: or, a review of a late pamphlet, entitul'd, Moderation a vertue. With a prefatory discourse to Dr. D'Aveanant, concerning his late essays on peace and war
    Astell, Mary
  • 132882
    Book Info
    Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, or, Squire Trelooby. Acted at the Subscription Musick at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. March 30. 1704. By Select Comedians from both Houses. Done into English from a Comedy of Moliere's, which was made and perform'd at Chambord for the Diversion of the French King, in the Year 1679
  • 132883
    Book Info
    More plain English. In two sermons preach'd for reformation of manners: in the year 1701. The first at St. Catherine's by the Tower; the other at St. Matthew Friday-Street; At the Request of some Gentlemen of the Societies for Reformation. By William Bisset, One of the Ministers of St. Catherine's by the Tower. With a Large Preface by the Author in his own Vindication
    Bisset, William
  • 132884
    Book Info
    More plain English. In two sermons preach'd for reformation of manners: the first at St. Catherine's by the Tower; the other at St. Matthew Friday-Street. By William Bisset, One of the Ministers of St. Catherine's by the Tower. With a large preface by the author, in his own vindication
    Bisset, William
  • 132885
    Book Info
    More short-ways with the Dissenters
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 132886
    Book Info
    Mr. Burchett's justification of his naval-memoirs. In answer to Reflections made by Col. Lillingston, on that part which relates two Cape François and Port de Paix. With some short observations on our West-India expeditions
    Burchett, Josiah
  • 132887
    Book Info
    Mr. Collier's dissuasive from the play-house; in a letter to a person of quality, occasion'd by the late calamity of the tempest.
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 132888
    Book Info
    Mr. P-----dg's elegy on the death of Mr. John Gadbury, the famous astrologer, ...
  • 132889
    Book Info
    Mr. Pearse's last legacy. Two discourses, (viz.) I. A beam of divine glory: Or, The Unchangeableness of God Opened, Vindicated, and Improved. II. The soul's rest in God. Very useful to quiet the Minds of Christians, when discomposed on the Account of Man's Mortality, and the Mutability of Humane Affairs. By E.P. Author of The Great Concern: Or, Preparation for Death, &c.
    Pearse, Edward
  • 132890
    Book Info
    Mr. Wingate's arithmetick : containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick. Composed by Edmund Wingate of Grays-Inn, Esq; and upon his request enlarged in his life-time, also since his decease carefully revised and much improv'd, as will appear by the Preface and Table of Contents. By John Kersey, late Teacher of the Mathematicks. The eleve...
    Wingate, Edmund
  • 132891
    Book Info
    Mrs. Packer's answer to the Lady Ashe's reasons for passing the bill sent from the House of Lords
    Packer, Anne
  • 132892
    Book Info
    Mully of Mountown. A poem. By the author of the Tale of a tub.
    King, William
  • 132893
    Book Info
    New elements of conick sections : together with a method for their description on a plane. Translated from the French treatise of Mr. de la Hire. By Brian Robinson.
    La Hire, Philippe de
  • 132894
    Book Info
    New observations on the venereal disease, with the true way of curing the same. The third edition, corrected and enlarged throughout the whole Work. To which is also added, four new chapters, viz. I. Of mercury, or quick-silver. II. The Jesuits bark. III. Of opium. IV. Of steel. By Charles Peter, Chyrurgeon
    Peter, Charles
  • 132895
    Book Info
    News from the stars : or, an ephemeris for the year, 1704. With Observations upon the Eclipses, Solar Ingresses and Configurations of Heaven, happening therein. Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the Creation of the world, according to the best of History, 5653 years. Wherein You have an Account of many things about the Heavenly Bodies, and their Portents in the same year. By William ...
    Andrews, William
  • 132896
    Book Info
    Nomenclatura trilinguis Anglo-Latino-Græca: or, a short vocabulary, English, Latin, and Greek. ... Composed for the benefit of the English youth, by P.K.
    P. K
  • 132897
    Book Info
    Nonnulli è Luciani Dialogis selecti, et in duas partes divisi; alteram prius editam, alteram nunc additam: omnes scholiis illustrati ab Edwardo Leedes, ...
  • 132898
    Book Info
    Novum lumen chirurgicum: or a new light of chirurgery Wherein is discover'd a much more safe and speedy way of curing wounds than has heretofore bin usually practis'd. Illustrated with several experiments made in Flanders in the year 1694. By John Colbatch, a member of the College of Physicians.
    Colbatch, John
  • 132899
    Book Info
    Observations upon the case of William Rose an apothecary, as represented by him to the Most Honourable House of Lords, upon his bringing the case before the said House by a writ of error, in order to have the Judgment obtain'd against him by the College of Physicians, in the Queen's-Bench, Reversed
    Rose, William
  • 132900
    Book Info
    Occasional conformity