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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,921 - 132,940건 출력
  • 132921
    Book Info
    Plain English. A sermon preached at St. Mary-le-Bow, on Monday, March 27, 1704. for reformation of manners with some enlargements By William Bisset, ...
    Bisset, William
  • 132922
    Book Info
    Plain English. A sermon preached at St. Mary-le-Bow, on Monday, March 27. 1704. ... By William Bisset, ...
    Bisset, William
  • 132923
    Book Info
    Plain English. A sermon preached at St. Mary-le-Bow, on Monday, March 27. 1704. for reformation of manners with some enlargements. By William Bisset, ...
    Bisset, William
  • 132924
    Book Info
    Plain-dealing: in answer to Plain-English, a sermon preached at St. Mary-le-Bow, March 27. 1704. for reformation of manners. By W. Bisset, ... In which his vile aspersions are censur'd, his sly inuendo's rebuk'd, his inveterate malice exposed, ... By the author of the Animadversions on Mr. Calamy's abridgment of Mr. Baxter's life, &c.
    Sharpe, Isaac
  • 132925
    Book Info
    Plausus musarum Oxoniensium; sive Gratulatio Academiae Ob Res Prospere Terra Marique Gestas. In Comitiis Philologicis Habitis in Theatro Sheldoniano Calendis Januarii 1704
    University of Oxford
  • 132926
    Book Info
    Pleadings in some remarkable cases before the Supreme Courts of Scotland since the year 1661 to which the decisions are subjoyn'd.
    Mackenzie, George
  • 132927
    Book Info
    Plutarch's Morals translated from the Greek by several hands.
  • 132928
    Book Info
    Poems on affairs of state, from 1640. to this present year 1704. Written by the greatest wits of the age, Viz. The late Duke of Buckingham, Duke of D-re, Late E. of Rochester, Earl of D-t, Lord J-Rys, Ld Hal-x, Andrew Marvel, Esq; Col. M-d-t, Mr. St. J-ns, Mr. Hambden, Sir Fleet Shepherd, Mr. Dryden, Mr. St-y, Mr. Pr-r, Dr. G-th, &c. Most of which were never before publish'd. Vol. III
  • 132929
    Book Info
    Poetical miscellanies: the fifth part. Containing a collection of Original Poems, With Several New Translations. By the most Eminent Hands
  • 132930
    Book Info
    Poor Robin. 1704. An almanack of the old and new fashion: ... Written by Poor Robin, ...
    Winstanley, William
  • 132931
    Book Info
    Practical discourses upon the parables of Our Blessed Saviour. With prayers annex'd to each discourse. Vol. II. By Francis Bragge, B. D. Vicar of Hitchin in Hertfordshire
    Bragge, Francis
  • 132932
    Book Info
    Praxis almæ curiæ cancellariæ: in two volumes. Being a collection of precedents by bill and answer, plea and demurrer, in causes of the greatest moment (wherein Equity hath been allowed) which have been commenced in the High Court of Chancery, for more than 30 years last past. With Appeals (in several Cases of great Difficulty) to the House of Peers in Parliament, and the Proceedings thereupon. Al
  • 132933
    Book Info
    Prayers for Sundays, holidays, and other festivals, from Low-Sunday, to the twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
    Gother, John
  • 132934
    Book Info
    Prayers in the closet, for the use of all devout Christians. Collected out of the Best companion, by the author of the same. Imprimatur. Apr. 11th 1692. Jonath. Edwards Vicc-Can
    Howell, William
  • 132935
    Book Info
    Prelacy defended: or, the scurrilous reflections of high-flyers expos'd and ridicul'd
  • 132936
    Book Info
    Prince Arthur. An heroick poem. In ten books. By Sir Richard Blackmore, Kt. M. D. and Fellow of the College of Physicians in London. The fourth edition revised. To which is annexed, an index, explaining the names of countries, cities, and rivers, &c.
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 132937
    Book Info
    Privilegia Parliamentaria senatus consensu sublata. Being remarks upon the Acts of Parliament de annis 12 & 13 W.3. & 2 & 3 Ann? Regin?, for preventing any inconveniencies that may happen by privilege of Parliament. With instructions when, and how to commence and prosecute actions or Suits, in any of her Majesty's courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, the High Court of Chancery, Court of Exche
    Brown, William
  • 132938
    Book Info
    Privilegia magnatum apud anglos: or, a declaration of the divers and sundry preheminencies, or privileges, allowed by the laws, and Customs of England, unto the First-Born among Her Majesties Subjects, The temporal lords of Parliament. Together with notes, upon most of those Privileges, as also several remarks, relating to our temporal peerage, by way of introduction. By John Brydall of Lincolns-I
    Brydall, John
  • 132939
    Book Info
    Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the first day of June next 1704
  • 132940
    Book Info
    Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fourth day of May next 1704