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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,061 - 133,080건 출력
  • 133061
    Book Info
    The case of the Episcopal clergy and of those of the Episcopal perswasion, considered, as to the granting them a toleration & indulgence, the second part. In a letter to Mr. George Meldrum ... Being a vindication of the former, from the misrepresentations of the Remarks, &c.
    Garden, George
  • 133062
    Book Info
    The case of the master taylors, duly qualified in the taylors trade, within the cities of London and Westminster, and the burrough of Southwark, and weekly bills of mortality; ...
  • 133063
    Book Info
    The case of the said respondents, being Creditors of Sir William Basset by Mortgage and other Real Securities. Richard Symes Esq; Katharine Stokes Widow, John Coggs Goldsmith, John Blow Gent. and Mary Mosters surviving Executors of Roger Hewett Gent. Deceas'd. Creditors of Sir William Basset Knight, Deceas'd, by Judgment only. Appellants. Robert Millington Esq; and Jane his Wife Executrix of John
    Millington, Robert
  • 133064
    Book Info
    The case of witnessing against offenders face to face, examined and discussed. In Answer to this Question, Viz. Whether it is always just and necessary in Order to the Conviction and Punishment of an Offender, upon the Statutes against Profaneness and Debauchery, that the Informant or Witness should be made known to him, or give Evidence and Testimony of his Crime, to the Magistrate, before his Fa
    Societies for Reformation of Manners
  • 133065
    Book Info
    The catechism set forth in the Book of Common-Prayer, briefly explained by short notes, grounded upon Holy Scripture. To which is now added, an essay of questions and answers, ...
    Marshall, Thomas
  • 133066
    Book Info
    The cause of God's wrath: or, a call to repentance, for the national sin of sacriledge. A sermon preach'd at Cobham in Surrey, January the 19th, 1703/4. Being the Day of the Publick Fast. By W. Tucker, Vicar of Cobham in Surrey
    Tucker, William
  • 133067
    Book Info
    The causes of the decay of Christian piety. Or an impartial survey of the ruins of Christian religion, undermin'd by unchristian practice. Written by the author of The whole duty of man
    Allestree, Richard
  • 133068
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    The character of a Quaker
  • 133069
    Book Info
    The child's delight: or instructions for children and youth. Wherein all the chief principles of the Christian religions are clearly (though briefly) opened. Necessary to Establish young People in God's Truth, in opposition to Error in these perilous Times. Together With many other things, both Pleasant and Useful, for the Christian Education of Youth; with Letters to Parents. Adorned with several
    Keach, Benjamin
  • 133070
    Book Info
    The christian sacrifices recommended: in a sermon preached In the Parish-Church of St. Mary Le-Bow, December 12th, 1704. Before The Gentlemen Educated at Merchant-Taylors-School. Publish'd at the Request of the Stewards. By Tho. Cooke, A. M. Chaplain to his Grace James Duke of Ormond
    Cooke, Thomas
  • 133071
    Book Info
    The church catechism: to which are subjoin'd some of the most apposite texts of scripture; shewing the duty to parents and magistrates, pastors and masters. ... The whole divided into thirteen short lessons; ...
    Bray, Thomas
  • 133072
    Book Info
    The church of England, under God, an impregnable bulwark against popery. A sermon preach'd at St. Paul's cathedral, before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, November the 5th. 1703. Being the Anniversary Thanksgiving for our Deliverance from the Gun-Powder Treason, &c. By Philip Stubs, M. A. late Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon; now Rector of St. Alfage, London. Publish'd i
    Stubs, Philip
  • 133073
    Book Info
    The church-Catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph
    Beveridge, William
  • 133074
    Book Info
    The cobler of Gloucester reviv'd; in a letter to the observator's countrey-man
    Wallis, Ralph
  • 133075
    Book Info
    The communicant's companion. Or, instructions and helps for the right receiving of the Lord's Supper. By Matthew Henry, ...
    Henry, Matthew
  • 133076
    Book Info
    The compleat English gardner : or, a sure guide to young planters and gardners: in three parts. I. Shewing the best Way and Order of Planting and Raising all sorts of Stocks, Fruit-Trees, and Shrubs, with the divers Ways of Ingrafting and Inoculating in their several Seasons. II. How to Order the Kitchen Garden for all sorts of Herbs, Roots, and Sallads. III. The Ordering of the Garden of Pleas...
    Meager, Leonard
  • 133077
    Book Info
    The compleat fisher, or the true art of angling: being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish with the worm, fly, paste, and other baits, in their proper seasons; ... By J. S. a brother of the angle
    Smith, John
  • 133078
    Book Info
    The compleat servant-maid: or, The young maidens tutor. Directing them how they may fit, and qualifie themselves for any of these employments. Viz. Waiting-woman, house-keeper. Chamber-maid, cook-maid, under-cook-maid, nursery-maid, dairy-maid, laundry-maid, house-maid, scullery-maid. Whereunto is added a suppliment [sic] containing the choicest receipts and rarest secrets in physick and chyrurge
    Woolley, Hannah
  • 133079
    Book Info
    The complete gard'ner: or, directions for cultivating and right ordering of fruit-gardens and kitchen gardens. By Monsienr [sic] De la Quintinye. Now compendiously abridg'd, and made of more use, with very considerable improvements. By George London, and Henry Wise
    La Quintinie, Jean de
  • 133080
    Book Info
    The conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. Acted at the Theatre-Royal. In two parts. Written by John Dryden, ...
    Dryden, John