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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,121 - 133,140건 출력
  • 133121
    Book Info
    The gentleman's jockey, and approved farrier : Instructing in the natures, causes, and cures, of all diseases incident to horses. With An Exact and Easie Method of Breeding, Buying, Dieting, and otherwise Ordering, all Sorts of Horses, as well for Common and Ordinary Use, as the Heats and Course. With divers other curiosities, collected by the long Practice, Experience, and Pains, of J.H. Esq; ...
    Halfpenny, John
  • 133122
    Book Info
    The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Participation thereof by all true Christians. A sermon Preached at The Funeral of Mr. Richard Warren, Gent. Who Dyed February the 6th. and was Buried Feb. the 9th, 1703/4. By John Jeffery, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich, and Minister of St. Peters of Mancroft
    Jeffery, John
  • 133123
    Book Info
    The good man's preparation for the happy receiving of the blessed sacrament. Together with an account of the Holy-Passion-Week; and the great festival of Easter. With Rules and Directions how to Fast acceptably; and how to Communicate worthily. To which are annext, Particular Lessons, Prayers, Meditations, and Anthems, for the several Days of those Times of strict Mortification, and Holy Joy. In t
    Seller, Abednego
  • 133124
    Book Info
    The grand essay: or, a vindication of reason, and religion, against impostures of philosophy Proving according to those Ideas and Conceptions of Things Human Understanding is capable of forming to it self. 1. That the Existence of any Immaterial Substance is a Philosophic Imposture, and impossible to be conceived. 2. That all Matter has Originally created in it, a principle of Internal, or Self-Mo
    Coward, William
  • 133125
    Book Info
    The great law of consideration: or, a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, In order to a truly Serious and Religious Life, is laid open. The 8th edition, corrected and amended. By Anthony Horneck, D. D. late Prebendary of Westminster, Minister of the Savoy, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Horneck, Anthony
  • 133126
    Book Info
    The grounds and principles of the Christian religion, explain'd in a catechetical discourse, for the instruction of young people. Written in French by J. F. Ostervald, Pastor of the Church of Neufchatel, and Author of a Book, Entituled, A Treatise concerning the Causes of the present Corruption of Christians, and the Remedies thereof. To which is added, a liturgy; Or, Form of publick Prayers, Whic
    Ostervald, Jean Fr{acute}ed{acute}eric
  • 133127
    Book Info
    The grounds of criticism in poetry, contain'd in some new discoveries never made before, requisite for the writing and judging of poems surely. Being a preliminary to a larger work design'd to be publish'd in folio, and entituled, A criticism upon our most celebrated English poets deceas'd. By Mr. Dennis:
    Dennis, John
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 133128
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    The high-Lander's answer to the L-d H-m's sp-ch
  • 133129
    Book Info
    The high-Lander's answer to the L. Haversham's speech
  • 133130
    Book Info
    The history and fall of the conformity bill. Being an excellent new song to the tune of The ladies fall
    Maynwaring, Arthur
  • 133131
    Book Info
    The history of Dion Cassius abridg'd by Xiphilin Containing the most considerable passages under the Roman emperors, from the time of Pompey the Great, to the Reign of Alexander Severus. In two volumes. Done from the Greek, by Mr. Manning
    Cassius Dio Cocceianus
  • 133132
    Book Info
    The history of Lapland: containing a geographical description, and a natural history of that country; with an account of the inhabitants, their original, religion, customs, habits, marriages, conjurations, employments, &c. Written by John Scheffer, Professor of Law and Rhetorick, at Upsal in Sweden. translated from the last Edition in Latin, and illustrated with many curious copper-cutts. To which
    Scheffer, Johannes
  • 133133
    Book Info
    The history of Non-Conformity, as it was argued and stated by Commissioners on both sides, in 1661. Containing, I. Two Papers of Proposals, concerning the Discipline and Ceremonies of the Church of England, Presented to King Charles II. by the Presbyterian Ministers. II. Their Petition for Peace to the Bishops. III. Their Reformation of the Liturgy. IV. An Account of the Proceedings of the Commiss
    England | Wales
  • 133134
    Book Info
    The history of man; or, the wonders of humane nature, in relation to the virtues, vices and defects of both sexes. With examples antient and modern, alphabetically digested under their proper heads. The whole work being intermixt with variety of useful and divertive relations, never before publish'd
    Wanley, Nathaniel
  • 133135
    Book Info
    The history of the bucaniers of America; from the first original down to this time; written in several languages, and now collected into one volume. Containing. I. The exploits and adventures of Le Grand, Lolonois, Roche Brasiliano, Bat the Portuguese, Sir Henry Morgan, &c. Written in Dutch by Jo. Esquemeling one of the Bucaniers, and thence translated into Spanish. II. The dangerous Voyage and bo
    Exquemelin, A. O
  • 133136
    Book Info
    The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641. ... Written by ... Edward Earl of Clarendon, ... Volume the first.
    Clarendon, Edward Hyde
  • 133137
    Book Info
    The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641. ... Written by ... Edward Earl of Clarendon, ... Volume the second
    Clarendon, Edward Hyde
  • 133138
    Book Info
    The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641. ... Written by ... Edward Earl of Clarendon, ... Volume the third.
    Clarendon, Edward Hyde
  • 133139
    Book Info
    The history of the reign of Henry the fifth, King of England, &c. In nine books
    Goodwin, Thomas
  • 133140
    Book Info
    The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the second. ...
    Boyer, Abel