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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,201 - 133,220건 출력
  • 133201
    Book Info
    The orator display'd: or, remarks on the B-----p of S----bury's speech. Upon the bill against occasional conformity. Those of the Separation have been too forward to Blood and War, and thereby have drawn much Guilt on themselves. Dr. Burnet's History of the Reformation, Second Vol. Preface. I am sure it has left this Conviction on all our Consciences, that that Party is obstinately fix'd to their
    H. E
  • 133202
    Book Info
    The parents pious gift or, a choise present for children. Set forth in a dialogue betwixt a religous father and a extravagant son
  • 133203
    Book Info
    The peculiar use and signification of certain words in the Latin tongue: or, a collection of observations, Consisting of English Sentences Translated from the truest Copies of the Purest Latin Writers, and principally intended to be translated back again into that Language. Usui & Latini & Anglici sermonis studiosae juventutis. By William Willymott A. Fellow of King's College in Cambridge
    Willymott, William
  • 133204
    Book Info
    The person of quality's answer to Mr. Collier's letter, Being a Disswasive from the Play-House. In which are Inserted the Apologies of a Young Lady, and Young Gentleman, in behalf of the Ladies and Gentlemen who frequent the Play-House
    Dennis, John
  • 133205
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    The picture of a high-flyer
  • 133206
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    The picture of a low-flyer
  • 133207
    Book Info
    The picture of royalty: or a key to open the progeny of the royal-line Since the Union of the Houses of Lancaster and York in King Henry Vii. of England, and Elizabeth Daughter to Edward IV. his Queen, brought down to King James I. of Great-Britain, &c. in whom the Crowns of Scotland, England, &c. were also United. As it is most lively represented in a large copper plate sheet, with the several Fa
    Alexander, William
  • 133208
    Book Info
    The picture of the present generation; or the temper of the times represented and taxed: in a discourse at Glasgow, July 4. 1704. when the convention of burroughs met there. By one of the ministers of the gospel at Glasgow
    Clark, James
  • 133209
    Book Info
    The plain-Dealing of the Quakers: or an answer to the late book intituled, The vicar of Banbury further corrected; wherein their subtilties, evasions, and prevarications, are obviously exposed. By Benjamin Loveling, M. A. Vicar of Banbury
    Loveling, Benjamin
  • 133210
    Book Info
    The planter's charity
  • 133211
    Book Info
    The poor man's physician and surgeon: shewing the true method of curing all sorts of distempers, by the help of such Medicines as are of the Product of our Climate, and consequently to be Prepared without much Charge and Difficulty. With an addition of the true use of the quinquina or Jesuites pouder. By Monsieur D'Ube, Doctor of Physick Translated from the eighth edition printed at Paris
    Dub{acute}e, Paul
  • 133212
    Book Info
    The poor vicar's plea; declaring, that a competency of means is due to them out of the tythes of their several parishes, notwithstanding the Impropriations. Written by Thomas Ryves, Doctor of the Civil Laws
    Ryves, Thomas
  • 133213
    Book Info
    The portugal expedition. To which is added, Dr. G-h's epigram on the same subject. By Mr. Cobb
    Cobb, Samuel
  • 133214
    Book Info
    The power and providence of God consider'd and asserted. In a sermon preach'd in the parish-church of Middleton-Stony, in the County of Oxford, on Wednesday the 19th of January, 1703/4. Being the Fast-Day Appointed by Proclamation to be observed in a most Solemn and Devout Manner, &c. By William Offley, M. A. Prebendary of Lincoln, Rector of Middleton-Stony, and late Fellow of King's-College in Ca
    Offley, William
  • 133215
    Book Info
    The practice of physick : reduc'd to the ancient way of observations containing a just parallel between the wisdom and experience of the ancients, and the hypothesis's of modern physicians. Intermix'd With many Practical Remarks upon most Distempers. Together with several new and curious dissertations; Particularly of the tarantula, And the Nature of its Poison: of the use and Abuse of blisteri...
    Baglivi, Giorgio
  • 133216
    Book Info
    The present state of the universe, or an account of I. The rise, births, names, ... of all the present chief princes of the world. ...
    Beaumont, John
  • 133217
    Book Info
    The president of presidents. Or, one general president for all common assurances by deeds: being a perfect abstract. of the General Learning and Forms of Presidents, touching or any ways relating to all manner of Conveyances now in Use. First written by William Sheppard, Esq; and now illustrated with many excellent cases in the law, and several necessary Instructions how to discover the Defect of
    Sheppard, William
  • 133218
    Book Info
    The principal acts of the General Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; conveened at Edinburgh, March 16th. 1704 ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 133219
    Book Info
    The principle of the Protestant Reformation explain'd, in a letter of resolution concerning church-communion
  • 133220
    Book Info
    The principles of the Observator examin'd, and the Queen vindicated. Shewing that she is a queen of the royal succession, and not of the abdication, nor revolution. Laid before the Commons in Parliament. Part I