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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,281 - 133,300건 출력
  • 133281
    Book Info
    The whole course of catechetical institution, through three classes of catechumens, consisting of I. An introductory discourse, to Catechetical Instruction, being a Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of Maryland, concerning the same. II. The Church Catechism with some proper Texts of Scripture, Prayers, and Graces; For the first Class. III. An Essay towards rendring the Expositions on the Church Catech
    Bray, Thomas
  • 133282
    Book Info
    The whole duty of a Christian, plainly represented in three practical essays, on baptism, confirmation, and repentance. Containing full instructions for a holy life: With Earnest Exhortations, especially to young Persons, drawn from the Consideration of the Severity of the Discipline of the Primitive Church. By Samuel Clark, M. A. Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God John Lord Bishop of No
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 133283
    Book Info
    The wine merchants proposals, for preventing sophisticating and vitiating wines, &c. Humbly offer'd to the Honourable House of Commons
  • 133284
    Book Info
    The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation. In two parts. ... With answers to some objections. By John Ray, ...
    Ray, John
  • 133285
    Book Info
    The wisdom of being religious. A sermon preach'd before His Grace James Duke of Ormond, Lord-Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland, at the Castle-Chappel in Dublin; February the 20th, 1703/4. By Edward Synge, ...
    Synge, Edward
  • 133286
    Book Info
    The wolf stript of his shepherd's cloathing. In answer to a late celebrated book intituled Moderation a vertue; wherein the designs of the dissenters against the church: and their behaviour towards Her Majesty both in England and Scotland are laid open. With the case of occasional conformity considered. ... By one call'd an high-church-man. ...
    Leslie, Charles
  • 133287
    Book Info
    The wonder of the Bishop of Meaux upon perusal of Dr. Bull's books, consider'd and answer'd
    Stephens, Edward
  • 133288
    Book Info
    The wonder of the Bishop of Meaux, upon perusal of Dr. Bull's books, consider'd and answer'd
    Stephens, Edward
  • 133289
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    The works of Sir George Etherege: containing his plays and poems
    Etherege, George
  • 133290
    Book Info
    The works of William Chillingworth Master of Arts, of the University of Oxford. Containing his book, entitl'd The religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation; together with his Nine sermons preached before the King, or upon eminent occasions. His letter to Mr. Lewgar, concerning the Church of Rome's being the guide of faith and judge of controversies. His nine Additional discourses. And his An
    Chillingworth, William
  • 133291
    Book Info
    The works of the learned and pious author of The whole duty of man
    Allestree, Richard
  • 133292
    Book Info
    The worth of a penny. Or, a caution to keep money with the causes of the scarcity and misery of the want thereof. ...
    Peacham, Henry
  • 133293
    Book Info
    The worth of a penny: or, a caution to keep money. With the causes of the scarcity and misery of the want thereof. ... By Henry Peacham ...
    Peacham, Henry
  • 133294
    Book Info
    The written Gospel-Labours of that ancient and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, John Whitehead: collected and published, for the information of the present and succeeding ages
    Whitehead, John
  • 133295
    Book Info
    This morning by a mail from Holland, we have advice of the taking of Landau by capitulation and the town of Tarabach and other particulars
  • 133296
    Book Info
    Thoughts on religion, and other subjects. By Monsieur Pascal. Translated from the French
    Pascal, Blaise
  • 133297
    Book Info
    Thoughts well employ'd; or the duty of self-observation. To which are added Pythagoras's golden verses. Made Christian. By Edm, [sic] Arwaker, Rector of Drunglass in Ireland
    Arwaker, Edmund
  • 133298
    Book Info
    Three discourses; one on the parable of Dives and Lazarus, the second on that of the unjust steward, and the third, on that of the ten virgins. By the Reverend Mr. Clement Ellis, Rector of Kirby, and Prebendary of Southwell. With a preface, giving some account of the author's writings and life
    Ellis, Clement
  • 133299
    Book Info
    Three essays concerning church government viz. I. An impartial inquiry into the order and government, seded by Christ and his Apostles, in the Church. II. An Inquiry into the Divine Right of Presbytery. III. The phonix; Or, Prelacy revived from the Ashes of its Funeral; and established upon the same Principles and Arguments which are made use of against it, by the Author of The Funeral of Prelacy
    Couper, Simon
  • 133300
    Book Info
    To the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, is humbly offered an account of some few of the many sufferings of the people call'd Quakers, by the several methods of sequestrations, excommunications, &c.