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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,321 - 133,340건 출력
  • 133321
    Book Info
    William Dobson, cleric' appellant. Gilbert Hearne, gent. respondent. The respondent's case
    Hearne, Gilbert
  • 133322
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    William Rose the apothecary's case consider'd: wherein by a writ of error brought into the Most Honourable the House of Lords, the judgment obtain'd against him by the College of Physicians at the Queen's-Bench, was revers'd
    Rose, William
  • 133323
    Book Info
    Windsor, August 13. 1704. The Lord Tunbridge arrived here this evening being sent by His Grace the Duke of Marlborough to Her Majesty, with the particulars of the late glorious victory obtained over the French and Bavarians at Hochstet, on Wednesday the 13th Instant, N. S. His Lordship brought a letter from His Grace to the Right Honourable Mr. Secretary Harley, dated the morning after the battel
    Marlborough, John Churchill
  • 133324
    Book Info
    Wisdom the best possession. In a sermon preached at Christ-Church, London, at the anniversary meeting of the gentlemen educated at Eton and King's-College on December the 6th. 1703. By Joseph Rawson, M. A. late Fellow of King's-College in Cambridge, and Lecturer of East-Greenwich in Kent. Publish'd at the Request of the Stewards, &c.
    Rawson, Joseph
  • 133325
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    [An Act for granting an aid to Her Majesty, for carrying on the war, and other Her Majesty's occasions, by selling annuities at several rates, and for such respective terms or estates as are therein mentioned.]
    England | Wales
  • 133326
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    [An Act for prohibiting all trade and commerce with France.]
    England | Wales
  • 133327
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    [An Act to enlarge the time for the purchasers of the forfeited estates in Ireland, to make the payments of their purchase money.]
    England | Wales
  • 133328
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    [An Act to repeal a proviso in an act of the fourth year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, which prevents the citizens of the city of York from disposing of their personal estates by their wills, as others inhabiting within the province of York by that act may do.]
    England | Wales
  • 133329
    Book Info
    Æsop the wanderer: or, fables Relating to the Transactions of Europe; Occasionally Writ since the late battle at Bleinheim. Viz. The Introduction. The Wagerers. The fall of Tyranny. The Panther and his Son. A Priest for the Devil. The Ambitious Boy. The Bear and the Lion. The Tyger and his Subjects. The Eagle and the Hawk. The Miscarriage. A Tale of a Tub
  • 133330
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    A Collection of Voyages Undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company, for the Improvement of Trade and Navigation
    Renneville, Constantin de
  • 133331
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    A banquet for gentlemen and ladies, consisting of nine comick and tragick novels viz. The treacherous friend. The jealous husbands. The friendly cheat. Jealousy without a Cause. The Cuckold turn'd Confess The Prodigal Reclaim'd, and Virginity Restor'd. The Unfortunate Lovers. The Cruel Mother; and The Bacchanalians. Intermix'd with several pleasant and delightful tales and stories
  • 133332
    Book Info
    A bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in Norwich : which will reach their friends in Bristol, and set fire on the combustible matter thorow their whole camp in England and Wales.
    Bugg, Francis
  • 133333
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    A brief account of the unquestionable right of His Majesty, the King of Prussia, to the succession of his grandfather, the Prince Frederick-Henry, of glorious memory. Written by His Majesty's Special Command, and now made Publick by the Permission of his Excellency, the Prussian Embassador
  • 133334
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    A brief examination of some things in Mr. Meldrum's sermon preach'd May 16. against a toleration to those of the episcopal perswasion. In a letter to a friend
    Sage, John
  • 133335
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    A brief reply to the Quakers book, falsely call'd, Vindiciæ veritatis; said to be an answer to John Stillingfleet's treatise, Seasonable advice concerning Quakerism
    Bugg, Francis
  • 133336
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    A call to delaying sinners by Tho: Doolittle
    Doolittle, Thomas
  • 133337
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    A case of conscience : propos'd to, and decided by forty doctors of the faculty at Paris, in favour of Jansenism. As also, what has been done on this occassion by the Pope, Arch-Bishop of Paris, and the King. Together with a Collection of Records, containing what former Popes, and Prelates have done and Writ, concerning the Fact of Jansenius, and some of the fam'd Books, of his Party, abetted i...
  • 133338
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    A case of present concern, in a letter to a member of the House of Commons
    Leslie, Charles
  • 133339
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    A challenge of peace, address'd to the whole nation: With an enquiry into ways and means for bringing it to pass.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 133340
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    A choice collection of papers relating to state affairs; during the late revolution. Some whereof were never before printed. Vol.I