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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,501 - 133,520건 출력
  • 133501
    Book Info
    A specimen of the method the Presbyterians take to answer all arguments against their errors
    Sutherland, Alexander
  • 133502
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    A speech for the bill against occasional conformity
    Pakington, John
  • 133503
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    A speech for the bill against occasional conformity, by Sir J. P. Baronet. With a preface and short notes, by W. S. M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxon.
    Pakington, John
  • 133504
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    A speech in Parliament touching limitations
    Belhaven, John Hamilton
  • 133505
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    A speech in Parliament, by the Lord Belhaven; upon the act for security of the kingdom, in case of the Queens death
    Belhaven, John Hamilton
  • 133506
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    A speech without doors, concerning toleration
    Wylie, Robert
  • 133507
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    A stone returning upon him that roll'd it: or, an answer unto self-condemnation, holding forth both the weakness and wickedness of that Episcopal author; and confirming the second edition of the debate in the shop. By the Presbyterian concern'd
    Brown, James
  • 133508
    Book Info
    A supplement to The office and duty of executors: Containing Divers Matters and Things omitted or not comprized in former Impressions relating to Wills, Executors, Administrators, Devises, Legacies, &c. Collected from the Body of the Common and Statute Laws of the Kingdom, and methodically Digested: With References to the divers Acts of Parliament and Adjudged Cases, Authorising and Approving the
    Curson, H
  • 133509
    Book Info
    A survey of The case, of the Episcopal clergy, and of those of the Episcopal perswasion
    Hadow, Ja
  • 133510
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    A survey of princes and their favourites, by the ingenious Monsieur de Balzack, in his Aristippus abridg'd and translated
    Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez
  • 133511
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    A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, or, to the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the Kirk of Scotland and To the National Covenant of Scotland, and To the Solemn League and Covenant of the three Nations, Scotland, England, and Ireland, and To the Work of Uniformity in Religion, and Against the Errors, Heresies, Blasphemies, and diverse practises of the times; Especially agains
    Lundie, Thomas
  • 133512
    Book Info
    A testimony to true Christianity, restored, in its ancient glory and beauty, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit: witnessed unto by all true Christian believers, who are given up to follow Christ, in the ancient path of holiness, Which alone leads to Eternal Life. With a Testimony against their Unbelief, who hold, That Victory over all Sin and Corruption is not attainable while they r
    Rigge, Ambrose
  • 133513
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    A third collection of several tracts and discourses, written in the years 1690, to 1703. By Dr. Gilbert Burnet; Lord Bishop of Sarum
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 133514
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    A treatise of English particles, shewing much of the variety of their significations and uses in English: ... With a praxis upon the same. By William Walker, B.D. ...
    Walker, William
  • 133515
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    A treatise of the just interest of the kings of England, in their free disposing power, and the validity of their grants made to any of their subjects. And the history of acts of resumption and how they have been gain'd. Written at the Request of a Person of Honour' in the year 1657, by a Person Learn'd in the Laws, suppos'd my Lord Chief Justice Hales. To which is added, a prefatory discourse in
  • 133516
    Book Info
    A treatise, wherein are discover'd the many gross absurdities and pernicious errours, that naturally follow from the false glosses upon the 7th. chapter of the epistle of Paul to the Romans, which are maintained by the abettors of the Confession of Faith, and of the Larger and Lesser Catechisms, composed by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster; But also by many others. Written by a member of the
    J. T. V. E
  • 133517
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    A true collection of the writings of the author of The true born English-man. Corrected by himself
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 133518
    Book Info
    A true history of the affairs of the north: containing a full account of the rise, growth, and present state of the differences between Denmark, Holstein-Gottorp, Sweden, Poland, and Muscovy. Written in French by a native of those parts, and now faithfully render'd into English
  • 133519
    Book Info
    A trumpet sounded: or, a warning to the unfaithful, to prize the day of their visitation, before it be over. With a collection of the dying sayings of sundry persons, who resisted the Good Spirit of God, which did strive with them; until, by his Judgments, they were made to Confess to the Truth; and that the People call'd Quakers, are the People of God. By John Tomkins
    Tomkins, John
  • 133520
    Book Info
    A view of the present controversy about occasional conformity, as far as religion's engag'd in it. With a vindication of Mr. Stubs's sermon against neutrality in religion, entituled, for God or for Baal, from the unchristian usage of several party-pamphleteers