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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,541 - 133,560건 출력
  • 133541
    Book Info
    An account of the proceedings of the Lords spiritual & temporal in Parliament assembled, in relation to the bill, intituled, an Act for preventing occasional conformity.
    England | Wales
  • 133542
    Book Info
    An account of the proceedings of the Lords spiritual and temporal in Parliament assembled, in relation to the bill, intituled, an Act for preventing occasional comformity [sic]
    England | Wales
  • 133543
    Book Info
    An account of the theater of war in France. Being a geographical and historical description of Languedoc in general; and of the Lower Languedoc, the Cevennes, and the Principality of Orange in Particular. With a true and exact map of those Countries, engraven by Mr. Moll. To which is added, A faithful Relation of the Insurrection, and all the Memorable Actions of the Cevenois. By the author of the
    Author of the Lawfulness, glory | advantage, of assisting the Cevenois | c., a native of Languedoc
  • 133544
    Book Info
    An account of the time [and place of] morning and evening prayers, of the administration of the Sacrament, and of lecture sermons, in the several churches within the Bills of mortality. As also of the charity-schools for teaching poor children, ...
  • 133545
    Book Info
    An alarm to unconverted sinners. In a serious treatise: Shewing, I. What Conversion is nor, and correcting some Mistakes about it. II. What Conversation is, and wherein it consisteth. III. The Necessity of Conversion. IV. The Marks of the Unconverted. V. The Miseries of the Unconverted. VI. Directions for Conversion. Vii. Motives to Conversion. Whereunto are annexed divers practical cases of consc
    Alleine, Joseph
  • 133546
    Book Info
    An anniversary ode on Her Majesties birth-day, being the sixth day of February, 1702/3
  • 133547
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    An answer to Jura populi Anglicani: or, the subjects right of petitioning
  • 133548
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    An answer to Mr. Shepherd's considerations on the Defence of the Discourse of schism. By Tho. Bennet, M. A. Rector of St James's in Colchester, and Fellow of St John's College in Cambridge
    Bennet, Thomas
  • 133549
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    An answer to Mr. Stubs's sermon, For God, or for Baal
  • 133550
    Book Info
    An answer to a book, Entituled, A Short and Plain Way to the Faith and Church. Composed many years since by Richard Huddleston, of the English Congregation of the Order of St. Benedict: And now published by his nephew John Huddleston, of the same Congregation, in order to gain Proselytes to the Church of Rome. Being A Necessary Preservative For all Persons against Popery. By Samuel Grascome, a Pri
    Grascome, Samuel
  • 133551
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    An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached, by ... Quakers: ... Written in Latin and English, by Robert Barclay, ...
    Barclay, Robert
  • 133552
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    An english monster: or, the character of an Occasional Conformist
  • 133553
    Book Info
    An essay concerning preaching: written for the direction of a young divine. By Jos. Glanvil, Chaplain to King Charles II. and Fellow of the Royal Society
    Glanville, Joseph
  • 133554
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    An essay towards an union of Ireland with England. Most Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, and Both Houses of Parliament
  • 133555
    Book Info
    An essay towards the probable solution of this question. Whence come the stork and the turtle, the crane and the swallow, when they know and observe the appointed time of their coming. Or where those birds do probably make their recess and abode, which are absent from our Climate at some certain Times and Seasons of the Year. By a person of learning and piety
    Morton, Charles
  • 133556
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    An essay upon toleration. By a Sincere Lover of the Church and State
    Webster, James
  • 133557
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    An essay, for peace, by union in judgement; about church-government in Scotland. In a letter from ****** to his neighbour in the countrey
    Grant, Francis
  • 133558
    Book Info
    An exact abridgment of all the tryals, not omitting any material passage therein, relating to high treasons, piracies, &c. in the reigns of the late King William the III. of Glorious Memory, and of our present Gracious Soveraign Queen Anne. Together with their dying speeches, as also the Dying Speeches of several Persons in the Reigns of King Charles the IId. and King James the IId
  • 133559
    Book Info
    An exact journal of the actions of the allies this last summers campaign in Flanders: under the command of His Excellency the Duke of Marlborough. Sent over last post by a collonel in the army
    Collonel in the Army
  • 133560
    Book Info
    An examination of three prelatical pamphlets, viz. I. A full and final answer &c. II. Imparity among pastors, in so far, as it entrencheth upon the Remarks on the Case &c. III. And the Short character of the presbyterian spirit, in a letter to a friend
    Ramsay, James