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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,561 - 133,580건 출력
  • 133561
    Book Info
    An healing and heart-reviving letter, written and sent unto a godly Christian, groaning under sore afflictions both of Body and Mind. By an eminent minister of the gospel, pastor of a church of strangers in this land, long since deceas'd
    Delm{acute}e, Philippe
  • 133562
    Book Info
    An historical account of the antient rights and power of the Parliament of Scotland. Humbly offer'd to the consideration of the estates, when they come to settle limitations for the next successor. To which is prefix'd, a short introduction upon government in general
    Ridpath, George
  • 133563
    Book Info
    An historical relation of the kingdom of Chile, by Alonso de Ovalle Of The Company of Jesus, A Native of St. Jago of Chile, and Procurator at Rome for that Place. Printed at Rome by Francisco Cavallo, 1649. with License of his Superiors. Translated out of Spanish into English
    Ovalle, Alonso de
  • 133564
    Book Info
    An historical, genealogical and poetical dictionary: containing the lives and actions of all the great men among the Grecians, Romans, Jews, &c. Of emperors, kings, princes, &c. whether ecclesiastical, military or civil; of the heathenish gods; of ancient and modern authors; of philosophers and all other ordinary men, that have recommended themselves to the world, by their valour, vertue or learni
  • 133565
    Book Info
    An humble application to the Queen, And Her Great Council, the Parliament of England, To suppress Play-Houses and Bear-Baitings, With all Prophaness and Immorality. By John Feild
    Field, John
  • 133566
    Book Info
    An impartial account of all the material transactions of the grand fleet and land forces from their first setting out from Spithead, June the 29. till his Grace the Duke of Ormond's arrival at Deal, November the 7th. 1702. In which is included a particular Relation of the Expedition at Cadiz, and the Glorious Victory at Vigo. By an Officer that was present in those Actions
    Officer that was present in those actions
  • 133567
    Book Info
    An introduction to the skill of musick: in three books: by John Playford. Containing I. The Grounds and Principles of Musick, according to the Gamui: In the most Easie Method, for Young Practitioners. II. Instructions and Lessons for the Treble, Tenor and Bass-Viols; and also for the Treble-Violin. III. The Art of Descant, or Composing Musick in Parts: Made very Plain and Easie by the late Mr. Hen
    Playford, John
  • 133568
    Book Info
    An occasional paper, wherein the honour of the English clergy and universities is endeavour'd to be vindicated from the aspersions of a late pamphlet called Mrs. Abigail
  • 133569
    Book Info
    An ode for an entertainment of musick on Her Majesty's birth-day, and, the success of Her Majesty's arms by sea and land. The night performance before Her Majesty at St. James's. The words by Mr. Wall. Set to musick by Mr. Abell
    Wall, Thomas
  • 133570
    Book Info
    An universal, historical, geographical, chronological and poetical dictionary, exactly describing the situation, extent, customs, laws, Manners, Commodities, &c. of all Kingdoms, Common-Wealths, Provinces, Islands and Cities, in the known world. Containing Likewise The Lives of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and Primitive Fathers; Emperors, Kings, Princes, Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, and other
  • 133571
    Book Info
    And the case of the respondent Taylor and his wife, is, Archibald Primrose, Lord Viscount Roseberry, of the Kingdom of Scotland; and Dorothy his Wife, only Child of Everingham Cressey, Jun. Esq; by Anne his First Wife, Appelts. James Taylor, Gent. and Elizabeth his Wife, who was Second Wife and Relict of the said Everingham Cressey, --- Samuel Tyreman, - Respondt. The Question upon this Appeal, is
    Taylor, James
  • 133572
    Book Info
    Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1703. ... By John Tanner ...
    Tanner, John
  • 133573
    Book Info
    Animadversions upon a seditious libel, intituled, The exorbitant grants of William III. examin'd and question'd, &c. Wherein The Author's Assertions, That the Kings of England have their Title by Conquest, are Hereditary and Indeposable, and that there was no such thing as an Original Contract betwixt them and their Subjects are examin'd; and his Reflections upon the late King William, and the Lib
  • 133574
    Book Info
    Animæ immaterialitas patet ex ejus operationibus
    University of Cambridge
  • 133575
    Book Info
    Anne, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Queen, ... Whereas, in the late dreadful storm and tempest, which happened on the twenty sixth and twenty seventh days of November last past, many seamen and mariners, ... merchants, and others, have lost their lives, ...
    England | Wales
  • 133576
    Book Info
    Anthony Parker appellant. Humphry Burroughs and George Reynolds respondents. The respondents case.
    Burroughs, Humphrey
  • 133577
    Book Info
    Antiquitates Christianæ: or, the history of the life and death of the holy Jesus: as also the lives, acts and martyrdoms of his apostles. In two parts. The first part, containing the life of Christ, written by Jer. Taylor, late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The second, containing the lives of the apostles, with an Enumeration, and some Brief Remarks upon their first Successors in the Five Great
    Taylor, Jeremy
  • 133578
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus, the English apollo, ... By Richard Saunder, ...
    Saunders, Richard
  • 133579
    Book Info
    Apologia pro harmonia, ejúsque authore, contra declamationem Thomæ Tullii S.T.P. in libro nuper evulgato, quem Justificatio Paulina, &c. inscripsit. Per Georgium Bullum, Anglicanae Ecclesiae Presbyterum. Accessere in hac editione annotata quædam I. E. Grabe
    Bull, George
  • 133580
    Book Info
    Apostolical communion in the Church of England, in doctrine, government and worship, and singing of psalms. Against the modern use of singing meter psalms. The second edition with additions. By Tho. Long, B. D.
    Long, Thomas