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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,601 - 133,620건 출력
  • 133601
    Book Info
    Clinical experiments : histories, and dissections. By Francis Home, M.D. One of His Majesty's Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Edinburgh.
    Home, Francis
  • 133602
    Book Info
    Cocker's decimal arithmetick : wherein is shewed the nature and use of decimal fractions in the usual rules of arithmetick, and the mensuration of plains and solids. Together with Tables of Interest and Rebate for the valuation of Leases and Annuities, Present, or in Reversion, and Rules for Calculating those Tables. Whereunto is added His Artificial Arithmetick, shewing the Genesis or Fabrick ...
    Cocker, Edward
  • 133603
    Book Info
    Collectanea medica : the country physician: or, a choice collection of physick: fitted for vulgar use. Containing, I. A collection of choice medicaments of all kinds, Galenical and Chymical, Excerpted out of the most Approved Authors. II. Historical observations of famous cures, Gathered and Selected out of the Works of several Modern Physicians. III. Phylax{aelig} medicin{aelig} pars prima: Or...
    Salmon, William
  • 133604
    Book Info
    Compendium Græcum Novi Testamenti, continens, ex 7959. versiculis totius N. Testamenti, tantum versiculos 1900 (non tamen integros) in quibus omnes universi Novi Test. voces, una cum versione Latina, inveniuntur. Auctore Johannes Leusden, ... Editio septima, ...
    Leusden, Jan
  • 133605
    Book Info
    Concerning the right of succession to the kingdom of England, two books; against the sophisms of one Parsons a Jesuite, who assum'd the counterfeit name of Doleman; by which he endeavours to overthrow not only the rights of succession in kingdoms, but also the sacred authority of Kings themselves. By ... Sir Thomas Craig ... written originally in Latin ... and now faithfully translated into Englis
    Craig, Thomas
  • 133606
    Book Info
    Concio ad clerum: Being a Sermon Preach'd at the Lord Bishop of Winton's visitation at Andover in the County of Southampton, On the 27th of September, 1703. By Richard Burd, D. D. Rector of Over Wallop, in the aforesaid County
    Burd, Richard
  • 133607
    Book Info
    Considerations of Drexelius on the eternity of hell torments. Translated into English
    Drexel, Jeremias
  • 133608
    Book Info
    Considerations on the bill depending, for preventing occasional conformity humbly offered by the people called Quakers.
    Penn, William
  • 133609
    Book Info
    Contra torrentem brachia: being a vindication of our present English liberty, of going either to church or to meetings, as tends most to every man's edification: and of going to both upon occasion. Written to pacify a zealot for the church, and those many other Worthy Gentlemen, who at this time are in much heat about it
  • 133610
    Book Info
    Cosmography in four books. Containing the chorography and history of the whole world: and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and the isles thereof. By Peter Heylyn, D. D. Improv'd with an Historical Continuation to the Present Times, By Edmund Bohun, Esq; With a large and more Accurate Index, than was in any of the former Editions, of all the Kingdoms, Provinces, Countries, Inhabitants,
    Heylyn, Peter
  • 133611
    Book Info
    Cupid stripp'd; or a plain discovery of the intrigues of amorous pops, and humours of several other whimsical persons, in a pleasant and profitable dialogue, between a precious saint-like sister called Terpole and Mimologos a scoffing buffoon. Written by Don Francisco Baltheo de Montalvan, and faithfully translated out of the original, by W. H. M.D.
    Baltheo de Montalvan, Francisco
  • 133612
    Book Info
    Dagon's fall before the Ark. Written primarily, as a testimony for the Lord, his Wisdom, Creation, Products of his Power, Useful and Necessary Knowledge, capacitating People for the Concerns of this Life. Secondaerily, As a Testimony against the Old Serpent, his Wisdom, which is Foolishness with God, his Arts, Inventions, Comedies, or Interludes, Tragedies, Lascivious Poems, Frivolous Fables, Spoi
    Lawson, Thomas
  • 133613
    Book Info
    David Powell, an attorney at law, and Elizabeth his wife, appellts. William Pleydell, Esq; and Robert Colpepyr, gent. respondts. The respondent's case.
    Pleydell, William
  • 133614
    Book Info
    De arthritide symptomatica dissertatio. Auctore Guilhelmo Musgrave ...
    Musgrave, William
  • 133615
    Book Info
    Defensio fidei Nicænæ, ex scriptis Catholicorum doctorum, qui intra tria prima Ecclesiæ Christianæ secula floruerunt; in qua obiter quoque Constantinopolitana confessio, de spiritu sancto, antiquorum testimoniis adstruitur, authore Georgio Bullo, S. S. T. P. Presbytero Anglicano. Accessere ad hanc editionem annotata quædam I. E. Grabe; In quibus partim Dicta Veterum, a doctissimo Auctore allegata,
    Bull, George
  • 133616
    Book Info
    Directions for prayer, for the Diocess of Bath and Wells. To the poor inhabitants within the Diocess of Bath and Wells, Thomas their unworthy bishop wisheth the knowledge and the love of God.|Directions for prayer, taken out of the church-catechism
    Ken, Thomas
  • 133617
    Book Info
    Divers articles of agreement, contained in a marriage-contract between Thomas Turst and Susan Menois
    Foubert, James
  • 133618
    Book Info
    Divine mercy exalted: or, free grace in its glory. Being a sermon on Rom. IX. xvi. preach'd at the merchants lecture at Salters-Hall. on Tuesday Octob. 20. 1702. By E. Calamy E. F. & N. Published at the Request of Many Encouragers of the Lecture
    Calamy, Edmund
  • 133619
    Book Info
    Draught of an act discharging the importation of victual from Ireland
  • 133620
    Book Info
    Dreadful warnings, With Seasonable Advice to Atheists and Blasphemers of God's Holy Name. I. Giving an account, how one Mr. William Simes of Wapping, a Gentleman of good Parentage, and great Learning, falling into the Company of two Lewd Debauch'd Atheists, from Drunkenness, Swearing & Uncleanness, he fell to denying the being of a God, no Devil, Heaven or Hell, or any future State after this Life