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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,621 - 133,640건 출력
  • 133621
    Book Info
    Due frequency of the Lord's supper: stated and proved from holy scripture. Agreeably to the rubricks of our church-liturgy. Being an Answer to that Question, How often a Good Christian ought to come to the Holy Commmunion? Together with a method of preparation for weekly communicating. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Wetenhall, D.D. Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh in the Kingdom of I
    Wettenhall, Edward
  • 133622
    Book Info
    Duplex in Carolo-Cidas querela: or, the innocent blood of K. Charles the Martyr, Still Crying out against his petrify'd Murderers, for either better Humiliation from them, Or else for worse Indignation from God. Freely set forth in two sermons, and humbly again offered to the serious Perusal of all the more or less guilty Subjects of Great Britain. January 30th, 1702/3. By Humfrey Michel, Rector o
    Michel, Humfrey
  • 133623
    Book Info
    Edward Spencer, & al' Appel' against Sir James Collet, Knt. and John Conold, Clerk, Respond' To be Heard the 17th Day of December 1703
    Spencer, Edward
  • 133624
    Book Info
    Eight fables on the present posture of affairs in Europe; viz. The devil and the priest, or Porto Carero's will. The courtier. The pilgrims. The Usurers and Merchants. The Ingrates. The Partizans. The Confederacy. The Interview. To which is prefix'd, Esop's advice both to the Princes and People of Europe
  • 133625
    Book Info
    Emmenologia : in qua fluxus muliebris menstrui ph{aelig}nomena, periodi, vitia cum medendi methodo, ad rationes mechanicas exiguntur. Authore Joh. Freind M. B. Aed. Christi Alumn.
    Freind, John
  • 133626
    Book Info
    England's black tribunal. Set forth in the tryal of King Charles I. By the pretended High Court of Justice in Westminster-Hall, Jan 20. 1648. Together with His Majesties Speech, on the Scaffold Erected at White-Hall-Gate, Tuesday, Jan. 30. 1648. Also a Perfect Relation of the Sufferings, and Death of divers of the Nobility and Centry, who were Inhumanly Murther'd for their Constant Loyalty to thei
  • 133627
    Book Info
    Englands interest : or the gentleman and farmers friend. Shewing, I. How Land may be Improv'd from 20 s. to 8 l. and so to 100 l. per Acre, per Annum, with great Ease, and for an inconsiderable Charge. 2. How to make Cyder, Perry, [Cherry] Currant, Gooseberry and Mulberry Wines as Strong and Wholesome as French or Spanish Wines: And the Cyder and Wines so made to be Sold for 3d. per Quart, tho'...
    Moore, Jonas
  • 133628
    Book Info
    English Lucian; or, modern dialogues between a vintner and his wife. A reformer of manners and his wife, and a captain of the Guards. A master of arts, and a lady's woman. May
  • 133629
    Book Info
    English liberties: or, the free-born subject's inheritance. Being a help to justices as well as a guide to constables, containing, I. Magna Charta, the petition of right, The Habeas Corpus Act, &c. With Comments upon each of them. The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder; The Work and Power of Parliaments, the Qualifications necessary for such as should be Chosen to that great Trust. The Advantage Eng
    Care, Henry
  • 133630
    Book Info
    English liberties: or, the free-born subject's inheritance. Being a help to justices as well as a guide to constables. Containing, I. Magna Charta, the petition of right, The Habeas Corpus Act, &c. With Comments upon each of them. The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder; The Work and Power of Parliaments, the Qualifications necessary for such as should be Chosen to that great Trust. The Advantage Eng
    Care, Henry
  • 133631
    Book Info
    English particles exemplify'd in sentences design'd for Latin exercises: with the proper rendring of each particle inserted in the sentence. For the use of Eton School. By William Willymott, M. A. Fellow of King's College in Cambridge
    Willymott, William
  • 133632
    Book Info
    Essays on union to Christ. Being the substance of several sermons. By the late Reverend Mr. William Bagshaw, Minister of the Gospel
    Bagshaw, William
  • 133633
    Book Info
    Etmullerus abridg'd : or, a compleat system of the theory and practice of physic. Being a description of all diseases incident to men, women and children. With an account of their causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure, both Physical and Chirvrgical. To which is prefix'd a short View of the Animal and Vital Functions; and the several Vertues and Classes of Med'cines. Translated fro...
    Ettm{uml}uller, Michael
  • 133634
    Book Info
    Euripidis tragodiæ Medea et Phonissæ, Græco-Latinæ cum scholiis Græcis integris; nonnullis nunc primum Editis. Quarum Prior ex Collatione H. Stephani, Posterior Hug. Grotii & MS. C. C. C. Cantabrig. Cum commentario, variis lectionibus, atque indice locupletissimo. Accessit ejusdem vita jam denuo conscripta. Studio & operâ Wilhel. Piers, Coll. Emman. Soc
  • 133635
    Book Info
    Europa libera: or, a probable expedient (the like scarce ever to be hop'd for again) to restore and secure the publick peace of Europe, for this and future ages. Humbly submitted to the consideration of the Queen's most Excellent Majesty; and both the Honourable Houses of Parliament
  • 133636
    Book Info
    Eusebius Pamphilus his ten books. Of ecclesiastical history, faithfully translated and abridg'd from the original. By Samuel Parker, Gent. To which is prefixed, A dissertation concerning the use and authority of ecclesiastical history: by the author of The snake in the grass. In a Letter to the Abridger. With the life of Eusebius abstracted from the best Authors. Also an account of his works. And
  • 133637
    Book Info
    Eutropii breviarium historiæ Romanæ, cum Pæanii metaphrasi Græca. Messala Corvinus de Augusti Progenie. Julius Obsequens de prodigiis. Anonymi oratio funebris Gr. Lat. In Imp. Constant. Constantini M. fil. Cum variis lectionibus & annotationibus
  • 133638
    Book Info
    Examen censuræ: sive responsio ad quasdam animadversiones, antehac ineditas, in librum, cui titulus: Harmonia apostolica, &c. per Georgium Bullum, Anglicanae Ecclesiae Presbyterum. Accessit Apologia pro harmonia ejúsque authore, contra declamationem Thomæ Tullii S.T.P. in libro nuper typis evulgato, quem Justificatio Paulina, &c. inscripsit. Per eundem. Accessere in hac editione annotata quædam I.
    Bull, George
  • 133639
    Book Info
    Ezechielis Spanhemii, liberi baronis, & legati regii, Orbis Romanus, seu ad constitutionem Antonini imperatoris, De qua ulpianus Leg. XVII. Digestis de statu hominum. Exercitationes duæ
    Spanheim, Ezechiel
  • 133640
    Book Info
    Fables moral and political, with large explications. Translated from the Dutch. In two volumes
    Court, Pieter de la