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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,641 - 133,660건 출력
  • 133641
    Book Info
    Family devotions for Sunday-evenings. each containing thirteen practical discourses, with suitable prayers, and compleating an entire course for the whole year / by Theophilus Dorrington.
    Dorrington, Theophilus
  • 133642
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    Farther thoughts concerning human soul, in defence of Second thoughts; wherein the weak efforts of the Reverend Mr. Turner, and other less significant writers are occasionally answer'd. By the author of Second thoughts
    Coward, William
  • 133643
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    Fifteen sermons on various subjects. Viz. Of faith in general; its nature, cause, degrees, efficacy and kinds. Of a religious and divine faith, viz. a perswasion of the principles of natural religion; and of things supernatural and reveal'd. Of the faith or perswasion of a divine revelation. Of the testimony of the spirit to divine revelation. Of the testimony of the spirit to divine revelation.
    Tillotson, John
  • 133644
    Book Info
    Fifty and two directions, written by that famous, and eminently faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Welch, to his paroch at Irongray
    Welch, John
  • 133645
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    Fluxionum methodus inversa; sive quantitatum fluentium leges generaliores. ... A Georgio Cheynæo, ...
    Cheyne, George
  • 133646
    Book Info
    Gal. II. Ver. XX. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, ...
    Stafford, Richard
  • 133647
    Book Info
    Galateo of manners: or, instructions to a young gentleman how to behave himself in conversation, &c. Written originally in Italian, and done into English
    Della Casa, Giovanni
  • 133648
    Book Info
    Gazophylacii natur? & artis decas secunda: In qu? Animalia, Fossilia, Plantae, Omniaque Ratiora Arte producta descriptionibus brevib[us], & iconibus illustrantur. A Jacobo Petiver, Pharmacop. Londinens. & Regiae Societatis Socio
    Petiver, James
  • 133649
    Book Info
    George Earl of Huntingdon appellant. Frances Countess dowager of Huntingdon, ... younger children of Theophilus late Earl of Huntingdon, ... John Gery ... and Sir Philip Meadowes Kt. respondents. The respondents case
    Huntingdon, Frances Hastings
  • 133650
    Book Info
    Georgii Baglivi Med. Theor. in Rom. Archilyc. Prof. Soc. Reg. Lond. Acad. Imp. Leop. &c. Socii. Specimen quatuor librorum De fibra motrice et morbosa; in quibus de solidorum structura, vi, elatere, Æquilibrio, usu, potestate, & morbis disseritur. Nec non de durae Matris Constructione, Elatere, Æquilibrio, & in singula quæque Solida oscillatione systaltica
    Baglivi, Giorgio
  • 133651
    Book Info
    Georgii Bulli, S. Theologiæ Professoris & Presbyteri Anglicani, opera omnia, quibus duo præcipui Catholicæ fidei articuli, de s. trinitate & justificatione, Orthodoxè, perspicuè, ac solidè explanantur, illustrantur, confirmantur; nunc demum in unum volumen collecta, ac multò correctiùs quàm antè, unà cum generalibus Indicibus edita. Quibus jam accessit ejusdem tractatus hactenus ineditus, de primi
    Bull, George
  • 133652
    Book Info
    God's dominion over the seas, and The Seaman's Duty, Consider'd. In a sermon preached at Long-Reach, on board Her Majesty's capital ship The Royal Soveraign. And Dedicated to His Royal Highness. By Mr. Stubs
    Stubs, Philip
  • 133653
    Book Info
    Grammatices Latinæ elementa: or, A Brief and Methodical system of Grammatical Rules To be observed in Learning the Latin Tongue
  • 133654
    Book Info
    Greenwood revis'd, and made more useful to under-sheriffs, county-clerks, solicitors and court keepers; by leaving out what is useless, correcting several particulars, adding law cases, and Presidents of Declarations, Pleadings, Process and Proceedings, with a table of the fees of the country court: as also the office of a coroner. By John Wilkinson, gent. The seventh edition. To which is added, s
    Greenwood, William
  • 133655
    Book Info
    Harmonia apostolica, seu, binæ dissertationes, quarum in priore doctrina D. Jacobi de justificatione ex operibus explanatur ac defenditur: in posteriore consensus D. Pauli cum Jacobo liquidò demonstratur. Authore Georgio Bullo, Anglicanae Ecclesiae Presbytero, ac Suddingtoniae, quae nuncupatur Sanctae Mariae, in Dioecesi Gloucestriensi Rectore. Accessere in hac editione annotata quædam I. E. Grabe
    Bull, George
  • 133656
    Book Info
    Harmonia sacra: or, divine hymns and dialogues; with a through-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass viol, harpsichord, or organ. Composed by the best masters of the last and present age. The words by several learned and pious persons. The first book
    Playford, Henry
  • 133657
    Book Info
    Hell upon earth: or the most pleasant and delectable history of Whittington's Colledge, otherwise (vulgarly) called Newgate : giving an account of the humours of those Collegians who are strictly examin'd at the Old-Baily, and take their highest degress near Hyde-Park Corner. Being very useful to all Persons, either Gentle or Simple, in shewing them the Manner of the Robberies and Cheats committed
    Tuus inimicus
  • 133658
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland. Together with His Grace the Lord high Commissioner and Lord high Chancellors speeches
  • 133659
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Friday the seventeenth day of December, 1703
    England | Wales
  • 133660
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the ninth day of November, 1703
    England | Wales