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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,661 - 133,680건 출력
  • 133661
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to the Parliament, on Tuesday the ninth day of Nov. 1703 with the addresses of the two Houses to Her Majesty on that occasion
    England | Wales
  • 133662
    Book Info
    Hippocratis Aphorismi, cum commentariolo. Auctore Martino Lister, E Medicis Serenissimae Majestatis Reginae Annae
  • 133663
    Book Info
    His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's letter to the Reverend the Arch-Deacons, And the rest of the Clergy Of the Diocese of St. David
    Church of England
  • 133664
    Book Info
    Hispania illustrata: or, the maxims of the Spanish court, and most memorable affairs, from the Year 1667, to the Year 1678. Fully laid open in letters from the Right Honourable the Earl of Sandwich, the Earl of Sunderland, and Sir William Godolphin, During their Embassies in Spain. Together with several Curious Papers from Don John of Austria, the Conde de Penaranda, and other Chief Ministers ther
  • 133665
    Book Info
    Histoire abregée de la ville de Nîmes. Où il est parlé de son origine, des beaux Monumens de L'Antiquité qui s'y voyent, des Hommes Illustres qu'elle a produits, de ses Martyrs, &c
    Graverol, Jean
  • 133666
    Book Info
    Historia Anglo-Scotica: or an impartial history of all that happen'd between the Kings and Kingdoms of England and Scotland, from the beginning of the Reign of William the Conqueror, to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Comprehending Their several Homages, Incursions, Devastations, Depredations, Battles, Sieges Leagues, Truces, Breaches, Intermarriages, and divers other Matters worth Knowing. Faithful
    Drake, James
  • 133667
    Book Info
    Historical remarks and observations upon the ancient and present state of London and Westminster; Shewing The Foundation, Walls, Gates, Towers, Bridges, Churches, Rivers, Wards, Palaces, Halls, Companies, Inns of Court and Chancery, Hospitals, Schools, Government, Charters, Courts and Privileges thereof. With an Account of the most Remarkable Accidents, as to Wars, Fires, Plagues, and other Occurr
    R. B
  • 133668
    Book Info
    Homilia sanctiss. domini nostri Clementis XI. pont. max. habita in die natali Christi domini inter missarum solemnia in basilica principis apostolorum anno MDCCII. = A homily spoken by His Holiness Pope Clement XI. At the festival of the nativity of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, at the solemnization of the Mass, in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, in the year 1702
  • 133669
    Book Info
    Imparity among pastors, the government of the church by divine institution; as maintain'd in an extemporary debate, by an episcopal divine, against one of the Presbyterian perswasion
    Hay, John
  • 133670
    Book Info
    Ingenii fructus: or, the Cambridge jests; being youth's recreation. I. containing delightful, choice, and uncommon novels. II. Merry with witty jests, ... The third edition, with new additions. By W. B.
    W. B
  • 133671
    Book Info
    Ingenious and diverting letters of the lady's travels into Spain. Describing the devotions, nunneries, humor, ... Intermixt with great variety of modern adventures, ... The fifth edition, with the addition of a letter of the state of Spain, as it was in the year 1700. Never before in English. In three parts.
  • 133672
    Book Info
    Institutiones juris naturalis & gentium, ex Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis libris excerpt?
    Grotius, Hugo
  • 133673
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    Instructions for officers, for Gauging and Ascertaining the Duties on Malt
    England | Wales
  • 133674
    Book Info
    Iter lunare: or, a voyage to the moon. Containing some considerations on the nature of that planet. The Possibility of getting thither. With other Pleasant Conceits about the Inhabitants, their Manners and Customs. By David Russen of Hythe
    Russen, David
  • 133675
    Book Info
    James Foubert and Charlotte his wife and others appellts. Thomas Turst, respondt. The respondent's case. The question being, whether the custom of Paris shall govern French refugees estates in England?
    Turst, Thomas
  • 133676
    Book Info
    Jest and earnest: being a bundle of fables, tales and whims, in verse, (some old, some new,) but all very applicable to the present times. Written by Tom. Teltroth, under discontent in the late reign, but now somewhat recover'd
    Teltroth, Tom
  • 133677
    Book Info
    Jesus and the resurrection justified by witnesses in heaven and in earth. In two parts. The First shewing That Jesus is the Son Of God; the Second, That in Him we have Eternal Life. By Symon Patrick, D.D. now Lord Bishop of Ely
    Patrick, Simon
  • 133678
    Book Info
    Joannis Raji Societatis Regi{aelig} socii, Methodus plantarum emendata et aucta. ... Accedit Methodus graminum, juncorum et cyperorum specialis. Eodem auctore
    Ray, John
  • 133679
    Book Info
    Johannis Subtermontani thermologia bristoliensis, or, Underhill's short account of the Bristol hot-well-water, its uses and historical cures
    Underhill, John
  • 133680
    Book Info
    John Hayes, Esq; appellant. John Carril, Esq; John Peacock, Fr. Bruning, &c. respond' The appellant, Mr. Hayes's reply to some scandalous and false reflections, suggested against him in the respondent's printed case
    Hayes, John