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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,701 - 133,720건 출력
  • 133701
    Book Info
    Love and religion demonstrated in the martyrdom of Theodora, and of Didymus. By the late Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society
    Boyle, Robert
  • 133702
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    Love betray'd
    Burnaby, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 133703
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    Love's contrivance, or, Le Medecin malgre Lui. A comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane
    Centlivre, Susanna
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 133704
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    Mahir godel or, a dreadful alarm upon the clouds of heaven, mix'd with love. In three parts. The first is, An address to England, &c. containing sundry Warnings and Admonitions to the Inhabitants thereof. The second is intituled, A vindication of an often deliberated and confirm'd Vision, concerning the Worship of the Church of England in general, &c. Pag. 157. The third is, An expostulation, dire
    Hingeston, Henry
  • 133705
    Book Info
    Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses : Drawn with great Pains from Approved Experience, and the Publick Practice of the best Horse-Marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. Containing Cures Physical: The II. All Cures Chirurgical. Together with The Nature, Use, and Quality of ev...
    Markham, Gervase
  • 133706
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    Mechanick exercises: or the doctrine of handy-works. Applied to the arts of smithing joinery carpentry turning bricklayery. To which is added Mechanick dyalling: Shewing how to draw a true Sun-Dyal on any given Plane, however Scituated; only with the help of a straight Ruler and a pair of Compasses, and without any Arithmetical Calculation. The third edition. By Joseph Moxon, Fellow of the Royal S
    Moxon, Joseph
  • 133707
    Book Info
    Medicinal experiments: or, a collection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple and easily prepared: very useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. In three parts. Containing above Five Hundred Choice Receipts
    Boyle, Robert
  • 133708
    Book Info
    Memoires of the reign of King Charles I. ... Together with a continuation to the happy restauration of King Charles II. By Sir Philip Warwick, Knight. Published from the original manuscript ...
    Warwick, Philip
  • 133709
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    Memoirs of the Sieur D'ablancourt. Containing a general history of the court and kingdom of Portugal, from the Pyrenean Treaty, to the Year 1668. with a full Relation of all the Battels and Sieges in the War between Spain and Portugal, under the Command of the late Duke of Schomberg, then in the Portugueze Service. With the Character, and some material Passages of that Great General's Life: As als
  • 133710
    Book Info
    Memorial anent Sir Andrew Kennedy's case before the Royal Burrows, with an account of the trial and probation led against him and Her Majesties sentence thereupon, together with some remarks, concerning the legality of Sir Alexr. Cuming's commission to be conservator
  • 133711
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    Menologion; or, an ephemeris of the colestial motions, for the year of our Lord MDCCIII. ... By William Cookson, ...
    Cookson, William
  • 133712
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    Methode courte & facile pour aprendre les humanités Greques & Latines. Par Mr. Tan. le Fevre de Saumur
    Le F{grave}evre, Tannegui
  • 133713
    Book Info
    Minuts of the proceedings in Parliament. ...
  • 133714
    Book Info
    Mirth and wisdom, in a miscellany of different characters, relating to different persons, and perswasions. Of a Presbyterian, or, A Female Hypocrite. A Bean. A Vvhig. A Lawyer's Clerk, or, A Pot-Poet. An Attorney. A Detracter. A Bowling-Green. A Surgeon. A Player. A Tavern. A Coquet. A Pinner's-Hall Text-Driver. An Unsanctify'd Dun, or, A Cruel Creditor. A Bayliff's Follower. The Exchange. Will's
  • 133715
    Book Info
    Miscellanies historical and philological: being a curious collection of private papers found in the study of a noble-man, lately deceas'd
  • 133716
    Book Info
    Moderation a virtue: or, the occasional conformist justify'd from the imputation of hypocrisy; wherein is shewn, the antiquity, catholick principles, and advantage of occasional conformity to the Church of England; ...
    Owen, James
  • 133717
    Book Info
    Moderation a virtue: or, the occasional conformist justify'd from the imputation of hypocrisy; wherein is shewn, the antiquity, catholick principles, and advantage of occasional conformity to the Church of England; and that Dissenters, from the Religion of the State, have been imploy'd in most Governments; under the several Heads following. I. That Occasional Conformity is no new thing, but is war
    Owen, James
  • 133718
    Book Info
    Modus intrandi placita generalia: the entring clerk's introduction. The second part. Being a collection of modern presidents [sic] under such of the new heads as were wanting in the first part; and such as are now used in every days practice in the Courts of Westminster. With notes and observations thereupon. Being useful for the students of the common law of England; as also for the Attorneys, an
    Brown, William
  • 133719
    Book Info
    Moral and religious aphorisms. Wherein are contained, many doctrines of truth; and rules of practice; which are of Universal Concernment, and of the greatest Importance in the Life of Man
    Whichcote, Benjamin
  • 133720
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    More reformation. A satyr upon himself. By the author of The true born English-Man
    Defoe, Daniel