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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,781 - 133,800건 출력
  • 133781
    Book Info
    Religion toss'd in a blanket. A brief character of some false professors of religion. In a letter both to churchmen and dissenters. By an unprejudic'd person
    Unprejudic'd person
  • 133782
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    Reliquiæ Bodleianæ: or some genuine remains of Sir Thomas Bodley. Containing his life, the first draught of the statutes of the Publick library at Oxford, (in English) and a collection of letters to Dr. James, &c. Published from the originals in the said library
    Bodley, Thomas
  • 133783
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    Remains of Mr. John Oldham in verse and prose
    Oldham, John
  • 133784
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    Remarks upon The case of the Episcopal clergy and those of the Episcopal perswasion, considered as to the granting them a toleration and indulgence: in a letter from a freind [sic] to a Member of Parliament
    Ramsay, James
  • 133785
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    Resignation to the divine good pleasure in every condition; recommended as our duty and happiness: in a sermon from 2 Sam. XV. 26. By John Shower
    Shower, John
  • 133786
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    Riders (1703.) British Merlin: ... by Cardanus Riders
    Rider, Cardanus
  • 133787
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    Rogeri Aschami epistolarum, libri quatuor. Accessit Joannis Sturmii, aliorumque ad Aschamum, Anglosque alios eruditos epistolarum liber unus
    Ascham, Roger
  • 133788
    Book Info
    Romæ antiquæ notitia: or, the antiquities of Rome. In two parts, I. A short History of the Rise, Progress, and Decay of the Common-Wealth. II. A Description of the City: An account of the Religion, Civil Government, and Art of War; with the Remarkable Customs and Ceremonies, Publick and Private. With copper cuts of the Principal Buildings, &c. To which are prefix'd two essays: concerning the Roman
    Kennett, Basil
  • 133789
    Book Info
    Rules and instructions for the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, of the most glorious and ever Virgin Mary, mother of God. With a short appendix, relating to the Second Congregation of the same Sodality
    Sodality of the Immaculate Conception
  • 133790
    Book Info
    Sancti Justini philosophi & martyris Apologia secunda pro Christianis, Oratio cohortatoria, Oratio ad Græcos, et De monarchia liber : cum latina Joannis Langi versione, quamplurimis in locis correctâ; subjunctis emendationibus & notis Roberti & Henrici Stephanorum, Perionii, Billii, Sylburgii, Joannis Ernesti Grabii, Joannis Potteri, pluribusque aliis additis; annexis insuper ad calcem annotationi
  • 133791
    Book Info
    Self-condemnation: or the author of The second edition of the debate in the shop, condemned out of his own mouth. Wherein the first account, and arguments in the discourse, intituled Imparity among pastors, &c. are vindicated
    Hay, John
  • 133792
    Book Info
    Self-murder: or, an Episcopal-doctor murdering his own reputation in a pamphlet, called, Self-condemnation, in pursuance of the debate in the shop
  • 133793
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    Separation and sedition inseparable, whilst Dissenters and Commonwealthsmen are permitted to controll in all publick administrations of church and state: Being a farther Prosecution of the Dutch Toleration: In a Letter to a Member of Parliament
    Baron, William
  • 133794
    Book Info
    Sermon, oracion, y problematico dialogo, que se hizieron enla celebridad de la fundacion dela santa, y pia hermandad de Sahare' ora', vanvi ietomim
    Nieto, David
  • 133795
    Book Info
    Sermons preach'd on several occasions. The fourth volume. By John Conant, D.D. Publish'd by John Lord Bishop of Chichester
    Conant, John
  • 133796
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    Sermons preached by the most Reverend Father in God William Sancroft, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. With some remarks of his life and conversation; in a letter to a friend
    Sancroft, William
  • 133797
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    Sermons upon several occasions. By Joseph Kelsey, B. D. Archdeacon of Sarum
    Kelsey, Joseph
  • 133798
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    Set on the great pot. A sermon upon hospitality, preach'd at a late visitation at Tunbridge in Kent, on 2 Kings, IV. 38. ... By H. C.
    H. C
  • 133799
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    Several discourses of the truth and the excellency of the Christian religion. Viz. The Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion; with the Cause and the Danger of Infidelity. The Excellency and Universality of the Christian Revelation, with the Sin and Danof rejecting it. The Ground of bad Mens Enmity to the Truth. True Liberty, the Result of Christianity. The Duty of improving the present
    Tillotson, John
  • 133800
    Book Info
    Several evidences which have not yet appeared in the Controversy concerning the author of Eikon Basilike, produced in a letter to the reverend Mr. Wagstaffe. By J. Y. of Plimouth
    Yonge, James