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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 133,881 - 133,900건 출력
  • 133881
    Book Info
    The christian's duty, or divine meditations and essays, Design'd for the Encouragement of a Devout Life, and the Promotion of True Piety
  • 133882
    Book Info
    The christians daily manual of prayers and praises. In two parts. The first consisting of family-devotions for every Day in the Week, and also for Private Persons. The second containing a course of select psalms and hymns with their Proper Tunes; for the whole Year. For the Use of Religious Societies, and Pious Families. By a divine of the church of England
    Divine of the Church of England
  • 133883
    Book Info
    The church catechism, analysed, explained, and improved. The first part for beginners. Wherein, I. The Text is set down whole, and entire. II. It is broken into Questions, and Answers in the very Words of the Catechism. III. The Terms of it are explained, and such short Questions and Answers added, as are occasioned by it, and seem needful to the discovery of its true meaning, and use. At the end
  • 133884
    Book Info
    The city and countrey purchaser, and builder's dictionary: or, the compleat builder's guide. ... By T. N. Philomath
    Neve, Richard
  • 133885
    Book Info
    The clergy-Man's pretence of divine right to tithes, Examined and Refuted. Being a Full answer to W. W.'s Fourth Letter, in his Book, Intituled, The Clergy's Legal Right to Tithes asserted. To which he hath also annexed, a Justification of the Divine right, Erroneously so called. By John Gratton
    Gratton, John
  • 133886
    Book Info
    The comical history of Francion. Satyrically exposing folly and vice, in variety of humours and adventures. Written in French by the Sieur de Parc, and translated by several hands, and Adapted to the Humour of the present Age
    Sorel, Charles
  • 133887
    Book Info
    The compleat compting-house : or, the young lad taken from the writing-school, and fully instructed, by way of Dialogue, in all the Mysteries of a Merchant, From his first understanding of plain arithmetick, to the highest Pitch of Trade: Whereby the Master is saved much labour, and the Lad is led by the Hand to all his Work and Business; which to Youth is accounted troublesome, but will here s...
    Vernon, John
  • 133888
    Book Info
    The confession of faith, and the larger and shorter catechisms: first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminister: and now appointed by the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, ... Together with the directions of the General Assembly ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 133889
    Book Info
    The conflict in conscience of a dear Christian, named, Bessie Clerkson. In the parish of Lanerk, which she lay under, three years and a half
    Livingston, William
  • 133890
    Book Info
    The country-man's treasure: shewing the nature, causes, and cure of all diseases incident to cattle, viz. oxen, cows, calves, ... to which is further added, a treatise of coneys, ... Fitted for the use of all farmers ... By James Lambert
    Lambert, James
  • 133891
    Book Info
    The craft and frauds of physic expos'd. The very low prices of the best medicins discover'd. The costly medicins, now in greatest esteem, such as Bezoar, Pearl, &c. As also the Distill'd Waters, censur'd. And the too frequent Use of Physic prov'd destructive to Health. With Instructions to Prevent being cheated and destroy'd by the prevailing Practice. By R. Pitt, M.D. Fellow and Censor of the Col
    Pitt, Robert
  • 133892
    Book Info
    The craft and frauds of physick expos'd. The very low prices of the best medicines discover'd. The Costly Medicines, now in greatest Esteem, such as Bezoar, Pearl, &c. As also the Distill'd Waters, Censur'd. . . . And the too frequent Use of Physick prov'd Destructive to Health. With instructions to prevent being cheated and destroy'd by the prevailing practice. Improv'd. And Augmented with an Alp
    Pitt, Robert
  • 133893
    Book Info
    The dancing-master: or, Directions for dancing country dances with the tunes to each dance for the treble-violin.
  • 133894
    Book Info
    The day of the Lord upon the ships of Tarshish. A sermon preach'd Decem. 3. 1702. in the city of York; being the Day of Thanksgiving appointed by the Queen for the Signal Successes vouchsaf'd to Her Majesties Forces by Sea and Land, under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough, in the Low-Countries; and the Duke of Ormond, General, and Sir George Rook, Admiral, at Vigo. AS Also To those of Her All
    T. C
  • 133895
    Book Info
    The declaration of the estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, containing the claim of right, and the offer of the crown to ... William and Mary. ...
  • 133896
    Book Info
    The defendants case. Capt. Thomas Sands, Plaintiff. Sir John Shaw Bart. Collector of the Customs Inwards in the Port of London, William Waterson, and Christopher Towers, Officers under him. Defendts
    Shaw, John
  • 133897
    Book Info
    The description and uses of the celestial and terrestrial globes; and of Collins's pocket quadrant by John. Harris, M. A. and F. R. S.
    Harris, John
  • 133898
    Book Info
    The description of the sea-coast and islands of Scotland, with large and exact maps, for the use of seamen: by John Adair, Geographer for that Kingdom
    Adair, John
  • 133899
    Book Info
    The destruction of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian in two parts : as it was acted at the Theatre Royal / written by Mr. Crowne.
  • 133900
    Book Info
    The difference between true and false Christianity, plainly represented in some discourses. Written by the Reverend Mr. Laurence Charters, ...
    Charters, Laurence