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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,021 - 134,040건 출력
  • 134021
    Book Info
    The passion of our Saviour. To which is added a pindarick ode on the suffering God. In imitation of Rapins Christus patiens. By Francis Bragge ...
    Bragge, Francis
  • 134022
    Book Info
    The passion of our blessed lord and saviour Jesus Christ; or, cryes of the Son of God. Digested from the works of the late Reverend Dr. Horneck, and others.
    Horneck, Anthony
  • 134023
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    The patriot, or the Italian Conspiracy, a tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane
    Gildon, Charles
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 134024
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    The penitent instructed. Written in Italian by the R. F. Paul Segneri, of the Society of Jesus. Done into English
    Segneri, Paolo
  • 134025
    Book Info
    The penitent lady: or reflections on the mercy of God, in form of prayers. Written by the Dutchess of La Valliere, in her retirement from the court of France. Translated from the French by Lewis Atterbury, L. L. D.
    La Valli{grave}ere, Fran{cedil}coise-Louise de La Baume Le Blanc
  • 134026
    Book Info
    The picture of prelatists drawn by their own pencils. Or the character of the prelatical-party in Scotland taken from their own writings
    Webster, James
  • 134027
    Book Info
    The plague of Athens, which hapned [sic] in the second year of the Peloponnesian war. First described in Greek by Thucydides; then in Latin by Lucretius. Since attempted in English. By the Right Reverend Father in God Thomas Lord Bishop of Rochester
    Sprat, Thomas
  • 134028
    Book Info
    The plain man's gift of prayer: shewing what it is, and directing the use of it in his family. By Theophilus Dorrington, Rector of Wittresham in Kent
    Dorrington, Theophilus
  • 134029
    Book Info
    The players turn'd academicks: or, a description (in Merry Metre) Of their Translation from the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields, to the Tennis-Court in Oxford. With a preface Relating to the Proceedings of the University the last act: As also the Wadhamite Prologue that was Spoken there, with a Prologue and Epilogue, by way of Answer to it, at the Theatre Royal
  • 134030
    Book Info
    The pleasant and delightful history of Dorastus and Fawnia. Pleasant for age to shun drowsie thoughts; Profitable for Youth, to avoid other wanton Pastimes, and bringing to Both a desired Content. By Robert Green, Master of Arts in Cambridge
    Greene, Robert
  • 134031
    Book Info
    The pleasures of matrimony intermix'd with variety of merry and delightful stories. Containing the charms and contentments of wooing and wedlock, in all its enjoyments, recreations, and divertisements.
    Ward, Edward
  • 134032
    Book Info
    The possibility & necessity of the inward and immediate revelation of the spirit of God, Towards the Foundation and Ground of True faith, proved, In a Letter writ in Latin to the Heer Paets; And now also put into English. By Robert Barclay
    Barclay, Robert
  • 134033
    Book Info
    The practice and doctrine of the Presbyterian preachers about the sacrament of baptism, examin'd
    Sutherland, Alexander
  • 134034
    Book Info
    The present danger of popery in England. Shewing, I. The strength of the English papists at Home and Abroad. II. An Account of their Religious-Houses in Foreign Parts and in England. III. An Abstract of the Laws in Force against Papists. IV. Reasons for putting those Laws in Execution. V. A Proposal for the same. Dedicated to the Civil Magistrates of England, Scotland and Ireland
  • 134035
    Book Info
    The present state of chyrurgery, with Some Short Remarks on the Abuses Committed under a Pretence to the Practice. And Reasons offer'd for Regulating the Same. In a letter to Charles Bernard, Esq; Serjeant-Surgeon; and Chyrurgeon in Ordinary to Her Present Majesty
    T. D
  • 134036
    Book Info
    The present uncertainty in the knowledge of med'cines, in a letter to the Physicians in the Commission for Sick and Wounded Seamen. With a Postscript to Physicians, shewing the Necessity of a True Theory of Diseases. By W. Corkburn, M. D. a Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians of London
    Cockburn, W
  • 134037
    Book Info
    The priest's complaint: being a discourse of the heinous sin of tithe-stealing: and the evil consequences attending thereupon. By Robert Wake, M. A. Vicar of Fritwell in Oxfordshire, and sometime Fellow of Trinity-College, Oxon.
    Wake, Robert
  • 134038
    Book Info
    The principal acts of the General Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; conveened at Edinburgh, March the 10th. 1703 ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 134039
    Book Info
    The proceedings against Archdeacon Lemuel Mathews, at the regal visitation, held at Lisburne, 1693. ...
    Mathews, Lemuel
  • 134040
    Book Info
    The proceedings of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal in Parliament assembled, upon the observations of the Commissioners for taking, examining and stating the Publick Accounts of the Kingdom: delivered into the House of Peers
    England | Wales