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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,081 - 134,100건 출력
  • 134081
    Book Info
    The summe of Christianity: wherein a short and plain account is given of the Christian faith. The Christian's Duty. The Christian's Prayers. The Christian Sacraments. With prayers for families. For the Use of such as want either Time to read Longer, or Capacity to understand Learneder Discourses. By Clement Elis, late Rector of Kirkby and Prebendary of Southwell in Nottinghamshire
    Ellis, Clement
  • 134082
    Book Info
    The surest and safest way of thriving. Or, a conviction of that grand mistake in many, that what is given to the poor, is a loss to their estate; which is directly contrary as to the experiences of the Charitable; so to the testimony of God's Spirit in divers places of Scriptures: As, Prov. II. 24. There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth. There is that with-holdeth more than is meet, but it u
    Gouge, Thomas
  • 134083
    Book Info
    The surgeons assistant. In which is plainly discovered the true origin of most diseases. Treating particularly of the plague, French pox, leprosie, &c. of the biting of mad dogs, and other venemous creatures. Also a compleat treatise of cancers and gangreens. With an enquiry whether they have any alliance with contagious diseases. Their most easie,
    Browne, John
  • 134084
    Book Info
    The synagogue, or, The shadow of the temple Sacred poems, and private ejaculations. In imitation of Mr. George Herbert.
    Harvey, Christopher
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 134085
    Book Info
    The tears of Amaryllis for Amyntas. A Pastoral. Lamenting the death of the late Lord Marquis of Blanford. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Lord Godolphin, Lord High-Treasurer of England. By Mr. Congreve
    Congreve, William
  • 134086
    Book Info
    The temple. Sacred poems, and private ejaculations. By Mr. George Herbert, ... Together with his life. The twelfth edition corrected, with the addition of an alphabetical table.
    Herbert, George
  • 134087
    Book Info
    The theory and practice of architecture; or Vitruvius and Vignola abridg'd. The first, by the famous Mr. Perrault, of the Royal Academy of Sciences in France, (and carfully done into English. And the other by Joseph Moxon; and now accurately publish'd the fifth time
    Vitruvius Pollio
  • 134088
    Book Info
    The tradesman's lawyer and countrey-man's friend. 1. Directing them in Contracts, Bargains and Agreements, whereby they may learn to buy and contract safely, and cautiously avoid being over-reached in their Bargains, &c. 2. Concerning borrowing, lending and restoring, and of Goods pledged and pawned. 3. Setting forth several other adjudged Cases relating to Tradesmen, &c. 4. Cases relating to Farm
  • 134089
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. As it is now acted by Her Majesties Servants. By William Shakespeare.
    Shakespeare, William
  • 134090
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. As it is now acted by Her Majesties Servants. By William Shakespeare.
    Shakespeare, William
  • 134091
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. As it is now acted by Her Majesties Servants. By William Shakespeare.
    Shakespeare, William
  • 134092
    Book Info
    The tragedy of King Saul. Written by a deceas'd person of honour, and now made publick at the request of several men of quality who have highly approv'd of it
    Trapp, Joseph
  • 134093
    Book Info
    The true picture of an ill practiser of the law. In a dialogue between a sollicitor and his intended client
  • 134094
    Book Info
    The true-Born-Hugonot: or, Daniel de Foe. A satyr. By a True-Born-Englishman
    Pittis, William
  • 134095
    Book Info
    The true-born English=woman. In a letter to the publick. By a true-born English-man
    True-born English-man
  • 134096
    Book Info
    The truth of the Christian religion. Written originally in Italian, for the benefit of the Court of Savoy, by the Marquess of Pianezza. To which is prefix'd, an account of the author, ... By Tho. Wise, ...
    Simiana, Carlo Emanuele Filiberto Giacinto da
  • 134097
    Book Info
    The tryal, examination, and condemnation, of occasional conformity, &c. at a sessions of oyer and terminer, held at Troynovant, before Mr. Justice Upright, and Mr. Baron Integrity. At the common-hall of the said city on T- the 26th of J-y, 1703
  • 134098
    Book Info
    The twin-Rivals. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Farquhar
    Farquhar, George
  • 134099
    Book Info
    The vicar of Banbury corrected: or, an answer to Benj. Loveling's reply, (to a letter of Richard Vivers) intituled The spirit of quakerism rebuked, &c. With a copy of the said letter. By Richard Vivers
    Vivers, Richard
  • 134100
    Book Info
    The vicar of Banbury further corrected: being a reply to Benj. Loveling's late book, falsly intituled, Quakerism a complication of heresy, &c. By Richard Vivers
    Vivers, Richard