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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,101 - 134,120건 출력
  • 134101
    Book Info
    The way to get wealth, I. Directing how to make 23 sorts of English wine, equal to that of France with their virtues; and to make cyder equal to canary, also to make Wine of all sorts of Herbs, and to make Cyder, Mead, Rum, Rack, Mum, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Butler's-Ale, Brandy, and Cordial Waters, and 40 sorts of Ale, in a Minute; the Mistery of Vintners; curious Physical Receipts; to help the M
    Tryon, Thomas
  • 134102
    Book Info
    The whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. ...
  • 134103
    Book Info
    The whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. ...
  • 134104
    Book Info
    The whole comical works of Monsr. Scarron. Containing I. His Comical Romance of a Company of Stage-Players. In three Parts, Compleat. II. All his Novels and Histories. III. His Select Letters, Characters, &c. A great Part of which never before in English. Translated by Mr. Tho. Brown, Mr. Savage, and others
  • 134105
    Book Info
    The whole concern of a Christian, containing directions for the well-governing of a Christian life; Instructing Him how he shall Walk Pleasingly before God in this World, answerable to the Precepts of the Holy Scripture. With the character of a true believer, And the many Mercies he Receives. In Reading whereof, he may see what he is, and what he should be, which with Blessings from above will fur
    Horneck, Anthony
  • 134106
    Book Info
    The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of all, ... with Private devotions ...
    Allestree, Richard
  • 134107
    Book Info
    The whole life of Mr. William Fuller; being an impartial account of his birth, education, relations, and introduction into the service of the late King James and his queen. Together With a True Discovery of the Intrigues for which he lies now confin'd; as also, of the Persons that Employ'd and Assisted him therein; with his hearty Repentance for the Misdemeanors he did in the late Reign, and all o
    Fuller, William
  • 134108
    Book Info
    The whole tryal, examination, confession, and condemnation of Mr. John Allen, the merchant's son, who was try'd and condemn'd at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, on Friday the 12th of October. for that barbarous murder of Mrs. Mary Finch, his sweetheart: ... fo which he hath deservedly receiv'd sentance of death
    Allen, John
  • 134109
    Book Info
    The witnesses to Christianity; or, the certainty of our faith and hope: in a discourse upon I. St. John V. 7,8 By Symon Patrick, D. D. Now Lord Bishop of Ely. Part I
    Patrick, Simon
  • 134110
    Book Info
    The works of Mr. John Oldham, together with his remains
    Oldham, John
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 134111
    Book Info
    Theo. Turquet Mayernii equitis aurati baronis Auboni{aelig} medici & philosophi suo {aelig}vo celeberrimi Opera medica : In quibus Continentur Consilia, Epistolae, Observationes, Pharmacopeia, Variaeque Medicamentorum Formulae. Quae in Usum Sereniffimarum Annae & H. Mariae Angliae quondam Reginarum praescripta fuere. Una cum Epistola Prefatoria In qua Vita & Opera Authoris Breviter Enarruntur &...
    Mayerne, Th{acute}eodore Turquet de, 1573-1655
  • 134112
    Book Info
    There will be shortly published a treatise upon the following heads, viz
  • 134113
    Book Info
    Thesauri, medicin{aelig} practic{aelig}, breviarium : Cum Indice Remediorum, qua inibi continentur: authore Thoma Burneto, Equite Aurato, & Serenissimae Reginae, Medico Primario.
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 134114
    Book Info
    Thomas Dent, Dr. in Divinity, appellant, Sir William Buck, Barronet, ... respondents. The respondents case.
    Bucke, William
  • 134115
    Book Info
    Three speeches unspoken in the last session of the last session of the Parliament, and reserved to the second thoughts of the next
  • 134116
    Book Info
    To the Honourable Sir C-----ly S-----l, admiral of one of the squadrons in Her Majesty's royal navy
    M. S
  • 134117
    Book Info
    To the Honourable, Robert Verner, Robert Smart, bailies of Musselburgh; ... worthy members of the town-council, and much honoured heriters in the town and parish of Musselburgh
    Denniston, Walter
  • 134118
    Book Info
    To the Queen's Most Excellent Majestie, the humble address and supplication of the suffering Episcopal clergy in the kingdom of Scotland, whose Names and Designations are underwritten
    Episcopal Church in Scotland
  • 134119
    Book Info
    To the Right Reverend the Ld. Bishop of Carlisle. Containing An Historical Deduction of the Alliances between France and Scotland. Whereby the pretended Old League with Charlemagne, is disproved: And the True Old League is produced and asserted. To which is added, a notable Piece of Church-History from Her Majesty's Archives; never before publish'd. Letter II
    Rymer, Thomas
  • 134120
    Book Info
    Toleration defended: or, The letter from a gentleman to a Member of Parliament concerning toleration considered; with some observes on Mr. Meldrum's sermon
    Brown, George