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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,141 - 134,160건 출력
  • 134141
    Book Info
    Æsop's Fables, in English & Latin, interlineary, for the benefit of those who not having a master, would learn either of these tongues. With sculptures
  • 134142
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    A Full and true relation of a horrid and detestable conspiracy against the lives, estates, and reputations of three worthy members of this present Parliament, which God long preserve
  • 134143
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    A body of divinity: or, the sum and substance of Christian religion. Catechistically propounded and explained, by way of question and answer. Methodically and familiarly handled, for the use of families. To which are adjoined a tract, intituled, Immanuel: or, the mystery of the incarnation of the son of God. To which are added, the life of the author, containing many remarkable
    Ussher, James
  • 134144
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    A bomb thrown amongst the Quakers in Norwich, which will reach their friends in Bristol, and set fire on the combustible matter thorow their whole camp in England and Wales.
    Bugg, Francis
  • 134145
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    A brief apology in behalf of the people in derision call'd Quakers. Written for the information of our sober and well-inclined neighbours in and about the town of Warminster in the county of Wilts. By Will. Chandler, Alex. Pyott, Jo. Hodges, &c.
    Chandler, William
  • 134146
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    A brief confutation of the pretences against natural & revealed religion
    Jenkin, Robert
  • 134147
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    A brief discourse of the happy union of the kingdoms of Scotland and England, with certain articles concerning the same. Dedicated to Her Majesty. By the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon, ...
    Bacon, Francis
  • 134148
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    A brief explanation of the obscure phrases in the Book of Psalms, (commonly call'd David's psalms) Collected out of the writings of the Right Reverend Bishop Patrick, the Reverend Doctor Henry Hammond, and others: Together with The Titles and Arguments of each Psalm. For the Use and Benefit of the Middle Sort of People. By J. Clutterbuck, gent.
    Clutterbuck, J
  • 134149
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    A brief representation of my Lord Dupplin's title and right to the payment of one thousand pound per annum, and of what is due unto him by way of arrears, out of the four and a half per cent charged on all commodities exported from Barbadoes: Humbly laid before, and submitted to the Wisdom and Justice of the Honourable the House of Commons
    Kinnoull, Thomas Hay
  • 134150
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    A catalogue of books, Sold by T. Chapman at the Angel in Pellmall, over-against St. Jame's-Square; All neatly Bound, Gilt on the Back and Letter'd
    Chapman, Thomas
  • 134151
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    A catalogue of excellent and rare books, on all subjects, and in most languages, to be exposed to sale, by way of auction, upon the [blank] 1702. At the new-auction-house, on the North side of the Street, over against the Cross; Where the Advertisements will be Affixed. The Auction will begin at Two and continue till Six of the Clock in the After-Noon, every Day, till the close of the said Auction
  • 134152
    Book Info
    A catechetical course of sermons for the whole year. Being, an explanation of the church-catechism. In fifty two distinct discourses on so many several Texts of Scripture. Wherein are briefly contain'd, The most necessary Points of Christian Doctrine. Recommended Especially for the use of Families. In two volumes. By Peter Newcome, M. A. Vicar of Aldenham in Hertfordshire
    Newcome, Peter
  • 134153
    Book Info
    A collection of all the statutes now in force, Relating to the Duties upon salt, With so much of the laws of excise, As are Particularly Referr'd to, in the said Statutes. To which is Added, An Abridgement of the whole, Alphabetically Digested under Proper Heads and Titles
    England | Wales
  • 134154
    Book Info
    A collection of poems: viz. The temple of death: by the Marquis of Normanby. An epistle to the Earl of Dorset by Charles Montague, Lord Halifax. The duel of the stags: by Sir Robert Howard. With several original poems, never before printed, ...
  • 134155
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    A collection of select and modern entries of declarations, pleadings, issues, verdicts, judgements, &c. Referring to the cases in Sir Creswell Levinz's Reports; the judgment of the Court being added to each president [sic]. ... Written by the said Sir Creswell Levinz. Also some entries in the 10th, 11th and 12th years of ... William III
    Levinz, Creswell
  • 134156
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    A collection of several remarkable addresses to Richard Cromwel, then Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England. Taken out of the diurnal of those times. 1658
  • 134157
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    A comical dialogue between Dr. Oates, and William Fuller, relating to both their misfortunes, &c. With Dr. Oates's second letter to Fuller, in the Fleet prison. With Fuller's answer thereunto
  • 134158
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    A commentary, by way of question and answer, upon that part of the church-catechism which concerns the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with a form of examination, and suitable Prayers, design'd for the use of those that want such help, to Dispose them to, Prepare them for, and Assist them in Receiving that Holy Sacrament
  • 134159
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    A comparison between the two stages, with an examen of The generous conqueror; and some critical remarks on The funeral, or Grief alamode, The false friend, Tamerlane and others. In dialogue
  • 134160
    Book Info
    A compend or abreviat of the most important ordinary securities of, and concerning. [sic] rights personal and real, redeemable and irredeemable; of common use in Scotland. Containing above an hundred different securities. Collected from the stiles of seveveral [sic] writers to the Signet, and others deceased. ...
    Birnie of Saline, Andrew