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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,221 - 134,240건 출력
  • 134221
    Book Info
    A living funeral testimony: or, death overcome, and drown'd in the life of Christ. With A Further Description of the Various States of Separated Souls; as to what they may expect will ensue after Death, whether in Christ, or out of Christ. P. J. De Loutherbourg By J. Lead
    Lead, Jane
  • 134222
    Book Info
    A manifesto: Containing the reasons which have Induced the Lords States General of the United Netherlands, To declare war against the Kings of France and Spain, May 8. 1702
    United Provinces of the Netherlands
  • 134223
    Book Info
    A mathematical dictionary: or, a compendious explication of all mathematical terms, abridg'd from Monsieur Ozanam, and others. With a translation of his preface; and an Addition of several easie and useful Abstracts; as plain Trigonometry, Mechanicks, the first Properties of the three Conick Sections, &c. To which is added, an appendix, containing the Quantities of all Sorts of Weights and Measure
    Ozanam, Jacques
  • 134224
    Book Info
    A mechanical account of poisons : in several essays. By Richard Mead, M.D.
    Mead, Richard
  • 134225
    Book Info
    A mechanical account of poisons : in several essays. By Richard Mead, M.D.
    Mead, Richard
  • 134226
    Book Info
    A memorial briefly pointing at some advantages of the union of the two kingdoms, humbly offered to the consideration of the Commissioners appointed for that end
    J. B
  • 134227
    Book Info
    A military dictionary. Explaining all difficult terms in martial discipline, fortification, and gunnery. Useful (for all Persons that Read the Publick News, or serve in the Armies, or Militia) for the true understanding the Accounts of sieges, battels, and other warlike expeditions, which daily occur in this Time of Action. By an Officer, who served several years abroad
    Officer, Who Served Several Years Abroad
  • 134228
    Book Info
    A modest defence of the government. In a dialogue between Kinglove, an Old Cavalier, and Meanvvell, a Modern Tory. Written by a Sober Stander-by, who is wholly unconcern'd in the Ministry, or the Funds
    Sober stander-by
  • 134229
    Book Info
    A modest enquiry into the opinion concerning a guardian angel
    Hamond, George
  • 134230
    Book Info
    A monumental poem in memory of The Right Honourable Sir George Treby Kt. Late Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Common-Pleas: consisting of his character and elegy. By N. Tate Esq; Poet-Laureat to His Majesty
    Tate, Nahum
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 134231
    Book Info
    A moral essay upon friendship. Written in Italian by Cardinal Bona, Author of the Guide to Eternity. And translated into English from the thirteenth edition
    Bona, Giovanni
  • 134232
    Book Info
    A narrative of some passages of the life of Theophilus Green from his youth: Both before and After he Received the truth, as Professed by the People of God, in Scorn called Quakers
    Green, Theophilus
  • 134233
    Book Info
    A new and most accurate theory of the moon's motion; whereby all her irregularities may be solved, and her Place truly calculated to Two Minutes. Written by That Incomparable Mathematician Mr. Isaac Newton, and published in Latin by Mr. David Gregory in his excellent Astronomy
    Newton, Isaac
  • 134234
    Book Info
    A new compendium of the whole art of practical navigation; containing the elements of plain trigonometry, and it's application to plain, Mercator's and middle-latitude sailing. Together With the most Useful and Necessary Problems in Astronomy. Also, The Method of finding the Variation of the Compass, Working an Observation, the Reason and Use of the Log-Line, Allowances for Lee-Way: With New Table
    Jones, W
  • 134235
    Book Info
    A new project to make England a florishing kingdom. Proposed as worthy the consideration of the ensuing Parliament
  • 134236
    Book Info
    A new short treatise of algebra; with the geometrical construction of equations, As far as the fourth Power or Dimension. Together with Aspecimen of the Nature and Algorithm of Fluxions. By John Harris M. A. and Fellow of the Royal Society
    Harris, John
  • 134237
    Book Info
    A new test of the Church of England's loyalty: or, Whiggish loyalty and church loyalty compar'd.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 134238
    Book Info
    A new test of the Church of England's loyalty: or, Whiggish loyalty and church loyalty compar'd.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 134239
    Book Info
    A new theory of acute and slow continu'd fevers : wherein, besides their appearances and manner of cure, occasionally, the true structure of the glands, the Manner, and Laws of Secretion, the Operation of Vomative, Purgative, and mercurial medicines, are mechanically explain'd. Together with the application of the general proposition to hectick fevers. And a General Method, for examining the Qu...
    Cheyne, George
  • 134240
    Book Info
    A new, plain, methodical and compleat Italian grammar vvhereby you may very soon attain to the perfection of the Italian Tongue, dedicated Alphabetically to the worthy English gentlemen, merchants at Legorne Viz to Mr. Cristopher Michel. M. Daniel Gould. M. Edvvard Nelthorpe. M. Fisher Jackson. M. Francis Arundel. M. George Colling. S.r George Davies Bar.t M. George Lambe. M. George Rivers. M. Gil
    Pleunus, Arrigo