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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,361 - 134,380건 출력
  • 134361
    Book Info
    A true narrative of the proceedings before the honourable trustees in Ireland, on the claims of John Wade Esq; and Mr. Francis Nangle, for 248 acres in Harbert's Town; Nangle Claiming a long Lease, which he took of the Agents of the late Duke of York; and Wade Claiming it as his Free-Hold, with several Affidavits, Notes and Orders Sign'd by Mr. Trenchard, Secretary, and Mr. Amory, Register; To whi
  • 134362
    Book Info
    A vindication of Dr. Sherlock, ... in answer to Mr. Nathaniel Taylor's late treatise, entitul'd, Dr. Sherlock's case of church communion, and his letter to Anonymus, consider'd, &c. Together with a reply to his vindication ...
    Hoadly, Benjamin
  • 134363
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    A vindication of marriage, as solemnized by Presbyterians, in the north of Ireland. ... By a minister of the Gospel
    MacBride, John
  • 134364
    Book Info
    A vindication of the proceedings of some members of the Lower House of the last Convocation, with relation to the Archbishop's prorogation of it upon the eighth of May. In a Letter to the Publisher of the Late Narrative of the Proceedings of that House about Adjournments
    Trimnell, Charles
  • 134365
    Book Info
    A vindication of the twenty third article of the Church of England, From a Late Exposition, Ascribed to my Lord Bishop of Sarum
    Thornton, William
  • 134366
    Book Info
    A voyage to the Levant: or, travels in the principal parts of Asia Minor, the islands of Scio, Rhodes, Cyprus, &c. With An Account of the most Considerable Cities of Egypt, Syria and the Holy Land. Enrich'd with above two hundred copper-plates, wherein are represented the most Noted Cities, Countries, Towns, and other remarkable Things, all Drawn to the Life. By M. Corneille le Bruyn. Done into En
    Bruyn, Cornelis de
  • 134367
    Book Info
    A word in season, to him that is weary of the guilt and burthen of his sins; and to him that is weary of this life here in the body; And to him that is weary of outward Labour, Pain, Travel, or such like. Also, a Word In Season against those Manifold Transgressions and mighty Sins, which are done and committed on this Earth. And likewise what is a Word in Season now, towards the close and shutting
    Stafford, Richard
  • 134368
    Book Info
    Abstract of the commission under the Great Seal, for taking subscriptions to enlarge the capital stock of the bank
  • 134369
    Book Info
    Academi? Cantabrigiensis carmina, quibus decedenti augustissimo regi Wilhelmo III. parentat; et succedenti optimis auspiciis serenissim? regin? Ann? gratulatur
    University of Cambridge
  • 134370
    Book Info
    Academia coelestis: the heavenly university: or, the highest school, Where alone is that Highest Teaching, The Teaching of the Heart. By Francis Rouse, Sometime Provost of Eaton Colledge. A treatise written above threescore years since: The third edition, revised and compared with the Latin
    Rous, Francis
  • 134371
    Book Info
    Act and proclamation for proclaiming the right and title of Queen Ann, as undoubted soveraign [sic] of this realm. At Edinburgh the 13th day of March 1702
  • 134372
    Book Info
    Act of Privy Council, allowing the continuing of the former seals, signets and cashet until renewed, and sustaining all letters and diligences, preceediug [sic] the 13. instant: at Edinburgh 16 March 1702
  • 134373
    Book Info
    Acts and laws, of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New-England
  • 134374
    Book Info
    Ad augustissimam, serenissimamque Annam, Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Reginam, cum publico suffragio Regina declararetur
    Hog, William
  • 134375
    Book Info
    Admirable curiosities rarities and wonders in England, Scotland and Ireland. Being an account of many remarkable persons and places; ...
    R. B
  • 134376
    Book Info
    Almahide; or, the captive queen. An excellent new romance, never before in English. The whole work. Written in French by the accurate pen of Monsieur de Scudery Governour of Nostre Dame. Done into English by J. Phillips Gent. Licensed, March 8. 1675/6 H. Oldenburgh
    Scud{acute}ery, Madeleine de
  • 134377
    Book Info
    Altemira. A tragedy. As it is now acted at the New-Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's servants. Written by the Right Honourable Roger late Earl of Orrery; and revis'd by the Honourable Charles Boyle, Esq;
    Orrery, Roger Boyle
  • 134378
    Book Info
    Amusements serious and comical, calculated for the meridian of London. By Mr. Tho. Brown
    Brown, Thomas
  • 134379
    Book Info
    An abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his life and times. With an account of many others of those Worthy Ministers who were Ejected, after the Restauration of King Charles the Second. Their Apology for Themselves and their Adherents; containing the Grounds of their Nonconformity, and Practise as to Stated and Occasional Communion with the Church of England. And a Continuation of their History,
    Baxter, Richard
  • 134380
    Book Info
    An abridgment of Sir Walter Raleigh's history of the world: in five books. I. From the creation to Abraham ... V. From the establishment of Alexander until the conquest of Asia and Macedon by the Romans. ... His premonition to princes. Also ... I. Of the invention of shipping. ... IV. An apology for his unlucky voyage to Guiana. Published by Philip Raleigh, Esquire, the only grand-son to Sir Walte
    Raleigh, Walter