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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,381 - 134,400건 출력
  • 134381
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    An abstract of the Chamberlain's accompts, as receiver and treasurer for the Orphans-Fund, for seven years, from midsummer, 1694. To midsummer, 1701 (as it was found by Mr. Auditor Done, upon examination of the said Chamberlain's books, April 1702.)
    Orphans-Fund (London, England)
  • 134382
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    An account of a dispute betwixt Mr. Clayton prebendary of St. Michan's, and Father Dalton, Priest of the same Parish, on the 18th of August, 1702
  • 134383
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    An account of some late designs to create a misunderstanding betwixt the King and his people; and to subvert the English constitution, by exalting the prerogative, and rendering Parliaments useless
  • 134384
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    An account of the Isle of Man, its inhabitants, language, soil, remarkable curiosities, the Succession of its Kings and Bishops, down to the present Time. By way of essay. With a Voyage to I-Columb-Kill. By William Sacheverell Esq; Late Governour of man. To which is added, a dissertation about the Mona of Cæsar and Tacitus; and an Account of the Antient druids, &c. By Mr. Thomas Brown. Address'd i
    Sacheverell, William
  • 134385
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    An account of the last words of Christian Karr, who dyed at Edinburgh on the 4th of February 1702, in the eleventh year of her age: shewing How much she was ravished with the Assurances of her Interest in Christ, and the hope of Heaven. There is added a Conclusion containing the Use and Improvement of what is related, By Mr. Archibald Deans Minister of the Gospel at Bouden
    Deans, Archibald
  • 134386
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    An account of the life of Apollonius Tyaneus. By M. Le Nain de Tillemont. Translated out of French. To which are added, some observations upon Apollonius
    Le Nain de Tillemont, Louis-S{acute}ebastien
  • 134387
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    An account of the proceedings in the West-Indies, of Vice-Admiral Bembow, admiral of Her Majesty's ships in the West-Indies, from the 11th day of July last, to the middle of October: with a relation of an engagement between a squadron of Her Majesty's ships under his command, and a squadron of French under Monsieur du Cass, near the coast of Santa Martha, from the 21st to the 24th day of August la
  • 134388
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    An account of the progress of the reformation of manners, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, And other Parts of Europe and America. With some Reasons and plain Directions for our hearty and vigorous Prosecution of this Glorious Work. In a letter to a friend. To which is added, the special obligations of magistrates to be diligent in the execution of the penal-laws against Prophaneness and Debauche
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 134389
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    An admonition to those who prophane the Lord's-Day. Consisting of texts of scripture, with the opinion of Judge Hales, and others, and some remarkable judgments taken out of Mr. Clark and Mr. Turner
  • 134390
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    An anatomical essay, in two discourses, I. Pointing at many things curious, and remarkable in the structure of the viscera, with which are intermixt, some plain reflections, subversive of atheism. II. An anatomical explcation, of the first six verses of the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes; being more agreeable to the Modern Anatomy than any heretofore published
    Eliot, Robert
  • 134391
    Book Info
    An anatomical essay, in two discourses, I. Pointing at many things curious, and remarkable in the structure of the viscera, with which are intermixt, some plain reflections, subversive of atheism. II. An anatomical explication, of the first six verses of the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes; being more agreeable to the Modern Anatomy than any heretofore published
    Eliot, Robert
  • 134392
    Book Info
    An answer to A third letter to a clergyman in the country, in defence of the entry of the parliament-writ, &c. Wherein the great disingenuity of the author of it is plainly shewn, ...
    Trimnell, Charles
  • 134393
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    An answer to Mr. Paschal's Letter to his friend in the countrey, stating the case of Mr. Parkhurst and himself, &c. Being a vindication of the proceedings of the House of Commons, against those gentlemen Commissioners for Prizes. Most humbly Dedicated, and Submitted to the Consideration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons of England Assembled in Parliament
    Everett, George
  • 134394
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    An answer to Mr. Toland's Reasons for addressing His Majesty to invite into England their Highnesses the Electress Dowager, and the Electoral Prince of Hanover. And also, To his Reasons for Attainting the pretended Prince of Wales, and all others pretending any Claim, Right, or Title from the late King James and Queen Mary
  • 134395
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    An answer to the letter to the author of The case of toleration recogniz'd
  • 134396
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    An antidote against infidelity. In answer to a book, intituled, Second thoughts concerning human soul. Wherein the author's arguments are refuted, ... With a full and clear proof of the soul's immortality, ... By a prebyter [sic] of the Church of England
    Hole, Matthew
  • 134397
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    An argumentative and practical discourse of infant-baptism: in which I. The lawfulness of infant-baptism is demonstrated. II. The Objections against Infant-Baptism are Answered. III. The Usefulness of the Ordinance is Asserted. IV. The Sinfulness of Re-Baptizing Manifested. V. The Non-Necessity of Dipping Evidenced. VI. The practical use of infant-baptism urged and inforced. The third edition. By
    Burkitt, William
  • 134398
    Book Info
    An elegy, from the mercers, lacemen, milliners, weavers and wyerdrawers, upon the death of the late King William of ever blessed Memory: as likewise an humble address, to Her present Most Sacred Majesty Queen Ann; by the same Trandesmen of the City of London
  • 134399
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    An enquiry into occasional conformity: Shewing that the dissenters are no way concern'd in it. By the author of the preface to Mr. Howe.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 134400
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    An epistle of caution to Friends, to keep on their inward armour, in this day of outward ease. By T. G.
    Gwin, Thomas