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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,421 - 134,440건 출력
  • 134421
    Book Info
    An humble inquiry into the scripture-account of Jesus Christ: or, a short argument concerning his deity and glory, according to the gospel.
    Emlyn, Thomas
  • 134422
    Book Info
    An index or abridgement, of the acts of Parliament and convention, from the reign of King James the first including the former index or abridgement, and continuing the same to the ninth session of the current Parliament. Digested into Head, in the Order of the Alphabet. By Sir James Stewart of Gutters, Her Majesties Advocat
  • 134423
    Book Info
    An introduction to astronomy, geography, navigation : and other mathematical sciences made easie by the description and uses of the coelestial and terrestrial globes. In Seven Parts. Containing I. The Definitions of the Lines, Circles, &c. upon the Globe or Sphere; and of several Terms of Art. II. The Problems in Astronomy Methodically digested, with Variety of Examples. III. The several Affect...
    Morden, Robert
  • 134424
    Book Info
    An introduction to the history of the principal kingdoms and states of Europe.... Made English from the original, the High-Dutch: the fifth edition, with additions.
    Pufendorf, Samuel
  • 134425
    Book Info
    An ode upon the assembling of the new Parliament. Sung before His Majesty on New-Years-Day. 1702. The words by Mr. Tate, Poet-Laureat to His Majesty
    Tate, Nahum
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 134426
    Book Info
    An office: or, manual of devotions for the better observing the Lords-Day, chiefly design'd for the use of private families
    Morer, Thomas
  • 134427
    Book Info
    Analecta: or, fragments offered (upon occasion) as a supplement to a discourse of the covenants, (printed with this title Good will towards men an. 1675.) Also sixty queries proposed to such as deny the evangelical law, and gospel-terms. By John Barrett, Minister of the Gospel
    Barret, John
  • 134428
    Book Info
    Analysis {AElig}quationum universalis : seu ad {AElig}quationes algebraicas resolvendas methodus generalis, & expedita, ex nova infinitarum serierum methodo, deducta ac demonstrata. Editio secunda cui accessit appendix de Infinito Infinitarum Serierum progressu ad Equationum Algebraicarum Radices eliciendas. Cui etiam annexum est; De spatio reali, seu ente infinito conamen Mathematico-Metaphysi...
    Raphson, Joseph
  • 134429
    Book Info
    Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1702. ... By John Tanner ...
    Tanner, John
  • 134430
    Book Info
    Angli? notitia: or the present state of England: With Divers remarks upon The Ancient State thereof. By Edw. Chamberlayne, Doctor of Laws
    Chamberlayne, Edward
  • 134431
    Book Info
    Angliæ notitia: or the present state of England: With Divers remarks upon The Ancient State thereof. By Edw. Chamberlayne, Doctor of Laws. In Three Parts
    Chamberlayne, Edward
  • 134432
    Book Info
    Anguis in Herba: or the fatal consequences of a treaty with France. Wherein it is proved that the Principles whereby the French King governs himself, will not allow him to observe any Treaty longer than it is for his Interest to break it. That he has always aimed at the Union of the Crowns of France and Spain since the Pyrenean Treaty. That, notwithstanding his Pretences to the contrary, such is h
    Maxwell, Henry
  • 134433
    Book Info
    Animadversiones in aliqua Philippi Limburgii dogmata. Authore Edmundo Elisio Coll. Bal. Apud Oxonienses quondam Socio
    Elys, Edmund
  • 134434
    Book Info
    Animadversions on the two last 30th of January sermons, the one preached to the Honourable House of Commons, the other to the Lower House of Convocation. In a letter
  • 134435
    Book Info
    Anna in anno mirabili: or, the wonderful year of 1702. A rehearsal
  • 134436
    Book Info
    Antiochus the great: or, the fatal relapse, a tragedy. As it is now acted at the New-Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. Written by Mrs. Jane Wiseman
    Wiseman, Jane
  • 134437
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus, the English apollo, ... By Richard Saunder, ...
    Saunders, Richard
  • 134438
    Book Info
    Apologie de la véritable theologie Chrétienne, ainsi qu'elle est soutenue, & prêchée, par le Peuple, appellé par Mépris, les Trembleurs: Qui Est Une Ample Explication, & une Défense de leurs Principes & de leurs Doctrines, par plusieurs Argumens, tirez de L'Ecriture, & de la Droite Raison, & des Témoignages des Fameux Autheurs, tant Anciens que Modernes: Avec une Ample Réponse aux plus fortes Obje
    Barclay, Robert
  • 134439
    Book Info
    Apopiroscopy: or, a compleat and faithful history of experiments and observations: not only chymical and curious, but mechanical; and in several Arts, Sciences and Professions. Being Pleasant, Useful and Profitable. Extracted from the most Authentick Writers, Manuscripts, and the Author's Experience. By T. Snow
    Neve, Richard
  • 134440
    Book Info
    Aristotle's master-piece : compleated, in two parts: the first containing the secrets of generation, in all the parts thereof. Treating Of the Benefit of Marriage, and the Prejudice of Unequal Matches, Signs of Insufficiency in Men or Women; Of the Infusion of the Soul; Of the Likeness of Children to Parents; Of Monstrous Births: The Cause and Cure of the Green-Sickness: A Discourse of Virginit...