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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,481 - 134,500건 출력
  • 134481
    Book Info
    Commentarius in vitam Georgii Buchanani, ab ipsomet scriptam. In quo doctorum, de eo ejusque scriptis, elogia, judicia & censuræ; et scripta ejus, tam edita, quam inedita recensentur. Accessit ejus Satyra in Cardinalem Lotharingum notis illustrata
    Sibbald, Robert
  • 134482
    Book Info
    Concerning marriages in different communions: in a sermon at Chester. Prosecuted by Henry Dodwell, M. A. Sometime Fellow of Trinity College near Dublin
    Leslie, Charles
  • 134483
    Book Info
    Concio ad sanctam synodum, ab Archiepiscopo, Episcopis & Clero, Provinciae Cantuariensis celebratam, Habita In Ecclesia Cathedrali S. Pauli, Londini xx Die Octobris, A. D. MDCCII. A Ricardo Willis, S. T. P. Ecclesiae Lincolniens. Decano. & Regiae Majestati a Sacris
    Willis, Richard
  • 134484
    Book Info
    Concio ad sanctam synodum, ab archiepiscopo, Episcopis & Clero, Provinciae Cantuariensis celebratam, habita In Ecclesia Cathedrali S. Pauli, London. xxx Die Decembris. A. D. MDCCI. Per Gulielmum Sherlock, Ejusdem Ecclesiae Decanum
    Sherlock, William
  • 134485
    Book Info
    Confessio, sive declaratio, sententiæ pastorum, qui in foderato Belgio remonstrantes vocantur; super præcipuis articulis religionis Christianæ. In usum Juventutis Theologiae studiosae, jam denuo impressa
    Remonstrantse Broederschap
  • 134486
    Book Info
    Conscience the best friend upon earth: or, the happy effects of keeping a good conscience. Very useful for this present age. By Henry Stubbes, Minister of the Gospel
    Stubbes, Henry
  • 134487
    Book Info
    Consilium {aelig}tiologicum de casu quodam epileptico : quo respondetur epistol{aelig} ... Thom{aelig} Hobart, M.D. Annex{circ}a disquisitione de perspirationis insensibilis materi{circ}a, & peragend{aelig} ratione. Authore Gulielmo Cole, ...
    Cole, William
  • 134488
    Book Info
    Curia militaris: or, a treatise of the Court of Chivalry; in three books. I. Concerning the court itself; its judges and officers. II. Of its jurisdiction and causes there determinable. III. Of the process and proceedings therein. With an introduction, containing some Animadversions on two posthumou s discourses, concerning the etymology, antiquity and office, of the Earl-Marshal of England, ascri
    Anstis, John
  • 134489
    Book Info
    D. Edmundi Dickinsoni M.D. Physica vetus & vera : sive tractatus de naturali veritate hexa{uml}emeri Mosaici. Per quem probatur in bistoria Creationis, tum Generationis universae methodum atque modum, tum verae Philosophiae principia, strictim atque breviter {grave}a Mose tradi.
    Dickinson, Edmund
  • 134490
    Book Info
    Dame Mary Kinsey, widow and administratrix of Sir Tho. Kinsey, plt. Henry Hayward, ... deft. the defendent's case. In a writ of error upon a judgment of the King's Bench, ...
    Hayward, Henry
  • 134491
    Book Info
    Daniel's seventy weeks: or, the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th verses of the ninth chapter of Daniel, explain'd, and offered to the Jews. By B. Woodroffe, D. D. and Canon of Christ-Church in Oxon.
    Woodroffe, Benjamin
  • 134492
    Book Info
    De origine mali. Authore Guilielmo King, S. T. D. Episcopo Derensi
    King, William
  • 134493
    Book Info
    De origine mali. Authore Gulielmo King, S. T. D. Episcopo Derensi
    King, William
  • 134494
    Book Info
    De spiritualibus Pecci. Notes, (or notices) concerning the work of God, and some of those who have been workers together with God, in the hundred of the High Peak in Derbyshire. By W. Bagshaw, Minister of the Gospel
    Bagshaw, William
  • 134495
    Book Info
    Death made comfortable: or the way to die well. Consisting of directions for an holy and an happy death. Together with An Office for the Sick; and for certain kinds of Bodily Illness: And for dying Persons. And proper Prayers upon the Death of Friends. By John Kettlewell, a Presbyter of the Church of England
    Kettlewell, John
  • 134496
    Book Info
    Dictionnaire royal, François et Anglois. le François tiré des dictionnaires de Richelet, Furetiere, Tachard, de L'Academie Françoise, & des remarques de Vaugelas, Menage & Bouhours. Divisé en deux parties. Par Monsieur Boyer. ...
    Boyer, Abel
  • 134497
    Book Info
    Directions for leading a devout life. Writ by a lady
  • 134498
    Book Info
    Directions to the electors of the ensuing Parliament, which is to meet on Tuesday the 30th of December, agreeable to the late addresses presented to his Majesty
  • 134499
    Book Info
    Dissenters no schismaticks. A second letter to Mr. Robert Burscough, about his discourse of schism. Being a reply to his pretended vindication thereof. ... By the same hand
    Stoddon, Samuel
  • 134500
    Book Info
    Dissertatio de salute quam ferunt {aelig}grotantibus dissertationes Archibaldi Pitcarnii