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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,501 - 134,520건 출력
  • 134501
    Book Info
    Distinct advice on two different heads, given to the people call'd Quakers. First, with respect to a conference to be had with their teachers at Banbury, the 21th of September 1702. Second, relating to a conference already had at Colchester, May the 21th 1702. With a brief account of the same. By Francis Bugg
    Bugg, Francis
  • 134502
    Book Info
    Divine providence. A sermon before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, ... aldermen and sheriffs of the city of London; preach'd on November 5th. 1702, at St. Paul's church. By Tho. Knaggs, ...
    Knaggs, Thomas
  • 134503
    Book Info
    Division our destruction: or, a short history of the French faction in England
  • 134504
    Book Info
    Doctor Sherlock's cases and letter of Church-Communion (lately summ'd up in the Abridgment of the London cases) consider'd: and the dissenters vindicated from the charge of schism. By Nathanael Taylor, Minister of the Gospel
    Taylor, Nathanael
  • 134505
    Book Info
    Dr. Dent his case. Thomas Dent, D.D. appellant. Sir William Buck, Knt. and Barnt. & al's Respondents
    Dent, Thomas
  • 134506
    Book Info
    Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy, stated and resolved according to the principles of conscience and law: by the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward, late Lord Bishop of Worcester
    Stillingfleet, Edward
  • 134507
    Book Info
    Elegia in praematurum obitum nobilissimi, & maximae spei adolescentis Johannis, marchionis de Blancford. Illustrissimi ducis de Marlborough filii unici, mortui Cantabrigiae, dum literis praeclaram operam daret
  • 134508
    Book Info
    Elegie on the death of our late soveraign King William
  • 134509
    Book Info
    Elogie on the ever to be lamented death of William, the thrid[sic], king of Great Brittan, France and Ireland
  • 134510
    Book Info
    Elysium: or, the state of love and honour in the superiour regions of bliss: being an account of a tour lately made into those delicious groves and fields of light. Containing A New Discovery of the Situation, Clime, Soil and Product of that happy Country. Also The Exercises and Fruitions of the Inhabitants: With other Surprising Relations
  • 134511
    Book Info
    Enchiridion. Containing Institutions, divine, contemplative, practical. Moral, ethical, oeconomical, political. Written by Fra. Quarls [Sic]
    Quarles, Francis
  • 134512
    Book Info
    England's corruptions and mismanagements discover'd. [sic] In a dialogue between Trueman and Legion. Setting forth The Vitious and Corrupt Practices of those, who endeavour to Euslave and Ruine this Nation, and Publickly Exclaim against such worthy Patriots of the House of Commons, and others, who endeavour to Preserve the same. Most Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the Honourabl [sic] the C
  • 134513
    Book Info
    England's great duty on the death of their Josiah. In a sermon preached on the death of K. William III. of Glorious Memory: at Andover, March 15. 1701/2. and at Portsmouth, April 19. 1702. Being the Lords Day after his Interment. By Samuel Chandler, Minister of the Gospel at Andover
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 134514
    Book Info
    England's happiness. A panegyrick, on the present Parliament. By Samuel Phillips, Gent.
    Phillips, Samuel
  • 134515
    Book Info
    England's jests refin'd and improv'd; with the addition of eight new novels never before printed: and an excellent receipt to cure mad love. With several new and diverting Letters, and Answers, extreamly Comical and Entertaining
    Crouch, Humphrey
  • 134516
    Book Info
    England's late jury. A satyr: with The counter-part, in answer to it. To which is added, a scandalous dialogue between Monsieur Shaccoo, and the Poussin Doctor: ...
  • 134517
    Book Info
    England's triumph, or an occasional poem on the happy coronation of Anne Queen of England, &c
  • 134518
    Book Info
    England's true interest considered, with honour to the prince, and Safety to the People
    Penn, William
  • 134519
    Book Info
    Ephemerides of the c{oelig}lestial motions : for six years; beginning anno 1702, and ending anno 1707. Diligently calculated from scientia stellarum, and accommodated to the horizon of the honourable city of London, Whose Longitude Latitude is 240 20' 51 32 With an Introduction touching the Theory of the Sun and Planets: As also a Demonstration of the Height of our Atmosphere; and likewise Tabl...
    Wing, John
  • 134520
    Book Info
    Epicteti Enchiridion made English, in a poetical paraphrase. By Ellis Walker, M.A.