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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,521 - 134,540건 출력
  • 134521
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    Epicteti Enchiridion made English, in a poetical paraphrase. By Ellis Walker, M.A.
  • 134522
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    Epictetus his morals. Done from the original Greek, by a doctor of physick
  • 134523
    Book Info
    Epinicion Oxoniense, sive solennis gratulatio ob res feliciter terra marique gestas a Copiis Serenissimae Reginae Annae Contra Gallos pariter ac Hispanos A. D. 1702
    University of Oxford
  • 134524
    Book Info
    Essays on divers weighty and curious subjects. Particularly on Mr. Lock's and Sir William Temple's notions. Occasionally Written in Familiar Letters to several Persons of great Worth and Learning. By Samuel Parker, Gent.
    Parker, Samuel
  • 134525
    Book Info
    Essays upon several moral subjects. In two parts. ... By Jeremy Collier, M.A.
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 134526
    Book Info
    Essays upon several projects: or, effectual ways for advancing the interest of the nation. Wherein are plainly laid down, The Means by which the Subjects in general may be eased and enriched; the Poor relieved, and Trade encreased in the most material Branches of it, viz. in Constituting Seamen to theirs and the Nations Advantage, for Encouragement of Merchants and Merchandizing; for Relief of the
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 134527
    Book Info
    Essays upon several projects: or, effectual ways for advancing the interest of the nation. Wherein are plainly laid down. The Means by which the Subjects in general may be eased and enriched; the Poor relieved, and Trade encreased in the most material Branches of it, viz. in Constituting Seamen to theirs and the Nations Advantage for Encouragement of Merchants and Merchandizing; for Relief of the
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 134528
    Book Info
    Eucharistical devotions: or, a form of prayers To be daily used The week before Receiving of the Holy Sacrament. By William Prowse, gent.
    Prowse, William
  • 134529
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    Eusebia triumphans. The Hannover succession to the imperial crown of England, an heroick poem
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 134530
    Book Info
    Examen miscellaneum. Consisting of verse and prose. Of verse, by The most Honourable the Marquis of Normanby. The late Lord Rochester. Mr. Waller. Mrs. Wharton. Mr. Wolseley. With Satires and Fables, and translations from Anacreon. In Prose, Above an Hundred Original Maxims and Reflections. To which are added, Precepts, Maxims, and Reflections taken out of Theognis, Phocylides, Pythagoras, Solon,
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 134531
    Book Info
    Exercitations critical, philosophical, historical, theological. On several important places in the writings of the Old and New Testament. In two parts. By John Edwards, D.D.
    Edwards, John
  • 134532
    Book Info
    F--- B---'s bomb, obstructed in its motion, and hammer'd about his own pate. Being an idem-dialectical return. To a late whimsical, crackbrain'd harangue, emitted by a theological mountebank, ... By J. P.
    J. P
  • 134533
    Book Info
    Faith's trial and triumph: or, the soul's conflict with temptation, And Rejoicing when Victory is obtained through Faith in Christ. Being the substance of several sermons Preached at Rainford, and at some Lectures at Bolton in the Moores in Lancashire, from John xx. 28. By J. B., pastor of the congregation at Rainford. And now Published for Publick Use and Benefit
    J. B
  • 134534
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    Fame's mausoleum: a Pindarick poem, with a monumental inscription, sacred to the glorious memory of William the great. Humbly offered as an essay. By Robert Fleming
    Fleming, Robert
  • 134535
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    Family-hymns gather'd (mostly) out of the best translations of David's psalms.
  • 134536
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    Felo de se: or, a warning Against the Most Horrid and Unnatural Sin of Self-Murder. In a sermon Preach'd at St. Peters of Mancroft, in Norwich, June 7. 1702. Upon Job 11. 9, 10. By John Jeffery, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich
    Jeffery, John
  • 134537
    Book Info
    Female policy detected: or, the arts of a designing woman laid open. In three books.
    Ward, Edward
  • 134538
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons on several subjects. Viz. Of the form and the power of godliness. Of the necessity of good works. Of doing all to the glory of God. Doing good, a security against injuries from men. Of diligence in our general and particular calling. Of the blessedness of giving, more than that of receiving. The evil of corrupt communication. The tr
    Tillotson, John
  • 134539
    Book Info
    Figuræ grammaticæ & rhetoricæ Latino carmine donatæ, et exemplis tam Græcis quam Latinis illustræ; cum indice figurarum etymologico. ...
    Burton, Nicholas
  • 134540
    Book Info
    For God or for Baal; or, no neutrality in religion. A sermon against occasional communion, preach'd on Sunday Oct. 4th. 1702. In the Parish Churches Of St. Alphage, and St. George Botolph-Lane. By Philip Stubs, M. A. late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxon: Now Rector of St. Alphage, Lecturer of St. George Botolph-Lane with St. Botolph Bellinsgate, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of H
    Stubs, Philip