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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,541 - 134,560건 출력
  • 134541
    Book Info
    Forma precum in utrâque domo Convocationis sive Synodi prælatorum, et cæteri cleri, seu provincialis seu nationalis, In ipso statim cujuslibet Sessionis initio solenniter recitanda
    Church of England
  • 134542
    Book Info
    Formulare Anglicanum: or, a collection of ancient charters and instruments of divers kinds, taken from the originals, ...
    Madox, Thomas
  • 134543
    Book Info
    Fruits of retirement: or, miscellaneous poems, moral and divine. ... By Mary Mollineux, late of Leverpool, deceased. To which is prefixed, some account of the author.
    Mollineux, Mary
  • 134544
    Book Info
    Funeral entertainment: or, a practical discourse, clearly shewing the incomparable excellency of Balaam's wish, numb. 23. 10. and the infallible means for our obtaining it. With a form of prayer to the same purpose
    Mores, Edward
  • 134545
    Book Info
    Gal. II. Ver. XX. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, ...
    Stafford, Richard
  • 134546
    Book Info
    Gazophylacii natur? & artis decas prima. In qu? Animalia, Quadrupeda, Aves, Pisces, Reptilia, Insecta, Vegetabilia; Item Fossilia, Corpora Marina & Stirpes Minerales ? Terra eruta, Lapides figur? insignes &c. Descriptionibus brevibus & iconibus illustrantur. Hisce Annexa erit Supellex Antiquaria, Numismata, Gemmae excisae, & soulpturae, Opera Figulina, Lucernae, Urnae, Instrumenta varia, Inscripti
    Petiver, James
  • 134547
    Book Info
    Geography compendiz'd; or, the world survey'd: being a system of geography, ... Volumn [sic] I. ... Collected from the most approv'd writers ... By M. S. M.A.
    Symson, Matthias
  • 134548
    Book Info
    Glandularum quarundam, nuper detectarum, ductuumque earum excretoriorum, descriptio, cum figuris: cui accessit eucharistia, &c. A Gulielmo Cowper, Chirurgo Londinenst, S. R. S.
    Cowper, William
  • 134549
    Book Info
    Gloria Cambri?; or the speech of a bold Britain in Parliament, against a Dutch Prince of Wales
    Price, Robert
  • 134550
    Book Info
    God save the Queen! The most hearty acclamations of the Lutherans in London, Expressed at the royal proclamation and coronation of Her most Sacred Majesty Queen Anne; By the Grace of God, Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. In the High German Lutheran congregation in Trinity-Lane. By J.E. Edzard, Minister of the said Church. Tranlation from the original
    Edzard, J. E
  • 134551
    Book Info
    God's blessing on the use of mineral waters. A sermon Preach'd at the Chapel of Tunbridge-Wells, Septemb. 6. 1702. By William Nichols, D. D. Published at the Request of the Hearers
    Nicholls, William
  • 134552
    Book Info
    God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd. In a sermon preached at Long-Reach on board Her Majesty's Capital Ship The Royal Sovereign. By Philip Stubs, M. A. One of the Chaplains to Her Majesty's Navy in Ordinary
    Stubs, Philip
  • 134553
    Book Info
    God's judgements against sin: or, a relation of three dreadful fires happening in the city of Edinburgh. Poematized by James Porterfield, School-Master in Edinburgh
    Porterfield, James
  • 134554
    Book Info
    Grace, grace: or, the exceeding riches of grace, manifested to the chiefest of sinners. Being a faithful relation of the dealings of God with Vilest of his Greatures, Joseph Taylor. In four parts. I. Experiences in Child-Hood. II. Those which he took for Conversion. III. Of his sad and lamentable Falls into Sin afterwards. IV. Of his present Conversion, and Call to the Ministry
    Taylor, Joseph
  • 134555
    Book Info
    Grammatica Anglo-Lusitanica: or a short and compendious system of an English and Portugueze grammar. Containing All the most Useful and Necessary Rules of the Syntax, and Construction of the Portugueze Tongue. Together with some Useful Dialogues and Colloquies, agreeable to common Conversation. With a vocabulary of Useful Words in English and Portugueze. Designed for, and fitted to all Capacities,
    A. J
  • 134556
    Book Info
    Grammatica Busbeiana auctior & emendatior, i.e. rudimentum grammaticæ Græco-Latinæ metricum. In usum nobilium puerorum in scholâ Regia Westmonasterii.
    Busby, Richard
  • 134557
    Book Info
    Grammatica Busbeiana auctior & emendatior, i.e. rudimentum grammaticæ Græco-Latinæ metricum. In usum nobilium puerorum in scholâ Regia Westmonasterii.
    Busby, Richard
  • 134558
    Book Info
    Greatness and goodness reprieve not from death. A sermon occasion'd by the death of that Glorious Monarch William the Third, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c. Preach'd April the 19th, 1702. At St. James Clerkenwell. By D. Pead, Chaplain to his Grace John Duke of Newcastle
    Pead, Deuel
  • 134559
    Book Info
    Harcourt against Sherard and his wife. Mr. Andrew's affidavit
    Andrews, William
  • 134560
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious declaration, concerning ships stopt before the declaration of war.
    England | Wales