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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,561 - 134,580건 출력
  • 134561
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, On Munday the Twenty fifth Day of May, 1702
    England | Wales
  • 134562
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, On Saturday the Twenty seventh Day of February, 1702
    England | Wales
  • 134563
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Munday the thirtieth day of March, 1702
    England | Wales
  • 134564
    Book Info
    His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament: on Wednesday the one and thirtieth day of December, 1701
    England | Wales
  • 134565
    Book Info
    History of France from the Origin of That Nation to the Year 1702. Containing, besides All the Material Transactions in Peace and War, a Particular Account of the Steps Taken by Their Late Princes, to Subvert Their Civil Liberties, and to Extirpate the Reformed Religion. With an Introductory Account of That Country during the Time of the Gauls and Franks, Both before and after the Roman Conquest.
    Jones, D
  • 134566
    Book Info
    Hodder's arithmetick: or, that necessary art made most easie. Being explained in a way familiar to the capacity of any that desire to learn it in a little time. By James Hodder, Writing-Master. The two and twentieth edition, revised, augmented, and above a Thousand Faults Amended, by Henry Mose, late Servant and Successor to the Author
    Hodder, James
  • 134567
    Book Info
    Holy emulation urged: or, arguments and motives for Christians to excel in holiness, enforced from Matth. 5. 47. What do ye more than others? By R. Evans, V.D.M.
    Evans, R
  • 134568
    Book Info
    Humane prudence, or the art by which a man may raise himself and his fortune to grandeur.
    De Britaine, William
  • 134569
    Book Info
    I. Reasons for addressing His Majesty to invite into England their Highnesses, the Electress Dowager and the Electoral Prince of Hanover. And likewise, II. Reasons for attainting and abjuring the pretended Prince of Wales, and all others pretending any Claim, Right, or Title from the late King James and Queen Mary. With Arguments for making a vigorous War against France
    Toland, John
  • 134570
    Book Info
    Il decamerone. One hundred ingenious novels: written by John Boccacio, The first Refiner of the Italian Language. Now done into English, and accommodated to the Gust of the present Age
    Boccaccio, Giovanni
  • 134571
    Book Info
    In a writ of error in Parliament. Christopher Ashmeade, Plaintiff, Charles Ranger, Defendant
    Ashmeade, Christopher
  • 134572
    Book Info
    In obitum augustissimi invictissimique Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Regis, Gulielmi Tertii. Threnetikon. Autore Gulielmo Hogæo
    Hog, William
  • 134573
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. The case of Sir Henry Goreing, Barnt. Appel' against Sir Cecill Bishop, Barnt. Respond'
    Goring, Henry
  • 134574
    Book Info
    Information for Mr. Robert Bennet Dean of Faculty, and the other advocates complained upon at the instance of Her Majesty's advocate
    Bennet, Robert
  • 134575
    Book Info
    Institutio Græcæ grammatices compendiaria, in usum Regiæ Scholæ Westmonasteriensis. ... Scientiarum janitrix grammatica
    Camden, William
  • 134576
    Book Info
    Introductio ad veram physicam : Seu lectiones physic{aelig}. Habit{aelig} in schola naturalis philosophi{aelig} Academi{aelig} Oxoniensis, quibus accedunt Christiani Hugenii theoremata de vi centrifuga & motu circulari demonstrata, per Jo. Keill e Coll. Ball. A.M. & Reg. Soc. Socium.
    Keill, John
  • 134577
    Book Info
    Jacobi Rohaulti Physica : Latin{grave}e vertit, recensuit, & uberioribus jam adnotationibus, ex illustrissimi Isaaci Newtoni Philosophi{circ}a maximam partem haustis, amplificavit & ornavit Samuel Clarke, ... Accedunt etiam in h{circ}ac secund{circ}a editione, nov{aelig} aliquot tabul{aelig} {aelig}ri incis{aelig}.
    Rohault, Jacques
  • 134578
    Book Info
    Jam. Yates, and Mary his wife. Appellants. Rich. Lewis, respondent The appellant's case
    Yates, Jam
  • 134579
    Book Info
    Jam. Yates, and Mary his wife. Appellants. Rich. Lewis, respondent. The appellant's case
    Yates, Jam
  • 134580
    Book Info
    Jam. Yates, and Mary his wife. Appellants. Rich. Lewis, respondent. The appellant's case.
    Yates, Jam