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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,601 - 134,620건 출력
  • 134601
    Book Info
    Luzara. A Pindarique ode, on Prince Eugenius of Savoy: And His Late victory over the French and Spaniards, in Italy. Most Humbly Dedicated, To His Grace, the Duke of Somerset
    Harris, Joseph
  • 134602
    Book Info
    Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra, obscurum poema. Cum Græco Isaacii, seu potius Joannis, Tzetzæ commentario. Versiones, variantes lectiones, ...
  • 134603
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    M. T. Ciceronis epistolæ selectæ, et aliquot C. Plinii Cæcilii Secundi. In usum scholæ Westmonasteriensis
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 134604
    Book Info
    Magnalia Christi Americana: or, the ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in the year 1620. unto the year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books. ... By ... Cotton Mather, ...
    Mather, Cotton
  • 134605
    Book Info
    Meditations on some passages of the life, sufferings and death of the Son of God. By a gentleman
  • 134606
    Book Info
    Meditations upon the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, mentioned Isaiah XI. 2, 3. As also, meditations upon Jabez his request, I. Chron. IV. 10. Together with sacramental meditations on the Lord's Supper; and prayers, pious reflections and observations. By the Lady Halket
    Halkett, Anne
  • 134607
    Book Info
    Memoires of the reign of King Charles I. Containing The most remarkable Occurrences of that Reign, and setting many Secret Passages thereof in a clear Light. With Impartial Characters of man Great Persons on both Sides, who chiefly govern'd the Counsels and Actions of that Scene of Affairs. Together with a continuation to the happy restauration of King Charles II. By Sir Philip Warwick, Knight. Pu
    Warwick, Philip
  • 134608
    Book Info
    Memoirs of Henry Guthry, late Bishop of Dunkel [sic], in Scotland: wherein the conspiracies and rebellion against King Charles I. ... are briefly and faithfully related
    Guthry, Henry
  • 134609
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    Memoirs of Sir John Berkley, containing an account of his negotiation with Lieut. General Cromwel, Commissary General Ireton, and other Officers of the Army, for restoring King Charles the First to the Exercise of the Government of England. In which the Ill Conduct of that Unfortunate Prince, and the Treachery and Hypocrisy of Oliver Cromwel, are plainly set forth
    Berkeley, John
  • 134610
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the court of France, and city of Paris: containing the intrigues of that court, and the Characters of the Ministers of State, and other Officers; together with the occurrences of the town. In two parts. Translated from the original French
  • 134611
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the court of France, and city of Paris: containing the intrigues of that court, and the characters of the ministers of state, and other officers; together with the occurrences of the town. In two parts. Translated from the French:
  • 134612
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the most material transactions in England, for the last hundred years, preceding the Revolution in 1688. By James Welwood, ...
    Welwood, James
  • 134613
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the most material transactions in England, for the last hundred years, preceding the Revolution in 1688. By James Welwood, ...
    Welwood, James
  • 134614
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the two last years of the reign of that unparallell'd prince, of ever blessed memory, King Charles I. By Sir Tho. Herbert, Major Huntington, Col. Edw. Coke, and Mr. Hen. Firebrace. With the character of that blessed martyr, by ... John Diodati, Mr. Alexander Henderson, and the author of The princely-pelican. ...
  • 134615
    Book Info
    Mensa mystica: or, a discourse concerning the sacrament of the Lords supper. In which the ends of its institution are so manifested; our addresses to it so directed; our behaviour there and afterward, so composed; that we may not lose the benefits which are to be received by it. With several prayers and thanksgivings inserted, to make it of more general use. Hereunto is added Aqua genitalis: a di
    Patrick, Simon
  • 134616
    Book Info
    Merlinus Anglicus junior: or the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1702. ... By Henry Coley, ...
    Coley, Henry
  • 134617
    Book Info
    Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1702: And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History 5651; but by the Account of Holy Scripture 5664. And the Thirteenth of our Deliverance from Popery and Arbitrary Government: But the Sixth from the In which is contained things fitting for such a Work: As the Diurnal Motion of t
    Partridge, John
  • 134618
    Book Info
    Minuts of the proceedings in Parliament. ...
  • 134619
    Book Info
    Mirth's madness, or, the vanity of mens laughter, and of their merry amusements in their idle hours. Consider'd in a sermon upon Ecclesiastes II. 1,2. (intended to have been preached in St. James's church in S. Edmunds-Bury, October the 8th, 1701. And now in Compensation of the undesign'd Disappointment that Day, for the use of those Persons of Quality and others, who resort to the Wednesday Lectu
    Grove, Edward
  • 134620
    Book Info
    Miscellanea aulica: or, a collection of state-treatises, never before publish'd. Containing, Letters by K. Charles and K. James II. in their Exile. -from the E. of Arlington to Sir Bern. Gascoign, about the intended March of the D. of York with the Archdutches of Inspruck. -from the E. of Arlington to the Dukes of Ormond and Buckingham. -by the famous A. Cowley. A Description of Germany, its Gover
    Brown, Thomas