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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,641 - 134,660건 출력
  • 134641
    Book Info
    Of religious discourse in common conversation. In three parts. By John Norris, M. A. Rector of Bemerton, near Sarum
    Norris, John
  • 134642
    Book Info
    Officium eucharisticum. A preparatory service to a devout and worthy reception of the Lord's Supper. The eighteenth edition corrected and enlarged. To which is added, a meditation for every day in the week
    Lake, Edward
  • 134643
    Book Info
    Origines sacrae: or A Rational Account of the Grounds of natural and reveal'd religion. The seventh edition. To which is now added part of another book upon the same subject Written A. D. MDCXCVII. Publish'd from the Author's Own Manuscript. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Stillingfleet, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of Worcester
    Stillingfleet, Edward
  • 134644
    Book Info
    Orpheus Britannicus. A collection of the choicest songs, for one, two, and three voices. Compos'd by Mr. Henry Purcell. Together, with such symphonies for violins or flutes, as were by him design'd for any of them: and a thorough-bass to each song. Figur'd for the organ, harpsichord, or theorbo-lute. The second book, which renders the first compleat
    Purcell, Henry
  • 134645
    Book Info
    Paradise lost. A poem, the author John Milton. Book the first
    Milton, John
  • 134646
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    Parainesis pacifica; or a perswasive to the union of Britain. By a person of quality
    Cromarty, George Mackenzie
  • 134647
    Book Info
    Parainesis pacifica; or, a perswasive to the union of Britain
    Cromarty, George Mackenzie
  • 134648
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    Pastoral-Advice to a young person in order to his being confirmed by the bishop. By a minister of the Church of England
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 134649
    Book Info
    Petri Gassendi Institutio astronomica, juxta hypotheses tam veterum, quam Copernici & Tychonis
    Gassendi, Pierre
  • 134650
    Book Info
    Petticoat-government. In a letter to the court ladies. By the author of The Post-Angel
    Dunton, John
  • 134651
    Book Info
    Pharmacopoeia extemporanea : sive pr{aelig}scriptorum sylloge, in qua remediorum elegantium, & efficacium paradigmata, ad omnes fer{grave}e Medendi Intentiones accommodata, Candide proponuntur. Una Cum Viribus, Operandi ratione, Dosibus & Indicibus annexis. Editio altera emendatior. Per Tho. Fuller, M.D.
    Fuller, Thomas
  • 134652
    Book Info
    Pharmacop{oelig}ia Londinensis : Or, the new London dispensatory. In VI. books. Translated into English for the Publick Good, and Fitted to the whole Art of Healing. Illustrated With the Preparations, Virtues and Uses of all Simple Medicaments, Vegetable, Animal and Mineral, Of all the Compounds both Internal and External: and of all the Chymical Preparations now in Use. Together with some choi...
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 134653
    Book Info
    Pia desideria: or, divine addresses, in three books. Illustrated with XLVII. copper-plates. Written in Latin by Herm. Hugo. Englished by Edm. Arwaker, M.A.
    Hugo, Herman
  • 134654
    Book Info
    Piety promoted, the second part. In a collection of the dying sayings of many of the people call'd Quakers. With a brief account of some of their labours in the Gospel, and Sufferings for the same. John Tomkins
    Tomkins, John
  • 134655
    Book Info
    Plantation justice. Shewing the Constitution of their courts, and what sort of judges they have in them. By which Merchants may see the occasions of their great Losses and Sufferings in the Plantation Trade: Lawyers may see such a Model of Justice as they could not have thought of; and Others may see how those Parts of the World are governed
    Hodges, Thomas
  • 134656
    Book Info
    Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, entire in two volumes. Viz. I. The Rover; or, the Banish'd Cavaliers. In Two Parts. II. The Dutch Lover. III. Abdelazer; or, the Moor's Revenge. IV. The Young King; or, the Mistake. V. The Roundheads; or, the Good Old Cause. VI. The City Heiress; or, Sir Timothy Treatall. Vii. The Town-Fopp; or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey. The First Uolume
    Behn, Aphra
  • 134657
    Book Info
    Pliny's panegyrick upon the Emperor Trajan, faithfully rendred into English from the original. By George Smith of North Nibley in the County of Glocester, Esq;
  • 134658
    Book Info
    Poems on affairs of state. written during the reign of K. James the II against popery and slavery, and his arbitrary proceedings by the most eminent wits ... : now carefully corrected and published from the originals.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 134659
    Book Info
    Pontefract Castle. An account how it was taken: and how General Rainsborough was surprised in his quarters at Doncaster, anno 1648. ... By Captain Tho. Paulden. ...
    Paulden, Thomas
  • 134660
    Book Info
    Poor Robin. 1702. An almanack of the old and new fashion: ... Written by Poor Robin, ...
    Winstanley, William