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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,661 - 134,680건 출력
  • 134661
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    Practical discourses upon the parables of Our Blessed Saviour. With prayers annex'd to each discourse. By Francis Bragge, B. D. Vicar of Hitchin in Hertfordshire
    Bragge, Francis
  • 134662
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    Practical observations upon the miracles of our blessed Saviour. By Francis Bragge, ...
    Bragge, Francis
  • 134663
    Book Info
    Praxis almæ curiæ cancellariæ: The third part. A collection of the most modern and useful precedents, for drawing bills, answers, and demurrers, ... Also a collection of choice writs ... Together with a copious and useful introduction ...
  • 134664
    Book Info
    Primitive Christianity revived, in the faith and practice of the people called Quakers. Written In Testimony to the present Dispensation of God, through them, to the World; that Prejudices may be removed, the Simple informed, the Well-Inclined encouraged, and the Truth, and its innocent Friends, rightly represented. By William Penn
    Penn, William
  • 134665
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    Primitive Christianity: or, The religion of the ancient Christians in the first ages of the Gospel In three parts. By William Cave, D.D.
    Cave, William
  • 134666
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    Prince Perkin the 2d. or, Æsop on this juncture
  • 134667
    Book Info
    Princely excellency: or, regal glory. Being an exact account of the most glorious heroick, and matchless actions, of that most serene and potent prince, William the Third, Late King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. Wherein is contained, A true Relation of his Noble Birth and Parentage; His Magnanimous and Heroick Actions in Flanders; with the many Victories and Conquests he gained over t
    J. A
  • 134668
    Book Info
    Principles upon which the taking the oath of abjuration may be grounded. Viz I. That all lawful Power is derived from the Prerogative of Divine Providence. II. That all Rights and Titles of Succession depend upon the Determination of the Supreme Legislative Power. III. That all Oaths are taken with Submission to Divine Providence and the Legislative Power. IV. That we ought Freely and Willingly to
  • 134669
    Book Info
    Private debates in the House of Commons, in the year 1677. in relation to a war with France, and also an alliance with Holland, &c. Also Learned Arguments, by several Worthy Members, thereupon. Together with speeches by King Charles II. to the Lords and Commons. With a discourse shewing the absolute necessity of a war with France on this Critical Juncture, in order to procure a lasting Peace at Ho
    England | Wales
  • 134670
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    Privilegia Londini:or, the laws, customs, and priviledges of the city of London. ...
    Bohun, William
  • 134671
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    Proceedings against Sir John Fenwick, Bar. upon a Bill of Attainder for High Treason. Together with a Copy of a Letter Sent by Sir John Fenwick to His Lady, upon His Being Taken in Kent. As also of the Paper Delivered by Him to the Sheriffs of London and
    Fenwick, John
  • 134672
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    Proclamation anent the post-office in favours of the post-master-general and his deputs
  • 134673
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    Proclamation requiring the oath of alledgeance and assurance to be sworn and subscribed to Her Majesty
  • 134674
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    Proposals for carrying on an effectual war in America, Against the French and Spaniards
  • 134675
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    Psyche, or Love's mystery, in XXIV. cantos: displaying the intercourse betwixt Christ, and the soul. By Joseph Beaumont, D. D. late King's Professor of Divinity, and Master of St. Peter's College in Cambridge
    Beaumont, Joseph
  • 134676
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    Psychelogia; or Serious Thoughts on Second Thoughts. Being a Discourse fully proving from Scripture, the Writings of the Learned Ethnicks, Fathers of the Church, Philosophy, and the Dictates of right Reason, the separate Existence of the Soul. Written in opposition to a late Heretical, Erroneous, and Damnable Book, set forth by Dr. William Coward, under the feign'd Name of Estibius Psychalcthes, w
    Alethius Phylopsyches
  • 134677
    Book Info
    Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Epistolarum heroidum liber: interpretatione & notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus, Helvetuis; Jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Accessit Index locupletissimus
  • 134678
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    Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Æneis. Ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita
  • 134679
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    Queries to the Presbyterians of Scotland, whereunto a satisfactory answer is humbly desired. By a gentleman of that country
    Campbell, Archibald
  • 134680
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    Quinti Horatii Flacci opera ex libris Mss. vulgatisque Summa cura excerpta: juxta editiones Rutgersianam & Cantabrigiensem. Proemittuntur metra Horatiana: subjicitur odarum, &c. index