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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,741 - 134,760건 출력
  • 134741
    Book Info
    Some remarks on the bill for taking, examining and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom: and on the proceedings thereon in both Houses, the last session
  • 134742
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    Some remarks, upon a late scandalous pamphlet; entituled, An address, of some Irish-folks to the House of Commons
  • 134743
    Book Info
    Spes Hunsdoniana: a poem on the anniversary birth-day of the incomparable youth, Mr. Matthew Bluck, son and heir to the worshipful Matthew Bluck, Esq; of Hunsdon-House in Hartfordshire. By E. S.
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 134744
    Book Info
    Stephani Curcellæi Synopsis ethices. Tractatus lectu dignissimus. Editio tertia, priori (quoad capitum summaria) auctior, & longè emendatior. Accessit Henrici Jenkesii Cantabrigiensis præfatio, De naturâ & consititutione ethicæ, praesertim Christianae; ejusque usu & Studio. Huic postremæ editioni annexa est Renati Des-Cartes Ethice
    Courcelles, Etienne de
  • 134745
    Book Info
    Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent James Usher, late L. Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland. ... Written by the person who heard it from excellent persons own mouth, ...
    Ussher, James
  • 134746
    Book Info
    Supplement of new catches, to The Second Book of the Pleasant Musical Companion. Containing the Choicest catches by Dr. John Blow, and the late Mr. Henry Purcell, and other Eminent Masters
    Blow, John
  • 134747
    Book Info
    Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthful life : with means of correcting a bad constitution, &c. Written originally in Italian by Lewis Cornaro, a Noble Venetian, when he was near'an hundred years of Age. And made English by W. Jones, A.B.
    Cornaro, Luigi
  • 134748
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    Sylv?: or, the second part of poetical miscellanies. Publish'd by Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 134749
    Book Info
    Synopsis mathematica universalis : or the universal mathematical synopsis, translated from the third and last edition of John James Heinlin, Prelate of Bebenhusan. Containing Variety of useful Practices in Arithmetick, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dialling, Chronology, Geography, the Optics, Catoptrics, Dioptrics, the Statics; Together with Astronomical and Geographical Tables, with their...
    Hainlin, Johann Jacob
  • 134750
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    Tables of time calculated for 200 years vizt. the XVII & XVIII centurys. By John Smart
    Smart, John
  • 134751
    Book Info
    Telluris theoria sacra: orbis nostri originem & mutationes generales, quas Aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, complectens. Libri duo Priores de Diluvio & Paradiso. Editio tertia, recognita & contracta. Authore T. Burnetio
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 134752
    Book Info
    Tempus adest: or, a war inevitable. With some motives for a hearty prosecution thereof. At a conference betwixt the Lyon and the Eagle. In answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, Reasons against a war
  • 134753
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    The British muse: or tyranny expos'd:a satyr, occasion'd by all the fulsom and lying poems and elegies, that have been written on the death of the late King James. ...
    Tutchin, John
  • 134754
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    The Common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers, according to the very words of the book. ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotherham School, and now publish'd for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, ...
    Hoole, Charles
  • 134755
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    The Duke of Ormanods [sic], declaration We James, Duke, Marquis and Earl of Ormond, Earl of Brecknock and Ossery, ... To all the subjects and vassals, of the Crown of Spain of whatsoever degree or condition, ecclesiasticks or seculars health, &c.
    Ormonde, James Butler
  • 134756
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    The Earl of Kent's case Ranger and Ashmead. In a writ of error in Parliament. To be argued on Saturday the 18th of April, 1702
    Kent, Anthony Grey
  • 134757
    Book Info
    The Emperor Marcus Antoninus his conversation with himself. Together with the preliminary discourse of the learned Gataker. As also, the emperor's life, written by Monsieur D'acier, and supported by the authorities collected by Dr. Stanhope. To which is added the mythological picture of Cebes the Theban, &c. Translated into English from the respective originals, by Jeremy Collier, M.A.
    Marcus Aurelius
  • 134758
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    The English Theophrastus: or, the manners of the age. Being the modern characters of the court, the town, and the city.
  • 134759
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    The English chapmans and traveller's almanack for the year of Christ, 1702. ...
  • 134760
    Book Info
    The English fencing-master: or, the compleat tuterour of the small sword. Wherein the truest method, after a mathematical rule, is plainly laid down. Shewing also how necessary it is for all gentlemen to learn this noble art. In a dialogue between master and scholar. Adorn'd with several curious postures
    Blackwell, Henry