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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,841 - 134,860건 출력
  • 134841
    Book Info
    The danger of priestcraft to religion and government: with some politick reasons for toleration. Occasion'd by a discourse of Mr. Sacheverel's, intitul'd, The political union, &c. lately printed at Oxford. In a letter to a new-elected Member of Parliament.
    Dennis, John
  • 134842
    Book Info
    The dangers of Europe, from The Growing Power of France. With some free thoughts on remedies. And particularly on the cure of our divisions at home: in order to a successful war abroad against the French King and his allies. By the author of, The Duke of Anjou's succession considered
    Author of The Duke of Anjou's succession considered
  • 134843
    Book Info
    The dangers of Europe, from the growing power of France. With some free thoughts on remedies. ... By the author of, The Duke of Anjou's succession considered
    Author of The Duke of Anjou's succession considered
  • 134844
    Book Info
    The dangers of Europe, from the growing power of France. With some free thoughts on remedies. And particularly on the cure of our divisions at home: in order to a successful war abroad against the French King and his allies. By the author of, The Duke of Anjou's succession considered.
    Author of The Duke of Anjou's succession considered
  • 134845
    Book Info
    The death and burial of John Asgill, Esq;: with Some other Verses Occasion'd by His Books
    Stearne, John
  • 134846
    Book Info
    The death of a good king a great and publick loss: exemplify'd, in a sermon preached March 29th 1702. upon the much lamented death of our late sovereign William III. ... By Richard Allen
    Allen, Richard
  • 134847
    Book Info
    The destruction of Troy, in three books. The I. Shewing the Founders and Foundation of the said City, with the Causes and Manner how it was Sacked, and first destroyed by Hercules. The II. How it was Re-Edified, and how Hercules slew King Laomedon, and destroyed it the second Time: and of Hercules his worthy Deeds, and his Death. The III. How Priamus Son of King Laomedon, Re-Builded Troy again, mo
    Lef{grave}evre, Raoul
  • 134848
    Book Info
    The devout communicant's companion: or, contemplations on the blessings consequent to the worthy receiving the Holy Sacrament And on all the Duties Required in order to a worthy Preparation. With Meditations and Discourses upon the Communion-Office. As Also, Devotions suited to all the Parts of that Solemn Ordinance. In a new method by the author of The excellency of the Christian religion
    Author of The Excellency of the Christian Religion
  • 134849
    Book Info
    The divinity of Christ asserted. A sermon Preach'd before the Queen, at St. James's on Christmas Day, 1702. By the Right Reverend Father in God William Lord Bishop of Oxon. Published by Her Majesties Especial Command
    Talbot, William
  • 134850
    Book Info
    The doctrine of the cross: or the duty of Christian suffering, as it is necessary and subservient in order to the obtaining eternal salvation. Delivered in a Sermon on Mat. 13. 20, 21. By Richard Stafford, formerly of Magdolen Hall in Oxford
    Stafford, Richard
  • 134851
    Book Info
    The dream: a poem occasion'd by the death of his late majesty, William III
    Daniel, Richard
  • 134852
    Book Info
    The duties of the closet. Being an earnest exhortation to private devotion
    Dawes, William
  • 134853
    Book Info
    The duty of man in choice sentences, fitted for the meanest capacities; proper for schools and very usefull for all
  • 134854
    Book Info
    The dying man's assistant: or short instructions how to prepare sick persons for death: which are no less worthy the consideration of all good Christians in time of health. As shewing the Importance of an Early Preparation for their Latter End. Set forth for the Benefit of the Publick. By Paul Lorrain, Ordinary of Newgate
    Lorrain, P
  • 134855
    Book Info
    The english muse: or, a congratulatory poem. Upon Her Majesty's accession to the throne of England
  • 134856
    Book Info
    The establishment of the church, the preservation of the state: Shewing the Reasonableness of a Bill against Occasional Conformity
  • 134857
    Book Info
    The evidence given at the bar of the House of Commons, upon the complaint of Sir John Pakington, against Wiliam [sic] Lord Bishop of Worcester and Mr. Lloyd, his son. Together With the proceedings of the House of Commons thereupon
    England | Wales
  • 134858
    Book Info
    The exact dealer refined: being a useful companion for all traders. In three parts. Containing I. A Description of the Commodities, Coins, Weights and Measures of Great Britain, and its neighbouring Countries. With Useful Directions about Entring and Taking up Goods at the Custom house: Instructions about Bills of Exchange, and the Keeping of Books of Accompts. The way of Recovering Debts; likewis
    Hill, John
  • 134859
    Book Info
    The excellency of human understanding, An Argument That the regular Use of Reason is not contrary to the Veneration due to Holy Scripture, but absolutely necessary to produce true Faith. In Answer to the pretended Censure of the Remarks upon Mr. Young's two Discourses
  • 134860
    Book Info
    The exposition given by My Lord Bishop of Sarum, of the Second Article of Our religion, examined
    Edwards, Jonathan