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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 134,961 - 134,980건 출력
  • 134961
    Book Info
    The pious soul's divine breathings, pantings and thirstings after Christ, in holy and heart-searching meditations. To which are added, the sacred mysteries of holy living and dying, With suitable Helps and Directions. Also, Serious Considerations and Reflections on Eternity, in its Nature and Duration. A Divine Discourse of the Nature and Immortality of Man's Soul in the Body, and when it departs
    Taylor, James
  • 134962
    Book Info
    The plain man's religion: shewing, the apostolical path to salvation: and treating of inward and outward worship; preaching; Apostolical Faith and Love; The New Covenant; The True Teacher; Christ and Antichrist; The Conversion of the Jews; and the End of the World. By the author of the two letters to the clergy of Norfolk and Suffolk, written by a member of the Church of England
    Author of the Two Letters to the Clergy of Norfolk | Suffolk
  • 134963
    Book Info
    The pleasures of a single life, or, the miseries of matrimony. Occasionally writ upon the many divorces lately granted by Parliament.
    Ward, Edward
  • 134964
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    The poet banter'd: or, Ovid in a vizor. A burlesque poem on his Art of love
  • 134965
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    The poet's address to his Majesty King William. Occasion'd by the insolence of the French King, in proclaiming the sham Prince of Wales, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • 134966
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    The poet's address to the ensuing Parliament
  • 134967
    Book Info
    The political union. A discourse shewing the dependance of government on religion in general: and of the English monarchy on the Church of England in particular. By Henry Sacheverell, ...
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 134968
    Book Info
    The poor and doubting Christians guide to everlasting life: being An Invitation to every poorSinner [sic] to lay hold on Christ Jesus, and be happy for ever, whilst Grace and Salvation is freely offered to all that will come in, and accept of it, before the day of Grace is past. or, A Seasonable Warning to all Impenitent Sinners: plainly shewing the danger every Man is in, whilst without God and C
    Allis, John
  • 134969
    Book Info
    The popish pretenders to the forfeited estates in Ireland unmask'd, and Lay'd Open. Being an answer to a letter from a Member of Parliament, Desiring his friend to inquire into the Character and Circumstances of some Persons, who (by the Act relating to Forfeitures,) have been, or are like to be Restored to their Estates
  • 134970
    Book Info
    The portrait; a burletta. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. The music by Mr. Arnold
    Colman, George
  • 134971
    Book Info
    The practice of Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron. With Full and exact Directions for making up Court-Rolls, as well of Courts-Leet as of Courts-Baron: As also, The manner of Drawing and Entring all sorts of Presentments and Forfeitures in Courts-Leet, and of Surrenders, Admissions, and Recoveries in the nature of Writs of Entry sur Disseisin en le post at the Common Law. As Likewise, Curious Directio
    Scroggs, William
  • 134972
    Book Info
    The practice of piety, directing a Christian how to walk, that he may please God. Amplified by the author.
    Bayly, Lewis
  • 134973
    Book Info
    The practick part of the law: shewing the office of an attorny, and a guide for solicitors in all the courts of Westminster. Viz. The Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, with the manner of their Proceedings in any Action Real, Personal or Mixt, from the Original to the Execution. As also the practice of the courts in the city of London, Court of Admiralty, Ecclesiastical
  • 134974
    Book Info
    The practick part of the law: shewing the office of an attorny, and a guide for solicitors in all the courts of Westminster. Viz. The Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, with the manner of their Proceedings in any Action Real, Personal or Mixt, from the Original to the Execution. As also, the practice of the courts in the city of London, Court of Admiralty, Ecclesiastical
  • 134975
    Book Info
    The prerogative of the breeches, in a letter to the sons of men: being an answer to Petticoat-Government. Written by a true-born English man
    True-Born English Man
  • 134976
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    The present condition of the English navy set forth in a dialogue betwixt young Fudg of the Admiralty, and Capt. Steerwell, on Oliverian Commander
  • 134977
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    The present ill state of the practice of physick in this nation truly represented: and some remedies thereof humbly proposed to the two Houses of Parliament. By a member of the College of Physicians
    Moyle, John
  • 134978
    Book Info
    The present state of Convocation. In a letter, giving the full relation of proceedings in several of the late sessions: beginning from Wednesday, January the 28th, and continued to Thursday, February the 19th. Correcting the Mistakes and Slanders of the Pretended Faithful Accounts, Numb. 1, 2
    Kennett, White
  • 134979
    Book Info
    The present state of Jacobitism in England. A Second part. In answer to the first
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 134980
    Book Info
    The pretended expedient. In a letter to the author. Shewing that title to be contrary to the book, especially, with relation to the right of an episcopal Church
    Sherlock, William